Excited and Terrified At the Same Time

Apr 07, 2015

In December of last year, after spending a year working with my doctor, I finally came to the decision that I was ready for weight loss surgery.  And all at once a weight lifted from my shoulders.  Now don't get me wrong, we had been talking about it and researching it and hearing the success stories and the struggles.  So I knew that this wasn't a magic wand procedure that would have me waking up a skinny minny.   I just knew that for once in a really really long time, there was a light at the end of the tunnel when it came to my health and my weight.  I wasn't worrying about whether or not I'd leave my daughter motherless at a young age.  I was looking forward to all the things we could do together once I was healthier.  I wasn't feeling depressed.  I was feeling hopeful, excited. 

At the same time, I was terrified.  What if I couldn't stick to the diet...what is the diet...what will people think or say?  And then I started the process.  Attended the seminars and trainings.  Learned that this is a disease and that surgery is my best option.  It's not an out.  It's a tool.  And it's up to me how I use this tool  Then yesterday I began the 3 month liver shrinking diet.  Now I'm not going to say that my excitement made it all easy, but I am thrilled that my determination and readiness for a lifestyle change has allowed me to keep moving forward, one day at a time, with a positive feeling that yes, I can do this.  To the gentleman I just passed in the hall with a slice of delicious smelling pizza, you cannot defeat me...or rather I will not defeat myself.  I will have my protein shake and remind myself that health is more important than food.  Plus, I can have a yummy healthy protein and some delish veggies for dinner.  Right?

I decided to write a blog for myself.  Because I know my friends and family are going to get tired of hearing from me every day or every week about how amazing I am because I didn't eat carbs today and how I did it again, passed up on dessert, and how hard it is, and boy that pizza smelled good I sure wish I could have some, but no, I can't but it's hard, and on and on and on.  But I figured if i write it all down, one step at a time, I can look back and see how far I've come when I'm feeling down or just need a reminder of why I'm doing this.

Thanks for listening.  Hope you're having a great day!!! 


About Me
Apr 07, 2015
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