Years in the Making

Mar 14, 2016


I have literally spent years trying to get the surgery covered! I have had years of insurance let Downs. I am finally covered Blue Cross and Blue Shield with my company. I am super excited! I am covered after my $575 deductible 100%!

Let me start from the beginning of this round of trying to get covered. I'm so excited that I am probably typing in circles.

My co-worker was talking to another co-worker and saying that he was getting the surgery. And I wheeled around in my chair and was like, "What surgery?"

Most of us know that when people say "the surgery" they are talking about weight loss surgery. And I can't blame them for not being specific about what surgery, because people are looking at you with those judging eyes and it gets a little bit annoying. The last thing you want to hear from some person who's never been fat start telling you about diet tips. So I can completely understand why somebody would want to be a little bit on the hush-hush tip about getting the procedure done.

So he started telling me about True Results of Atlanta which is a bariatric center, the bariatric center that I'm going through.

We were close to the time to change our insurance coverage to whoever we wanted to change it to. I knew that Kaiser Permanente cover the surgery. I was going through another bariatric center but I wasn't really liking them too much. I felt like they were trying to make me jump through hoops just to even begin the process.

I had taken the seminar three times with them before they finally saw my results and kept them on file. They make you do an online seminar so you can know exactly what you're getting into. That's understandable, but losing my results twice is not!

So at that point I was a little bit disheartened, and then they started with the referral thing. I am almost 400 pounds I truly don't feel like I need a referral. It's evident why I'm wanting the surgery. Nevertheless that was not the only thing that was just not making me want to go there for the surgery.

So fast forward, my coworker told me that he had Blue Cross and Blue Shield. I said that I was going to switch my carrier to them if True Results did not take Kaiser. So low and behold, I go there for a consultation and they tell me they do not take Kaiser.

It was the last day for us to change our coverage. I sat in the parking lot of that facility and changed my insurance to Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

So I skip the holidays and I didn't try to make any more consultation appointments. I finally made one and I missed it!

In the meantime, say when my insurance and called me back to tell me that I was approved and my carrier does cover it and if I wanted to still come in and do my consultation.

I have had so many insurance letdowns, that honestly I was expecting the same results. So I was not hung hi about trying to reschedule consultations or anything of the sort.

So they scheduled me for last Friday and I was able to get in for consult. 

 I have an appointment this Friday again, and I will have appointments over the next 4 months to prepare me for the surgery! I was so excited that I was near tears! Yoy couldn't tell me that I hadn't won the lottery!

They do everything in office; the nutritionist consult, the psych eval and a sleep study is done at home according to the lady.

They don't want me to gain any weight, maintaining my weight is fine, and losing is encouraged.

I am going to try to lose some weight. I'm really extra motivated. I am feeling very happy. And I am feeling very blessed! I will keep you all updated! 

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Lilburn, GA
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2005
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