Two Year Post Op Update

Jan 25, 2012

Well here I am two years out and all I can say is I feel great! I have had a bit of a setback though in the form of some weight gain that I am managing to control now thanks to my good friend Summer. I gained about 20 lbs over the holidays from sitting and doing nothing but eat! I am so ashamed, but hey....I forgive myself and am doing something about it!

I have been on the pouch diet for a few days now and I am already seeing progress. Thank goodness it is only a 5 day diet to get the motor revving again! I hate diets. At any rate, I intend to lose this 20 lb gain and would still like to lose at least 10 more and I then will be at my goal. I am also considering going back for a tummy tuck. I desperately need one! I hate the way my body looks...well the tummy area for sure!

I don't know how often I will be on the OH websiote, but I will visit from time to time...hopefully not as long as I was away for! Blessings to all who supported me and continue to support me on my journey! I love you all!



First Visit to Family Doc for Physical

May 05, 2010

 Well yesterday morning I had my annual physical with my first visit to him since having the sleeve back in February and needless to say I was one nervous kitten! Before I decided to have the surgery in Mexico, I had asked my doc what he thought and he was not one bit encouraging and said some pretty derogatory statements about Mexico doctors I pretty much did this on my own without his support. I was worried when I got back that he would ditch me as a patient.

Well, just let me say that he was very happy about the weight loss and did not say anything negative at all. He was very encouraging and supportive once he saw that I was ok. He asked me alot of questions and overall was very pleased with what I did. I was so relieved! 

So far the eating is getting better. I still am not eating a whole lot. I just can't seem to consume very much at all. I pretty much force it down so that I am not gonna starve to death. I really don't have much of an appetite either. I really need to start exercising. I am so lazy! lol

Anyways, just a bit of an update. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you all soon! Blessings

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Day By Day

Mar 22, 2010

 Well I can't believe a month has gone by already! I am feeling better everyday and able to consume a bit more with each passing day. I am excited that I am down almost 20 lbs! I weight what I did when I was nine months pregnant with my son 26 years ago! To me that's like starting at the beginning again. 

I still am having a heck of a time with water. It just doesn't go down like my morning protein shake does that's for sure. Anyone else have that same problem. Even when I spice it up, I still have a hard time. Weird!

As for the food....I still cannot handle eating breads, or anything high in seems to get stuck right at the top of the old throat.....I am fine with it for now. I am not a big bread eater, but a slice of toast once in a blue moon would be nice. Oh well. All in all, I am very thankful that now I am in control of what I does not control me anymore like it used to. I am so amazed at how little a person can live on. I watch my family load up their plates and I can't believe I ate like that and more! I savour every bite, chew, chew, chew is my motto! I have learned not to eat literally anything after supper or I pay for it when I go to bed and suffer acid reflux. I can drink anything...just not eat.

I look forward to the day I can have a bit of carbonated something or other. Not sure if that will ever happen, but a girl can hope right??  Other than that, I am very thankful that I am getting healthier everyday. I am so looking forward to the next few months. What excites me is seeing a different number on the scale everyday. To be able to wear the same clothes my kids are wearing or even smaller excites me even more. No more frumpy old lady clothes! YAY!

So as the song all the girls I've loved before....Tracey's all the clothes I've worn before...good bye and good riddance. Hello to a new me! Blessings everyone!
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CBC TV Interview - Thursday, March 11, 2010 5-6 pm

Mar 09, 2010

 Well I am getting my 15 minutes of fame I guess! Haha! This is great! Today CBC Television came to my house and did an interview about my experience in Mexico. I am hoping they get ahold of Dr. Betancourt and do a sattelite interview as well. I think that would be a great kickstart to my business and hopefully get people to contact me for more info on the surgery.

So far everything is going great. I am eating more and sleeping better. Everything is a process right?  I have lost  around 16 lbs, and everyday brings with it a new day of new experiences. God is good! I am so thankful for the support I have had from my family and friends. 

Other than that, mark your calendars and tune in online or on TV and let's promote the wonderful opportunity of weight loss surgery in Mexico! Blessings


March 4 - Inspiration Abounds!

Mar 04, 2010

 Well you will never believe what happened to me! God works in mysterious ways I tell ya.

Yesterday I went in to Curves to work for an hour and as soon as I walked in the phone rang. The owner answered and said, it's for you. Well Steve Lambert, a reporter from The Canadian Press wants to interview me about my surgery. I am thinking, how the heck did he find this out and why me right?  Well apparently Greg Selinger, our Premier of Manitoba was on a CJOB radio talk show and the topic was government possibly funding lap band surgery in Manitoba. Steve wanted to talk to people who have either had surgery or want the surgery. Well Mr. Reporter does an internet search and comes across my name of all people on OH and voila!

So we had our interview this morning and I think it went well. I hope he puts a plug in for me that I want to help others get the help they need to be able to have surgery as I am going to be a coordinator for the Jerusalem Clinic and promote this as much as I can. This could be the kickstart I need to get the ball rolling. Mr. Lambert...if you are reading this, please give me that bit of publicity!

So on a side note, I am feeling better everyday. I slept a full night in my own bed laying flat and only woke up once to cough but nothing major! Each day brings with it a new discovery. I can now drink more than little sips. Yay! 

Had a wee chat with my youngest as I was driving her to town to catch the bus for school about going away for Spring Break...maybe Grand Forks shopping...woo hoo! Have an awesome day to you soon! Blessings!

March 3 - 8 Days Post Op - Down 14.8 lbs!

Mar 02, 2010

 Well HALLELUJAH! I finally had one night's sleep with no acid reflux! What I did was have supper around 5:30 and made sure not one more morsel touched these lips till today. I think that made a huge difference. The only thing I had last night was a popsicle and my acid reducer pill before I went to bed. I still slept in the recliner till I woke up at around 3 and then went upstairs to crawl in bed with hubby and slept till 7. I was so relieved. So the trick for me is not eating anything after supper.

I do find that I am thirsty and have to drink more...I actually had a glass of milk this morning and didn't take forever to get it down, so things are definitely looking up. I look forward to when I can guzzle a good glass of H20. I love water!

I also took out a few of my stitches yesterday from the two smaller incisions on either side of the belly. Gonna take out one more set this evening. By Friday I will take out the one in the centre under the boobs and the larger incision stitches on Friday. The redness is fading into a nice pink and healing nicely. Can't wait to lose this weight and get that nice tummy tuck so everything looks flat! Be patient Tracey!

Other than that, I think I am going to do a bit of housecleaning, maybe watch an episode or two of Smallville. But first I have to do my daily devotions. First things first ya know! Blessings everyone!

March 1 - 6 days Post Op

Feb 28, 2010

Well I slept better last night. I had my husband pray for me before I retired on the recliner and I believe it definitely helped. I suffered till about midnight, 1 am and then I told the Lord that this was enough and to just take the acid reflux away and allow me to sleep and He did! Albeit, I slept fitfully, I at least got a half decent sleep. I am going to go to the pharmacy today and see if I can get something to help with this acid reflux.

This morning I am having my first protein shake. It tastes really good. I just wish I could sip it a bit faster but if I do, then I get this nasty wave of nausea that hits and I have to do the nausea walk and thump the chest. I think my family is gonna start calling me Thumper pretty soon. I don't long as I don't upchuck, I would rather walk and thump!

I know each day is gonna bring something new and I thank the Lord I am even here to tell the tale. Had a wonderful chat with my neice in Calgary yesterday. Her and hubby are thinking about taking the plunge and I will be there every step of the way with them if that's what they want. I really want to be an inspiration to others and encourage others that if I can do it, you can too! Blessings everyone.
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Day 5 - Sleep Deprivation

Feb 28, 2010

 Ok I know I shouldn't complain, but I am so friggen tired! There is no way yet that I can sleep laying down. Since I got to the recovery house and now home, I have to sleep in an upright position or I just get the nasties all coming up and then I cough and cough and swallow,'s exhausting! Has anyone experienced that and is there a light at the end of the tunnel? I sure hope so.

The last two nights at home have been spent in the recliner rocker and I am literally up every hour on the hour where I wake up to bile or whatever else is there deciding it needs to surface following by pounding on my chest so that I can help relieve some of the gas buildup that goes along with it.

If I can just sleep laying down and not have the nasties, I would be just fine. Nothing else hurts....incisions are healing nicely, no real pain other than the acid reflux and the off bout of nausea during the day, but really nothing to write home about.

This morning consisted of a half a popsicle and now welch's watered down grape juice. By noon I hope to have a bit of chicken broth. Tomorrow I am gonna start the diet. I feel drained out. Walking helps alot and gives me more energy. I might even brave the outdoors today and just walk the driveway. 


On a side note, I weighed myself on our wii board and it says I am down 12 lbs and my BMI is under 35 now...YAY!

Home At Last!

Feb 27, 2010

 Well I am finally home! I had the sleeve done on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd and I have to say I had an awesome, but rough experience. Dr. Betancourt is a hoot! I just love him! He is so funny! However, I think he is one of the most caring people I have ever met and very genuine! He came to the recovery house a couple of times a day and really cared for us.

Dr. Almanza is one of the most humble men I have ever met! He was such a sweetheart! 

Overall,  as far as my experience with the surgery and leak test, etc, I think I am the exception to the rule. I do not handle anesthetic well, so I threw up after surgery. Not much pain...some, but not unbearable. The nurses and aids literally look after your EVERY need! The nurses and housekeepers at the recovery house are the same....simply AMAZING!

Just to prepare you...the leak test is the DEVIL! EWWW! That was the worst part of the whole procedure. I warn everyone now....that it is not

I shared a room with a lady from Arizona who was 61 yrs old and had the same surgery. She put all us younger ones to shame. She was such a trooper! She never got sick, threw up, slept like a baby, etc...

I can only sleep sitting upright because the acid reflux is wicked for me. Has anyone else experienced this? Every once in a while, a wave of nausea comes over me and I find walking it off helps. I will do anything to stop from throwing up! That is the worst.

I am looking forward to this new off to have some broth! Pics will be posted soon when I get a bit more energy! Blessings everyone!

Chapter 1 - Journey Of A Lifetime!

Feb 10, 2010

Well all the paperwork is sent, the deposit is paid, the bank draft for the final payment is ready and my flights are booked. This is sooo exciting! I can't believe I am going through with this.

I got an email back from Sandy telling me that the docs want me to stop my lipitor and my aspirin. So this is day one without. I, of course, have to keep taking those dang blood pressure pills, but hopefully when I lose the weight, that too will be a thing of the past. I am sure I have spent more on medication than this surgery is costing me.

I have received a few messages from new friends on OH and look forward to meeting more. Eventually I would love to host a Manitoba Support Group. The sky's the limit!

All in all, I believe this is gonna be the beginning of a journey that will be one heck of a ride! God has brought me this far, and I realize that I cannot do this on my own anymore. I NEED to do this. I want to live to see my grandbabies grow up. I want to live a long and healthy life. I want to be productful and I admit vainly, I want to be a woman that my hubby can look at everyday and not feel ashamed at how I look....meaning me feeling ashamed...not him cuz he NEVER EVER puts me down or critisizes me about being heavy. He has been the most wonderful and supportive man on the face of the planet!

We have been married 28 years this March 2010. I started going out with him when I was 14, married at 18 and the rest is history. So all in all we have been together and in love for 32 years. He is my best friend, lover, soul mate!

But that is a whole new story!~

About Me
Beausejour, Manitoba, XX
Surgery Date
May 07, 2009
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 11
