NORMAL clothes shopping!!

Apr 01, 2012

I can't believe it's April already! The winter just flew by, and we've been lucky here in Ohio. We didn't have the harsh winter we normally have...the trees are all blooming, Spring came early! For the first time in forever, I'm excited for warm weather! Used to be, I dreaded it because it meant that I could no longer hide under the big sweatshirts and sweaters and baggy sweatpants. I hated when Spring came! I'd see all the cute clothes out in the stores and knew I couldn't fit into off to the Plus Size dept I'd go, and nothing there was ever as pretty as what was up in the "regular" ladies section. You all know what I mean...
Last weekend, I spent the morning dragging out my bags of spring and summer clothes. As I started going through them, laying them out on the bed, my husband looked at the capris and said "Those are too big. I can already tell." They were 3X. I knew he was wrong, so I put them on in front of him, and they didn't even touch me! I was shocked! I mean, I knew I'd gotten smaller, but I never saw myself as "not 3X" anymore. I sorted through more stuff, trying on shirts and pants and shorts...all of them...too big! I was starting to like this! Last spring, they were all too tight! Now, they don't fit at all! When I was done, I had 3 bags of clothes to give away...3 BAGS! I have very few things I can wear now, so little by little, I've been buying new stuff, not spending too much because what I buy now, isn't going to fit in a month. I bought a really cute pair of jeans last month that are now almost too big already. I am now a size 16 comfortably. At the time of my surgery, I was a 26.
I bought new size 16 capri's and jeans, and wanted a new shirt too. I was still in the "plus size" dept, and everything I tried on, was too big. My son was with me buying clothes also, and I came out of the dressing room and told him nothing fit as far as tops went. He looked at me and said "Why are you shopping over here? Go to the "regular" section! I did, and found a couple of shirts I liked, size Large, and tried them on....they fit perfectly. I was amazed....and then I realized...I am no longer "plus sized." I almost cried in the dressing room. I just never saw myself as not being 3X anymore. I couldn't get out of that mindset! I still have a hard time believing it.
It's been years since I was able to wear something that didn't have an "X" in the size! I cannot describe how that feels, and those of you who have been there know what I'm talking about. People notice my changing body, moreso than I do. It takes a long time I guess to readjust your thinking. Someone called me "sexy and attractive" the other day. I told them to get some glasses! I'm not "there" yet. I can't feel like that at this point. In my mind, I'm still 300 lbs, or close to it. I know the clothes don't lie, nor do my friends and family. But I just need to "catch up" to my body. I feel great! I move so much better...I feel great when I work out...I just don't feel "sexy and attractive!" I'm not seeking compliments here...that's how I honestly feel. Someday, I will. I never imagined that just 5 months after surgery, things would be THIS much better! My mood is better, I'm happy pretty much all the time...I feel almost "high" a times. It's a good feeling!
I'm at the end of the term at nursing school, and these past 10 weeks have flown by! Final exams are this week and then we get some time off, and boy do I need it! Looking forward to spring cleaning and spending time being a mom...with lots more energy than in years past, and lots more enthusiasm! This has literally changed my life...every aspect of it, and I don't regret a single moment of having WLS! It's been worth it so far! And it's only getting better!
I hope you all have a wonderful Spring!


About Me
Barberton, OH
Surgery Date
Oct 05, 2011
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