Post Surgery

Jul 10, 2013

Day One (July 2nd)  Having had surgery at 730 a.m. the rest of the day is quite a blur.  I was so tired.  By the afternoon though, I was up taking laps on the floor.  Surgical pain wasn't bad at all (I have a high pain tolerance though) and I could tell it was muscular from cutting through the muscle tissue.  The gas pains were worse than anything!  They felt like daggers at the base of my neck.  The worse moment of the day was having a gagging episode, I never vomited but the waves of nausea where awful sending waves of pain through my new surgery sights!  Slept quite well other than what seemed like hourly vitals taken by the nurses. No pain meds.

Day Two (July 3rd)  Woke early...darn vitals.  Got up, brushed my teeth...made sure I didn't swallow anything!  Took a walk and waited to get my xray.  I was so nervous about swallowing the dye...afraid I wouldn't be able to keep it down.  It was nasty tasting and had an after taste similiar to NyQuil but I passed.  Funny, they say to take a big swallow but I was so afraid I just sipped...still worked and still passed...I can have more than ice chips!  YAY!  It was touched on during my nutrition class but I didn't give it much thought but I found myself better with warm liquids rather than cold.  Had another episode of gagging...still from the gas pains!  An anti-nausea med helps...only other option, walk, walk, and walk.  By the evening, the gas pains moved down from my neck base to mid-abdominal much more normal!  Still feels like daggers but so much better!  Slept worse even though the nurse promised no vitals til morning.  Still no pain meds.

Day Three (July 4th)  Got the visit from the doc I can go home today.  Need to still work on fluids...only sipping a couple ounces an hour.  Plus, have to tolerate some protein before they'll release me.  Ordered strawberry flavored...was nervous but it was actually quite tasty!  I tolerated it with no problems and felt fine so by 1 p.m. I was on the way home.  Uneventful afternoon and evening.  I was so exhausted, I had to lay down and sleep as soon as I walked in the door.  Went to bed around 10 p.m. and slept quite well.  Happy 4th of July!





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