8 years after surgery

Jan 19, 2015

I can't believe its 8 years since I had my surgery. Every day I thank god for giving me a second chance at life. My life is so different these days. Still at my target weight of 67 kilos which I had achieved in 9 months after having surgery. I love my new life and am still conscious that if I overeat then I will put on weight. I don't deny myself anything I fancy but tend to eat a lot more protein than carbs and have done since I started on this new journey. At xmas and holidays my weight does go up a few kilos but I make sure I get exercise and eat healthy before it gets out of control which would be so easy to do. I've been given a tool so I have to use it properly. Still in regular contact with the lady who had surgery the day before me, she is now back to her pre-surgery weight. She bitches about me still being slim.... why has she put on weight? Well, it could be the whole packet of biscuits she eats in one go on a regular basis.. or the half gateaux with full fat cream over the top. Its her choice.. and I have my choice, which is to continue to work at being slim. I love every day. I have had tummy tuck, legs and arms done. Would like the breasts done but have to keep saving for that and the time will come. Until then.. just enjoy life and thanks to my wonderful friends and family for all the support they have given me. 



Jul 29, 2007

Its been so long since i updated,  been on holiday and really busy at work and making the most of my new slim life. It gets better and better every day. I have now lost a total of 65lbs, getting nearer to my target weight and am now betweeen 5 and 6 dress sizes down. My hubby and kids tell me all the time how proud they are of my weightloss and love my new figure. In the last few months have done a 20km sponsored walk and wasnt last to finish!! Still going to the gym every day and walking. Been out with the girls on quite a few occasions recently and everyone comments on how good you look which makes you feel good but the best thing was that I was on the dance floor the whole night,.Im usually the one sitting watching the handbags in the corner as always too embarrassed to hit the dance floor. Not this time though...hey hey, I was there til 6am, no aching back or feet! it still makes me giggle thinking about it.

Had a few friends and family here on holiday and strayed quite a lot, most nights wine, nuts, crisps, popcorn and every other pickie you can imagine and guess what...I put on over a 2lbs in a week, my own fault but I just couldnt help myself! They have all gone home now and I am trying to get back on track. If all else fails will go back to basics.Will need to look into ps when i reach my target as i have a lot of skin hanging on my legs and arms, stomach is ok but feel very self conscious and cant wear short sleeves and it is so hot here in summer.. 

About Me
Dec 13, 2006
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