I am home

Oct 17, 2008

 I have actually been home since Wednesday just resting and trying to get enough fluids in. Surgery was great. The place where I waited with my family for Pre Op was a stress attack in a little room for two hours. When they wheeled me upstairs and I had to leave my family I started crying again and couldn't stop. A very nice young doctor came to me and said that he works with the kids and he said he was in the middle of cases and would be happy to get my IV started for me... I think the lord sent him to me as I was in the hallway waiting for a spot just crying my eyes out  He started my IV and moved along just as my team showed up to move me to another spot. They talked to me for a while and made me feel so much more at ease. They left me for like 5 minutes to set up and came right back. When they wheeled me into he OR I was like... so you think I will fit on that tiny bed huh?! They laid me down there and someone started talking to me about my boys and that is the last thing I remember of being in the OR....

I woke in the recovery area feeling scared but relieved that I was alive and breathing.... I was in recovery for a couple of hours I guess and then I was taken to a room. I had a really nice nurse  and a lot of visitors. I was just so tired and wanted to sleep. The next morning at like 5AM I went for a walk with my nurse and he weighed me... I was 262 so I had gained 2 pounds from the day before... He said that was normal because of the gasses and fluids. 

I got up for walks throughout the day and put some make up on. I got in the required amount of fluids and peed on my own and I was up for release... I got home around 5 on Wednesday night and I have been resting a lot and trying to get in the fluids and protein I need but it has been hard. I have been giving myself the blood thinner shots and I am getting used to it finally... Only 4 more days to go! I took a walk downtown with my boys and our crazy puppy tonight. I sat in the soda shop while they ate their Ice cream and I didn't even want any ... what what???? I feel so good about that!

I have lost 12 pounds since Wednesday morning at 5 which is really stupendous 

I will get back on and keep you all posted but right now I think I will got have a rest. Nite all. 

Today is the day....

Oct 13, 2008

 I am leaving in about 15 minutes ... This is the first day of the rest of my life :) 
I am totally scared but can't wait to do this! I will be home tomorrow and I will get on and let you all know how I am doing. Thank you all for your encouraging words. Talk to you soon  Please pray for me today!

1 week

Oct 06, 2008

 Today I go in late to work because I close, Normally I have to be there at 8 AM but today, 9:30. I have been awake since 4:30 this morning because i just can't sleep .... I have one week to go and I am more nervous than last week and sorta feel like I might go in my pants.  Last night I went and got my protein powder and my antibiotic that I have to take on Monday along with the Fleets bowel cleaner, yes I said bowel cleaner. I had a strong urge to have a sip of it when I got home and it is worse than the Castor oil I drank when I was pregnant. Lord help my Monday when i have to choke down 2 bottles of that crap : ) I hope I can Focus at work today...... My brain is all over the place right now.......

It's Almost here....

Sep 29, 2008

 So I got my tests all done and I got my approval letter from my insurance and now all I have left to do is go to pre op on 10/8 and surgery is on 10/14. I am super nervous here. I am excited but nervous. Just celebrated my 29th birthday and couldn't stop thinking that this will be my very last large girl party. I had a blast :) My 30th will be just as fun but hopefully i won't sweat as much : )

It's been a Long time.....

Aug 17, 2008

 So I have been MIA for almost 2 years But I am back and I have a date : ) My tentative date is October 14th and I am excited and nervous. In the past two years I have been doing more research and getting to the right place in my life to make good changes.  I have done every test known to man it seems and I now have two tests left.... My sleep study, I can sleep so this should be no prob. Then there is the Psyche evaluation.... this I am not so sure about : ) lol.... Well I am glad to be back and cant wait to share my journey with you all......

About Me
Placerville, CA
Dec 03, 2006
Member Since

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Latest Blog 5
I am home
Today is the day....
1 week
It's Almost here....
It's been a Long time.....
