Belinda W. 21 years, 1 month ago

Hang in there girl! Just checking in on you. I see that Voc Rehab here in MS is paying for the surgery pretty routinely. Hoping you find a way to have it VERY soon!

Belinda W. 21 years, 6 months ago

Often think of you. Hoping this will be the last attempt you will have to make at getting that healthier life. It's so wonderful to be losing & just wish you were here also. Good luck & happy holidays!

Sheryl M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi Stephanie: I am sheryl in NM and I have lost 43lbs and 15 inches in 4 weeks post op. I was at 453 at surgery and I weigh as of 2 days ago 410lbs. I am eating a soft solid diet and am doing pretty well except I am healing a insision wound opening and an absess in my upper insision.Other wise I am doing very well.I am also going to college for the 3rd year and will graduate on may 2003.I am studying Office administration and technology.I intend to go back to college for social work in about a year after graduation. I want to work for Parents reaching out in Alburquerque, NM. I am interested in your progress please write me on my e-mail address [email protected] Sheryl OPEN RNY July 22, 2002 516/453/410/160

Belinda W. 21 years, 10 months ago

So glad to hear things are coming together for you. You offered to help me out when I couldn't see any way possible to get this done. I'm now 5 days post-op & all is well. May God lead you thru this as uneventfully as he has me!

connie m 21 years, 10 months ago

Good luck Stephanie, it is the best gift you'll ever give yourself!

myunicorn48 21 years, 10 months ago

Hang in there! It is sooo worth the wait. There is a saying on the message board of a church near my home that I pass every day. It was posted the day I got my date (which I thought was too long to wait) and was still up the day I came home from having surgery (8/1 surgery 8/6 homecoming). It reads: "Patience is trusting in God's timing." I think that says it all. I will keep you in my prayers. Your day is coming.

Grace H. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Stephanie: I am also waiting for surgery. I have a tentative date of August 21, 2002, for lap rny. I still do not have insurance approval yet. Good luck to you. Do you have a date yet? Grace [email protected]

Belinda W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Please send your thoughts in Stephanie's direction. She tried to help me in the beginning, even though I was a complete stranger. Her page could use some encouraging words & if they mean as much to her as they have to me, she'll greatly appreciate them. Thanks to you all!

Belinda W. 21 years, 10 months ago

Hang in there Stephanie. We've been down a long road & still havent made it to the end. So glad to hear things are working out. My date is Aug 20th & thought it would never come. Just to let you know, once I got ins. approval, time has FLOWN! So it does get better. Hope to see you on the other side soon!!
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houston, TX
Dec 26, 2001
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