David Simonowitz

"I met My Surgeon on Oct 15th - 2oo2 at 10:oo that morning! Well,I was running late on the 520 bridge,(Traffic) I called the Surgeons office and told them I was on my way & running late due to traffic on the 520! they said "Okay No Problem, we will tell the Dr," well I got there right on the dot ! 10;00 ,I wanted to get there early ,however I made it just in the nick of time!and Ill tell you there was no wating In that office ! less then 2 mins later I was in his examining room, I sat down and in he came! he was stright and to the piont! NO messing around! I felt safe and I could tell this surgery is old hat to him ( he had bin doing this kinda of surgery for quite some time sence the early 1970tys ,When I got home he had Katt call me and tell me after he sat down and looked over my recoreds he wants a sleep test ! Well Hes the boss so a sleep test he will get! He knows what hes doing and hes also the head Surgeon at Overlake Hospital where he works, I feel great knowing I have the best! & IF it was not for "THIS" web site I would of never found him! After seeing Him and talking with him , I feel no fear going into this , hes not judegemental , after looking at my receoreds and seeing that Im in recovery for Narcotics addiction & currently detoxing of 50 millagrams methadone, HE asked why I was in recovery and I was honest , and told him...His shock reaction ""I have NO problem with that!"" I went in seeing him haveing all the test dun he reqwested , it helps, and he was suprized to see I had all the pre-op testing dun before seeing him! , He just wants one more to be safe and thats a sleep test! at one piont he DID kinda of fuss me asking me why I NEVER went for help for the cronic pain in my lower back....I said to him , I never got help because its my falt Im over weight! HE looked at me and said "we dont know that for shore"! I all most fell on the floor with that raction by him, as HE was and is the very first person who kinda said its not my falt ,being so over weight! ~ the only Negitive thing I can say about the Dr & his staff so far is I hate the wating game ! I guess thats just the name of the game ,other then that he was cool, however you better go in there with your list of qwestions , or he wont tell you much , however he will ancwer everyone of your qwestions! His staff was and are very nice and they try very much to ancwer all qwestions I asked ! ************ The morning of my Surgery ... I checked into the hospital...and went upstares ... they got me ready , putting me in a gown, funky night cap...and then putting me in a bed.. my angel was there to help my family and hold my hand! and boy did she ever! cyndee is awsome ! She held my hand for me and was so strong for me when I was not abel to be strong ...like doring the blood gas test! after the blood gas test , Dr Siomonowitz told his team to get rockin! there was NO MESSING AROUND WITH THAT BUNCH! beleve me I tryed to stall them! they where not having any of it! they told me to say goodbuy to my family and then they pushed my bed though the doors and down the hall ...I WAS SCARED! NO TURNING BACK NOW!!! around the corner came Dr Siomonowitz! he looked right in my face and I held out my hand ...just to wave "HI" to him .....I Grabed my Hand and held on to it tight ! and looked in my face and said..."YOUR GOING TO BE FINE!" & he held on to my hand all the way down the hall & into the Operating Room! 'Okay guys lets do this...I said ! and It was lights out ... the team worked hard and as scared as I was ... when Dr Siomonowitz held my hand like that ..all my fears went away and I felt peaceful! and was ready ! so this gos to tell me That Dr Siomonowitz may be brash at times however HES A surgen who knows when to be compassionte and undrsatanding ...and he knows when to take no shit and he knows when his patcients need a "hand" ! this can not be taught! Hes a damm good surgen ! Im happy I went with the BEST! Dr D Siomonowitz! "
About Me
Lakecity -Seattle, Wa
Surgery Date
May 23, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
The day after surgery / 49 days post-op 346 pounds
402 poundslbs
September 13th, 2004 - 213 lbs. lost!
189 poundslbs
