8 months Post op, Phew.. Who wudda thunk it?

Jun 10, 2009

 It seems like just yesterday I was stressed out with no sleep waiting for 8am to hit so that I could go to the Hospital to have my WLS.
I really don't know where the time has gone. What I do know is that I feel better, I look better (I think) and I can move better. It amazing the little things that you appreciate after losing weight. I remember Pre WLS, It would take me a few minutes just to roll out of bed, then I had to wait for the pain to go away after stepping to my feet to stand. Even sleeping was painful if I slept on my back too long.
And Driving, Well. That was a whole nutha story. Im not sure at what point I stopped fitting in my car. I think it was 4 years ago. Now.. I can sit, bend over and get out with no struggle at all. Its nice to put on a seatbelt... Especially on planes, woohoo. !! I will never have to ask for a seatbelt extender ever, ever again.
On a sad note, I buried my Granny last monday. This put a curve in my health. I was very sad, and forgot to eat many days at a time. This, I am sure, Did not help my Weight loss journey. I am back on track. Going back to the gym on Saturday. Wish me luck. I wish you all the same.

Lost a loved one and almost slipped into old eating habits.

May 21, 2009

 Today I fought the demons big time. I found out late last night that My one and only Favorite Grandma passed away earlier in the day. Been crying ever since and have been fighting the demons not to cheat all day long. Why do I feel like I want something I can't have? Why do I want to turn to food for support?  I tried to go to work but couldn't stop crying so I went home. Tried to then go back to sleep but that didn't work. Opened & Closed the fridge about 10 times not knowing what I was looking for. Made a Protein shake, that I never even finished. Went to the Donut shop and walked away with only a coffee.(Closecall)
At this point I decided to keep myself busy. I called up my sister and told her I was coming over. I needed to surround myself with my family. We went to lunch and shared a salad, then went to get her a coffee as she was just as tired as I was. We spent most of the day together. When I came home I made a lowcarb Turkey Meatloaf and some FF/SF Cheesecake with Fage Yogurt. I am now sipping on some Water and I feel like I pretty much conquered the day. Tomorrow I am taking another day off to get some rest.
I am exhausted from crying all day. I just have to try and get my strength to make it through the week. Thanks for letting me vent.

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First day of New Hope. 2nd half of my journey

May 11, 2009

I recently visited my Surgeon for my 6 month Eval last week. Its been about 3-4 months since my last visit and I have been at a stall for the majority of those months. I think I lost about 20 pounds in that time. I am really bummed about this. Yes my eating choices could've been better. I probably also could've eaten more dense protein and protein shakes. I feel really down about my weight loss, but I am not ready to throw in the towel yet.
While at my Post WLS Visit, My surgeon suggested working out alot more and sweating twice as much to lose more weight. Yeah, I think If I sweated any more than I already do, I would probably offend the people around me, LOL. He also suggested that he wants me to get my weight under 200 lbs within the next 6 months. My goal is to get to that point in the next 3 months when I return to visit him again. I know I can do it. Tonight I cleaned out my fridge of stale and old food that I do not want or need. I am starting a 3 day Liquid Protein Diet on Wednesday. Hoping this will De-carb me and jumpstart my weight loss again. I also plan on getting back into the gym after recently taking a one week break. I will be starting Water aerobics 3x a week and treadmill/strength training 5-6 days a week.
Surgeon also suggested that after the 6 month post WLS mark, Weight loss becomes more of a struggle and harder to achieve. I now have to work 3x as hard to lose. I guess the honeymoon is over. Although I really wanted to lose 100 by my 6 month mark last month, I am happy with the 85 lb I have lost so far. This is an achievement in its own. I feel great and my endurance is getting better every few weeks. Here is to another exciting 6 months.
Melissa L.
Long Beach, Ca.

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Long Beach , CA
May 11, 2009
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