January 2007 update

Jan 02, 2007

Wow I am remiss in updating this thing... so here goes...
2006 brought a second daughter Lindsay - she is almost 4 months now and doing well.  Health has been good, I only take regular pre-natal vitamins because they are so much better than regular, and calcium.  Blood tests have been good with my primary care.

One thing that bothers me, is not about my surgery, but the friends I introduce to the DS surgery then disappear from my life after they lose weight - it has happened twice and it really bothers me - I guess they are busy doing their own thing and being happy but it is a shame they "forget" their friends.  I hope no one does that regularly... maybe I am just the unlucky one.

I know there are a lot of psychological things we go through after such a drastic experience - the anger, the frustration, and then the recover and adjustment to the new "you" and the mental changes required - but don't forgot the people that were always there for you before the "new you" was born.

So work has been great, and life is good.  I still have the challenges of someone with IBS after the surgery, but activia yogurt helps me a lot - I have one a day and things are so much better.  It is amazing how my tastes have changed - I don't care for sweets as much, and still eat protein first and foremost - I especially try to be good about eating for my older daughter (4 in February) so she sees what good eating is.  I am so proud of her - she woke up new years morning and after her usual yogurt she asked me for a pear - then she started with her left over halloween candy but she HAS leftovers still! I am so proud that my daughter likes and wants fruit, and would eat peas to the exclusion of almost all else if given the option.  I hope she wil continue that kind of habit.   I am trying not to forbid foods, and make her understand everything is ok at the right time and in moderation - without making an issue of it.  I still give her organic products when I can to avoid some of the hormones in our foods these days.  Kat is nearly 50 lbs and 43 inches tall now, the size of a 5 or 6 year old, and she is normal sized as far as weight goes.  I feel badly when I see kids her age that are already "obese" or approaching it - we went out to dinner at a local restaurant and the kids meal comes with candy - which we never ask for - and the people at a nearby table were letting their child eat the chocolate candies and their child was quite heavy... oh well... I am lucky lucky lucky, and fortunately aware of the genetic predisposition my little ones will have and will hopefully avoid what their Mom went through.

Happy New Year! And I will post some photos...
Maya (Aka Missy Jen)

All my past info

Jan 02, 2007

I am putting the latest update on the top now:
June 1, 2004 - It has been a while. My daughter is now almost 16 months old, I am currently 142 lbs, and quite stable, if not reducing, none of my blood labs are out of whack and I have been REALLY bad about vitamins etc. I am updating more to catch up with my old crowd from here (email me girls!!). Things are great, my career is great, email me for more info. I have helped a few friends find their way to Dr. Gagner too and they are doing really well, another is awaiting her date. BPD/DS is definitely the way to go, three years post-op and no rebound and MAJOR weight loss, now if I get that tummy tuck I think I will be about 125-130! =)

December 30, 2002 - Oh well I guess I should schedule some time to drop by and update. Weightloss is a hard thing to measure at 34 weeks pregnant (tomorrow), but I weighed 172 at the OB's on Friday, which means I have gained a total of 7 lbs since I got pregnant (after putting back on the dehydration weight). But I bought a pair of maternity jeans - size 6 - the size 4 fit, but I was concerned that they might end up too snug through the hips if they spread during the pregnancy, so I sucked it up and bought a larger size - hahaha. I wish I knew what size I would be post baby so I could take advantage of some of the great sales out there, passing up gorgeous clothes is very hard to do. The speculation is that post baby I will be looking at goal of 145 lbs, or perhaps less. Dr. Gagner and Meredith were not happy with my last round of Blood tests, my protein was in the low end of normal, and a lot of my labs never got there, working on finding out what happened to them now, for some reason Quest loses a lot of my stuff I guess, still better than Labcorp any day for draws. So the baby is due in Mid-Feb, and I am just starting to look a bit more pregnant, there is no way I look as pregnant as I am, which is frustrating because people are quite disrespectful of pregnant women unless they look very large - but oh well, I guess you can't really complain. The baby has developed fine, and all the ultrasounds at Christiana have shown that the baby is right on target, even the Perinatologist said that he has dealt with a few other women who had BPD/DS and babies and had no complications. That is good to know, although I am having some pain in the upper part of my abdomen now that the baby is starting to grow up there, the OB says it is because the areas may still be tender 19 months post op. Oh ok I will buy that. I do have a great OB! Hope everyone had a great holiday, and a happy new year!!

September 4, 2002 - Whoops It has been a while! Well on June 11 I was down to 158, and then I went to get an oil change, I fainted twice while there, went - begrudgingly - in the ambulance to the local hospital where - surprise - I found out I was pregnant, so today I weigh 165, and am 16 weeks pregnant. Very exciting. So far everything is going well, waiting for my level II ultrasound appointment - should be this week. And going to get blood work done tomorrow. I was wearing a size 8/10 the day I fainted, but I am in a 12 now and quite comfy, although starting to feel like maternity wear may be a better option - so I hit the gap.com maternity wear, and oldnavy.com maternity wear sites, and motherhood maternity's outlet in Lancaster PA. The irony is the week before I found out Dr. Gagner told me I needed to wait until 18 months post-op, his initial feelings on my progress I think he felt a year would be fine, and revised it. Well a few weeks prior to my one year I stopped taking the pill - as many had told me you should be off it for at least 6 months prior to attempting to get pregnant - who would have thought I was so fertile - my Mother always made it sound like she had a hard time. Oh well. We are excited, and the Baby is due February 11 2003. I hope she/he doesn't have my wonderful Syndrome X/Insulin Resistance gene, but with Dad having Diabetes I think the deck is stacked against the kid, oh well, no reason to worry! =) Busy is great, and I am so busy, selling houses - listed as a top producing agent with my company for the past four months straight, so that is great! I love this business!
March 27, 2002 - Wow I truly suck at updating don't I? I have been SOOOOO busy with work its insane. I am down to 172, fluctuating between that and 168-175, its the norm, I go up and down then thump down, then up and down and thump down, next hover should be centered on 168 if memory and pattern serves. My BMI is now 25, so that is good, and I am very excited. I have resigned myself to yes I WILL need a PS consult in the near future, but I am in no rush, the tummy is not so bad that it gets in the way, but without it I would likely be a size 10 or less on the bottom, so yes pants look funny cause the hips and legs are huge, but whatever, I am just about into a size 12 now and fading fast out of Lane Bryant, its amazing what 5 lbs does now, it is nearly a size!! A DKNY Skirt size 14 fits gloriously well, slightly loose the way I like it, can't wait to say that about a size 10! I feel terrific, and I am eatting well. I swear there are days I think I have a hollow leg, I just don't get it, my husband says that its the rate I eat, a lot slower, and when we go out I am able to eat a great deal more at a nice restaurant that serves us slowly. For instance, went to this place for seafood, had some oysters, had a salad, had my seafood entree, and even had dessert! And I wasn't stuffed, sick or anything, the meal lasted over two hours, perhaps that is why. I am trying to organize a Delaware cloting exchange, if anyone is interested let me know, I have bags and bags of stuff (KIM I have a lot of stuff specifically for you!!! =). Alright... better run, electricians working, going to find out what is taking so long, or else run out and grab some seafood to make for dinner. I will write more and I will check my email - I have such trouble getting onto that mail.com account!!!

I had a sudden weight gain in 1997, and have fought to find the
answer, it is insulin resistance and this is my only option to lose the weight and get healthy, I am thrilled!

6/5/01- 1 week ago this time I was in surgery, glad to be a week past now! The BPD/DS went well, only the very small incisions, and I get a lot better every day. The only complaints I have about the whole thing were the conditions at the Hospital, the nursing care was inconsistent, some of the support staff were less than friendly, but the way the economy is these days it does not surprise me. I was glad to have my husband and mother there the first day, and my mother there for the remainder of the visit. Now that I am home I doing well, having a lot of itching, I don't know if its my own allergic reaction to somethin at home or the Vicodin but its driving me crazy, maybe its the changes in my digestive system and my normal once a day allergy meds need to be changed, awaiting my Primary cares advice on this. As for food: cottage cheese for breakfast, vitamins, supplements, protein drink for snack (designer protein is great!), an egg or cottage cheese for lunch, soup for dinner, and if hungry later some yogurt or cottage cheese or egg whites. Just trying to keep the protein high, to try to prevent the hairloss, but there is no way to know. Doing some very light walking, a lot of walking in the house and up and down the stairs. Sitting up for more than a few minutes is very uncomfortable, but getting easier.

6/11/01 - Definitely getting easier, and a lot less pain, able to twist a little. I got out for 1 mile walks, and am feeling a lot better. I switched to the Vanilla Praline Designer Protein. Eatting is hard, I am so bored with the food, but I have protein and a little dairy if I can. I have deli sliced turkey often twice a day. Cauliflower cooked in the microwave is my favorite. I spend most of the day sitting on the bed reclining with my laptop nearby. Told I could return to work on the 26th. Feel some pulling in my belly at times, I think it is the stitches, and I feel itching from the healing. so that works for me. As of this last Saturday 17 lbs lost since Monday. But not sure the total still need to get to my doctors office to weight myself on their scale. Oh the itching from last week - my Allegra once a day is not good enough, my primary switched me to the normal twice a day and no more itching. More soon!

7/14/01 - Things are going great! I am eatting raw veggies now, had no problem with them at all, lost 55 lbs now, so I am thrilled. It is just melting away. Saw my primary care the other day and he was just thrilled, asking questions about what I can and can not eat. Its just great all of it. Dislike the protein drinks, so I found all sorts of high soy protein bars at the market and I just have protein at every meal and take my viatmins (which make me nauseous, its all psychological), I am taking my pills whole now too and beginning to sleep on my stomach. I go to the gym and have a ton more energy. Just very happy. My clothes - well that is a problem, I gained the weight so suddenly that I don't have a great range of stuff on the upward side, so losing it, I am at a loss for a while. Fortunately - my company just downsized - ironic - and I have a few months off before I work again, so I will enjoy my shorts and t-shirts until the fall! That will help, and save as much money as I would have earned. =)

8/20/01 - It keeps getting better! 80 lbs down on my scale at home, so I am thrilled, been using it all along. Going to the gym, eatting salads *yummmmm* and lots of garlic. Drinking my protein drink, and taking my vitamins, I kind of freak when I see how much hair is coming out, but I always was a shedder, I just figure, hey used to lose hair with any drastic diet before, why not now? Thought I saw a little patch of bald my husband laughed at me, if it was it was the size of a pencil eraser, if that large, just being neurotic. Not exercising as much as I should, but doing a lot more things otherwise. Went through my closet today and sorted bags to take to the salvation army or good will and the consignment shop, and got my nice skinny clothes out again, lots of crushed things from those vacuum bags! I saw a photo and thought "ick I look huge!" then further in teh same roll was a photo from January or so, and I thought "WOW!I looked horrible!!!" I never saw myself that "way" I saw myself as I am now, so that is kind of odd. Its weird, its the opposite of how it used to be, I always saw myself as insanely huge, or what I thought was, when I only needed to lose 30 lbs to be Met Life standard, and thought "I am so fat" and now, I am 40 lbs away from where I used to be happy. Perspective really changes. But I am cleaning the house, and feeling great. Only thing I am scared of is adhesions, since I had bad ones that Dr. Gagner had to clear out. And the Anesthesia bill killed me, and I am stll afraid $3k, and my insurance only pays $400, and I lost my job, and I am going to have my attorney write a letter to the surgeon who did my gallbladder berating him since I went back a few times complaining of pain and spent two years seeking the reason for the pain, tell him he pays the Anesthesiologist and I don't persue Malpractice. Thank god for the A-Team and Dr. Gagner, clearing that up and making it better, have had little pain. Email me if you would like to see photos! =) And foods, I can eat anything just watch the fats VERY carefully. Which is funny, I am eatting more protein now than I did before, and don't crave the carbs at all really. People are so impressed, my Mother is thrilled, and so if my father. BPD/DS is the BEST!!!!

9/21/01 - Been busy taking classes and training. Last week was devastating, having gone to High School and College on Long Island I know so many people who worked at the WTC and in the towers. Friends have not replied to emails, I am afraid to call their homes for fear of finding out they are missing, I don't think it has even hit me yet, although I woke up having a dream and I was crying so much in it, it was about seeing the brother of a friend who died in 1987, and I have not seen him since 1985, and we just hugged and cried and held each other and I was wailing. It was odd, I am sure it is symbolic in some way. My friend who died then had the same birthday as I do, and we grew up across the street from each other. For the longest time I never sensed him around, but now he is back I think. Going to send his mother a letter soon. Weightloss has been sloooooow this past month, I was not doing much exercise for a while, and I was not getting as much protein as I should, so I upped the protein and the weightloss stopped, and I have been running on my Precor EFX 3-5 times a week for 35-40 mins while doing homework, that seems to have helped, the plateau finally ended yesterday, down 90 lbs apprx now. I adjusted my starting weight, based on what it was at the doctors office, think I am nearly to 100 lbs lost based on that, oh I am really starting to lose track. Went shopping and bought a pair of size 14 pants, and a gorgeous silk suit in size 18, just have to get the suit tailored. My top is much smalled, but the stomach is still rather in the way. I don't think I will need plastic surgery, but I might in the end, I figure I will wait anyway because we will have a family in a few years, so why get surgery and stretch it all out again? My favorite protein drink recipe to share!!!

Strawberry Banana Protein Shake
You need (use 1 scoop protein powder for less protein, lot less flavor though)
2 scoops Designer Protein, Strawberry flavor powder
1 Ripe Banana
8 oz skim or 1% milk
2 cups crushed ice
Mix the milk, banana and protein powder in blender until fully mixed, turn off and add ice, then blend again until consistency of a milk shake. I then sip on it with a straw or drink it straight, its a great meal replacement for me, and since it has fruit and milk, you get some good nutrition. Been thinking about getting liquid vitamin drops to add to it too. Its a lot to drink, so if you are very recent post op try cutting it in half, and refrigerate the left over for up to an hour.

Well, I have homework to do, and exercise to do. Feeling great, looking better! Glad to be here.

God bless America!!

November 30, 2001 - Well I graduated from my Real Estate Class, taking the National and State licensing exam Tomorrow and I am expected to pass it, yea everyone else expects it, what about me? We shall see.... weightloss update 120 lbs right on!! And my family saw me last Saturday and my Mother went nuts!! She was so excited, waving at me from the car when she arrived at my Cousins house (her Niece), giving me the thumbs up, and it was funny because she has always been so obnoxious about my weight, and she was just thrilled, I tried to steal this gorgeous sweater she had, it was too big!!! LOL I couldn't take it, could have fit two of me in it. I saw a friend of mine who went to see Dr. Gagner and she said I looked like a different person. I made my 6 month follow up appointment, and I am very excited. Its all so great. I had a round of blood tests and everything was great, my protein level was in the high normal level and all the other test came back good. The only thing that has been bad in the past few weeks - my nails are peeling like crazy! So I added biotin to my daily regimin, and I have to say it helps with digestion too! Amazing!!! So I take 600 mcg during the day, a LOT less gasiness and bloating when I do get hidden food fats. Try it, I get it at GNC. Also - Butterball's prepackaged deli meets that are "Fat Free" they aren't, I had them and I am the ultimate fat detector, wow they are SOOOOOO not fat free! Liars!! Lets see... not much else, but since I finally finished my class I hope to catch up with some of my local WLS friends like Elaine and Kim and Adrian and Pat!! If anyone has questions please email me!!! I will check my email more diligently I promise!!!

December 14, 2001: I saw Dr. Gagner on Wednesday, he was very pleased with my weight loss, officially 120 lbs in 6 months!! And he said he is upping his expectations for my total weight loss, so I am not 40 lbs from goal, probably more like 50 or 60, which is FINE, I am very excited!!! It was a great visit, despite my fit in appointment not being on the books and they were unable to locate my chart. I even visited the Hospital to see anyone recovering, I met one gentleman there who had had a Gastric Bypass and chatted with him, and he said he was going to do the same thing I did. Dr. Gagner also said I might only need to wait 12 months post-op to then try getting pregnant since I might be done losing by then. He said it would slow down now, but that is great, and I am fine with that. I passed my Real Estate licensing exam and am starting my new job the first week in January! I saw my Gyn today and she was in SHOCK about how great I looked! She was so happy for me and just said the nicest things to me, told her all about the BPD/DS and I what I went through, and she took notes and stuff, its made me feel really good. If anyone needs a house in Delaware, or surrounding area! Send me an email! [email protected]

January 23, 2002 - Call me the insane REALTOR! I am just running like crazy! Down to 188, that is like 137 lbs lost since May 29, I love BPD/DS! GREAT surgery!!! I feel wonderful, I am wearing a size 14 from Ann Taylor Loft now, and loving it! I have a lot more energy, but I do get tired from the Anemia (I have not been waiting long enough after eating to take my iron, so I am going to be better). I lost 10 lbs in the last two weeks, that is just unheard of for me! Dr. Gagner said the weight loss would slow down, its start to pick up again! I guess I might get down to 140, we shall see, because I am 23 lbs from his original goal for me, and I can't imagine being pleased with that. Still going to put off the idea of any plastic surgery since my skin seems to be going back to normal slowly. I tried the Ensure Protein drink, very good I like it a lot, good and quick, added that to my breakfast regime recently and maybe that helped too. Nothing like good tasting protein drink in a can! =) I had the Wildberry, it was a little funky, so I am going to try the chocolate and vanilla next. Worried about a friend who was supposed to have surgery last week, but when I called the hospital they didn't have a record of her, need to call her but I am such a lazy bum when it comes to contact! But I am forcing myself to take the day off tomorrow (until my listing appointment tomorrow night - business is gangbusters!!!), and perhaps Friday. Well I am beat, going to head to bed, try to watch the news and fall asleep right before the weather comes on. Email me for real estate needs anywhere in the world!! I would love to help fellow WLS folks! =) [email protected]

About Me
Wilmington, DE
Surgery Date
May 26, 2001
Member Since

Latest Blog 2
January 2007 update
All my past info
