A Heartbreaker!

Feb 02, 2009

Hello my wls family,
I wanted to let you all know what has been going on with me. On Jan 15, 2009 I had a 5 month check up, and discovered, my baby had no heartbeat! They had to induce my labor and I had Jolie London Lawrence on Jan 16, 2009. I feel lucky for getting to see and hold her! She was my beautiful baby girl, and I will forever be baffled! They sent off her placent and come to find out I had an acute placenta infection! No rhyme or reason. I know it is not for me to question, but I question. I just try and pray and get through each day. I have a beautiful 5 yr old little boy that seems so grown up, that it kills me!!!!!! ha ha Anyway, apparantly she had died the night before my check up because what I thought was bad gas, must have been something else going on. They say I could have done nothing about it. I just ask that you would keep me in your prayers.
If there is any brightness to anything, I weighed 201 this morning which means I am down 87lbs! That is crazy to me!
God Bless each and every one of you.


Nov 11, 2008

Hello there! I am 2 days shy of my six month anniversary and I weith 222. Which means I have lost 66lbs. I think my doc thought I would be at 75lbs by now, but I have had a bump in the road come up. I would like to think I am a intelligent woman that knows what causes these things,...... but,..... God has blessed me with a baby to be! I have a 5 yr old little boy named Jett, and now I am having a new precious ! It was certainly not in my plan, as far as wls, and my life frankly, but I realized it was a gift from God and I am thrilled now! I worry about the baby, but both of my Drs, say that if I focus on protein, the baby will be fine.
I am thrilled with my weight loss thus far! I have to start working out! No telling where I could be by now!

55 lbs down

Sep 21, 2008

Things have really slowed. I was so used to fast progress, now that it has really really slowed, it almost feels like I am failing. I am realistic though and I knew there would be times like this. By 9-5-08 I had lost 55lbs. YEAH!!!! Now it has just been slow! It is 9-20-08 and I am still there! However my fault, need to work out!
Still feeling fantastic and thrilled with life!

8 1/2 weeks out and loving life!

Jul 22, 2008

At 8 weeks, I had lost 43 lbs. I am so thrilled! I look forward to the next day and see how much better my clothes fit and how much better I feel. People are really starting to notice, and I just feel great!

Six Weeks post op and feeling awesome!

Jun 25, 2008

Today, June 25,2008, it has been 6 weeks exactly and I am down 34lbs!
I am estatic! It is such a great process to go through. Every day to see the difference, when you try on clothes, or notice it in the mirror! It is exciting and I can't wait for more!

12 Days post op

May 26, 2008

I can't believe it has already been 12 days! You know I won't say it was easy breezy,...... but it really wasn't bad! I am sick of pureed foods! And it was not true what I heard, that I would not care about food,......... because I Do!! I have been around pizza, hamburgers, nachos and pasta and my mouth just waters for it! I know that my stomach does not want it, but my brain and mouth sure does! ha ha ha I was so happy that the surgery was out of the way, It's all down hill from here and I am excited! I lost 20lbs in 7 days and now I have gone 5 days and have lost nothing! Bummer but excited!

8 days

May 06, 2008

8 days until the first day of the rest of my life!!!!!

About Me
Lubbock, TX
Surgery Date
Apr 30, 2008
Member Since

Friends 15

Latest Blog 7
55 lbs down
8 1/2 weeks out and loving life!
Six Weeks post op and feeling awesome!
12 Days post op
8 days
