2nd fill

Mar 17, 2009

OK so I went for my 2ND fill on Mon 3/16/09 and boy did it hurt, my god I thought I wanted to die. My 1st one didn't fill like anything but this time around something was different. The doctor couldn't understand why I was saying it hurt he just kept telling me " It doesn't hurt, I'm not even doing anything " " How can it hurt". I was getting pissed because I know he used a thicker needle and he went straight through one of my incisions, last time he went right on the side of the incision. If that wasn't enough after he sat me up he hands me the needle and Say's "I'll be right back". I wanted to scream and try not to move at the same time, here I am sitting there in pain holding a dam big ass needle in my stomach well the doctor goes to do whatever the hell he had to do. I was looking down at the needle and wanted to just die, it was very thick. So needless to say my 2ND fill didn't go so well. I told him it was so bad I may not be back for the 3rd one, on the bright side though I lost another 7 pounds. He Say's 4 in the norm, so that I'm doing very very well. I went from 195 in the beginning of all this to 168 from 12/30/08 to 3/16/09. It doesn't seem like to much to me but if he Say's so, he is the doc right? I thought I would of seen more weight loss by now, my dad is no help he told me yesterday that when is the surgery going to start working. So I'm kinda down right now, the pain from the fill and the unhappiness with what I lost has really made me upset. I had the fill yesterday and today was the 1st time eating since and I officially experienced a bad side effect I guess you would call it. I had to throw up, I came home for lunch took one bite of a piece of bread and had so much pain in my chest I though I was going to die. The pain lasted for about 30 to 40 min. I ran to the toilet and tried to get the bread out but it just wouldn't come up, I guess the 2ND fill is working. I learned my lesson no more bread for me. I was throwing up all acid or some kind of fluid, I don't really know what it was. This was my 1st time experiencing anything negative about the band, well other then my left shoulder pain that I've had since surgery. Now everything I eat has to be cut up very small and chewed many times, unlike all these other months the food has been going down just fine. I started thinking did I really have surgery cuz I was eating a little to well. Well talk to you soon thanks for letting me vent. (=


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Moreno Valley, CA
Surgery Date
Nov 12, 2008
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