Dropped 3 pant sizes!!!

Sep 26, 2008

I was at a size 52" waist and now I am down to a 46 and really close to a 44".

Sorry, I have not updated you all in the last couple of months.

Jun 19, 2008

I went to the scale this morning and am now down to 309.5lbs.  That's 54.5lbs lost since I began!!   

I am feeling real good, but I think I still need another fill.

I'm Back on Track!!

Apr 29, 2008

"Now weighing in on my left corner, Mr. Matthew J. Valdez.  Weighing in still with the heavy weights,  but still working to the middle weights"  "He hit the scale this moring at 318.  Down 46lbs since November, when he was fighting with the "Superweight Class".

Went to the scale today and I am so disappointed!!!

Apr 08, 2008

Gained 2.25 lbs and I can feel no restriction.  I am getting a little bit frustrated!!!

Returned from 1st fill and do not have alot of restriction.

Apr 03, 2008

I just had my first fill and the restriction is not that great but I am still losing!

I went to the scale this AM and was down another 3lbs.  I am now at 320 from 364 that I started with in November.

I must be doing OK!

I AM ME.... Original Story written by lindam116

Mar 25, 2008

This story is copied and slightly re-written in male form to go with me.  I recieved permission from lindam116 to copy and repost it in my blog.  
Please see her original on her blog at the following address:


"I am me...

To all the healthy and thin people 
out there that don't understand obesity,

I am a 38 year old morbidly obese man. 
I have spent over 30 years of my life 
overweight and obese.  The past several 
years I have ballooned to becoming morbidly 
obese.  I want to share some things 
with you that you may not know about 
me or understand about obesity.

Being obese does not make me blind. I see 
the looks that you give me. I also see when 
you look away from me and try to ignore me. 
I see when you roll your eyes in disgust. I 
also see your pity. I don't want your pity 
though. I want to be treated like anyone else. 
That's all. If you think about it, it's really not 
much to ask.

Secondly, being obese does not make me 
deaf. I hear your whispers and snickers. I 
hear your rude comments even if I choose 
to ignore them and not respond. I hear the 
names and the gasps as I walk by. I'm not 
deaf, just obese.

I, as an morbidly obese person, have 
feelings. My weight does not add "padding" 
to my emotions or my soul... just my body. When 
you are rude to me, I hurt. When you laugh 
or ridicule me, I cry... maybe not outwardly 
but deep within. And with every harsh word 
or action against me, I lose a litte bit more of 
my self esteem. My self worth plummets. 
After years of being called every name from "chubby" 
to "orca" I don't have a lot of self esteem left. 
Please, don't destroy what little 
bit I am able to hang on to.

Even though I may smile and seem like a 
"jolly" person, I am unhappy inside. I may 
 let you see that part of me. I may hide it for times 
when I'm alone. But true happiness is something 
that has slowly dwindled away as I packed the 
pounds on. I find moments of joy 
in my life but to say that I am truly happy 
every day is impossible. It's hard to be happy 
when you know that you are slowly killing yourself 
by carrying so much extra weight.

Being obese does not automatically make me 
a lazy person. My weight sometimes hinders 
me from doing as much as a healthier person. 
It doesn't mean that I don't want to get out 
and exercise or do things, it means that my 
body won't let me. Some days I stuggle just 
to get out of bed.  I'm not lazy, just in pain.  
Please don't confuse that.

Obesity does not equal stupidity. I am a 
smart man. Unfortunately, over the years, I 
have formed bad eating habits that have 
overtaken my will power. I have used food... 
usually "bad" food... as a crutch. Food has 
become my comforter. It is the way I celebrate. 
Food has become my friend. It is a friend that
 I have not been willing to walk away from. 
I'm not stupid, just loyal to my friend.

I want you to understand:

I have hopes.
I have fears.
I have feelings. 
I have extra pounds. 
I have wants.
I have needs.
I have curves.
I have the desire to live.

I am on a journey now to make myself 
healthier.  Sometimes I wish I had never let myself 
get to this point but I can honestly 
say that I am a better person for it.  I am 
more sensitive to other people's feelings.  
I am more appreciative of my health.  I am 
in touch with my inner self.  I am more determined 
to get healthy and more 
importanly, to stay healthy.

I am a human being.

I am morbidly obese.

I am me."

This plateau is killing me!!

Mar 24, 2008

I was only down .5lb from last week.  Down so far 42lbs since November!!

40.5lbs down from beginning!!

Mar 20, 2008

As of today, I am 40.5lbs down from when I started.  

Next week on the 28th of March, I go in for my first fill!!  I sure feel that I am in need of it.  Weight loss has slowed down a bit and it is getting a little bit frustrating, if you know what I mean?

Copied from another blog that I had started.

Mar 05, 2008

On the good road to weight loss!
Date Posted: 02-06-2008 at 10:42 AM 
On November 8, 2007, my wife and I took a flight out to Phoenix, AZ and met with the staff at Weight Loss Institute of Arizona (WLIAZ).

We made the decision to have the lap-band surgery and since that day I have already begun my weight loss journey. On that day I hit the scales at 364 lbs and as of today I am at 350.

Thursday, February 14th is my scheduled surgery date and I can't "weight" to eventually see myself in pictures again. I am a photographer, but I always like to stay behind the lense instead of the front.

I am really looking forward to a lighter life!!
Down another 2.75 lbs
Date Posted: 02-11-2008 at 10:38 AM
I went to the scale again this morning and I am down another 2.75 lbs.
So far, I have lost 20.7 lbs.
2 More Days!!
Date Posted: 02-12-2008 at 09:40 PM 
I'm going to bed now. Early morning is near. I have to get up at 4:30 am to leave to the airport 65 miles away to catch an 8:00 am flight to Phoenix. Appoinment for EGD or whatever its called to check out your throat is at 11:00 am. Tomorrow morning will be a rush.

I will get back to everyone as soon as I can feel comfortable enough to get back on the computer.

Love all of you and thanks for all the support.
It's all done now.
Date Posted: 02-17-2008 at 05:50 PM
We returned from our banding trip today and I am feeling very positive about what the wife and I have done. This is a new step towards a better future. It is kind of wierd to feel this full constantly and not want food. Even the commercials on TV are not bothering me. The only thing that I really crave is something salty, like a saltine crakcer or some jerky.
7.5lbs gone again this week!!
Date Posted: 02-27-2008 at 08:56 AM
I am down another 7.5lbs this week, which puts me at 327.5, with a total of 36.5lbs down!!

11/9/07 - 364 Dr's Consultation
12/14/07 - 354 -10lbs
02/04/08 - 350 -4lbs
02/07/08 - 346 Pre-Surg-Diet -4lbs
02/11/08 - 343.25 -2.75
02/19/08 - 335 - 8.25lbs
02/26/08 - 327.5 - 7.50lbs
Total to date 36.5 lbs.

About Me
Santa Fe, NM
Surgery Date
Feb 28, 2008
Member Since

Friends 32

Latest Blog 9
Dropped 3 pant sizes!!!
Sorry, I have not updated you all in the last couple of months.
I'm Back on Track!!
Went to the scale today and I am so disappointed!!!
Returned from 1st fill and do not have alot of restriction.
I AM ME.... Original Story written by lindam116
This plateau is killing me!!
40.5lbs down from beginning!!
Copied from another blog that I had started.
