
Sep 30, 2009

Made a commitment years ago that when I lost my weight I would get a tattoo.   Look what I did yesterday!

Welcome to 2009

Apr 05, 2009

Okay, so where the hell do I even begin.   I forgot about this site and received an email reminder that I was post op four years ago today which sparked the chain of events for reformatting this profile and providing an update.

Unfortunately, I was one of those whose weight loss surgery was eventually unsuccessful.  I was able to find a way to "cheat" once I was back on regular food and pretty much gained most of my weight back from the original surgery in 2005.   My diabetes got worse, I was completely unhealthy and just felt like  crap most of the time.     I would not recommend the procedure I had for those who have portion control issues - yes, I lost weight, but found an easy way to gain it back in know time.   If you are considering WLS, I would highly recommend one that forces a redirection of the food or the removable lapband procedure.   The redirection types are more risky but I believe provide better and lasting results.    I am not a doctor, that is just my opinion from past experience.

December 2007 I was diagnoised with a GIST - Gastro Intenstinal Stromal Tumor.    The tumor was growing from the previous scar tissue that formed from my WLS in 2005.    I had no symptoms of this tumor and the only reason it was found was through CT scans for a kidney stone issue I was having earlier that year.    Upon further testing, the tumor was growing rapidly and needed to be removed.    February 2008 I had my surgery to remove the tumor.   It was the size of a grapefruit and as a result they had to remove 90% of my stomach including the previous staple line from the 2005 WLS which has somehow formed a second opening (maybe due to my overeating post op but I don't know for sure.)

I was hospitalized from Feb 7 - April 14 2008 due to so many surgical complications (not the fault of the surgeons) etc but lost 80 pounds lying in the hospital bed which I didn't even notice until a few months after the fact.     Got home in mid april and had to relearn how to eat, drink, etc.    My stomach was now surgically much smaller than before and I still cannot eat anywhere near as much food as I used to which is a great thing.   I went into rebah in May 2008 as I lost a lot of muscle mass from being in the hospital for so long.  I have since lost an additional 40 pounds on my own from watching what I eat and going to the gym almost every day.

I have gone from a 54 waist pant to 36 (enroute to a 32/34 by goal) and most of my co-morbidities are gone.   Blood work shows no signs of diabetes at all and everything else is normal.  I feel the best I have ever felt in my life and actually go dancing with my partner on weekends.

Its been an amazing journey and I am happy to share my thoughts and experiences with anyone who would be interested in chatting.   

From the old profile

Apr 05, 2009

As a Canadian, this operation is covered by OHIP which comes with a two year waiting list. Surgery is April 5, 2005 - can't wait!!!

February 2005
Went to see the surgeon today for the final meeting with him prior to the surgery. I can't believe its almost here. April 5, 2005. I'm anxious about the surgery but not about life afterawards. I am concerned about the amount of water I have to drink. I normally drink lots of water each day, and I know that I will have to limit that post surgery. I know its a big change but its all for the best. Once the surgery is over then I can focus on doing what is best.

March 2005
Went to the hospital today to do all the paperwork and I got weighed. I have gained about 12 pounds since the new year. I wasn't trying to lose but didn't think I had gained that much. I have been going a little nuts this past week eating whatever since in my mind I will never be eating those foods again. We said we were all going to do better once the surgery was over. Not sure if I can last another eight days eating like a pig. I'm so ready for this surgery I can't wait. This seems somewhat overwhelming really, almost as if this is really not happening to me. I have always relied on food for comfort; at least for the last 15 years, but now it just doesn't seem to cut it anymore. This is all good, scary, but good. I just want the surgery to go well, with no complications and to recover fast and start my journey to healthier me.

April 4, 2005
Hi folks. Well, here we go. Tomorrow is the big day. I can't believe its finally here. Almost three years have passed since I first heard about weight loss surgery and I can now say that in less than 24 hours, I will be on the "other side." Today was an awesome day. My partner, Rob, got the letter he's been waiting for. He got accepted to teacher's college for this September, which has been a dream of his since I've known him. I am so thankful that he got it, but also thankful that I was able to find out before tomorrow. This way, I don't have to worry about him, worrying about me and whether or not he got it, and he can completely focus on me tomorrow (hey, its one day, it can be ALL about me....LOL). Things really seem to be picking up, which is so great to be able to say. Thanks again to everyone for their kind words of support. Scheduled to be in the hospital for a week so I'll update upon my return. Here are my final measurements as of last night:

As of April 4, 2005
Neck - 19
Chest - 51
Waist - 55.5
Hips - 57.5
Arm - 17.5
Thigh - 27.5
Height - 68.5
BMI - 48
Weight - 316

April 12, 2005
Hey folks. I can finally say I have crossed over to the “other side.” I am now considered “post op” and I cannot tell you have relieved I am to be at this point. Everything with my surgical experience went better than I had thought it would be. Got to the hospital early last Tuesday morning. Was taken into the pre-op room where two nurses worked diligently to get me ready for the 7:30am start time. They asked familiar medical questions, started my IV, gave me a shot of something to reduce the chances of blood clots, and antibiotics via the IV. They also put these very tight white stockings on my feet right up to below my knees, which is also to reduce the chance of blood clots. I was ready to go, on time.

A few hours later, I awoke in recovery to find about 20 staples in my stomach, a drainage tube emerging from the left side of my belly, a catheter and a gastric nasal tube. I felt extremely tired but not too bad, thank God for morphine. The hardest part for me during the first two days post op was not being able to drink water. My mouth was so uncomfortably dry; it felt like my tongue was wearing two sweaters.

Within 24 hours the gastric nasal tube was removed, a little uncomfortable, but altogether not that bad – and this was one of the things I was most worried about pre-op.

I was out of ICU after one day following surgery and relocated to recover in the surgical ward. By day 4, my IV and drainage tube was removed. I have to say the most uncomfortable part of this entire ordeal was the removal of that drainage tube. That is not an experience I hope to relive anytime soon. Now 7 days post op, the site of my drainage tube is more sensitive than my actual incision.

I find that each day there are small improvements. I find my ability to get around improving each day. I find the nights still the most difficult times. Getting a comfortable position for sleep is still a challenge as I am limited to sleep only on my back. Attempting to sleep on my side is not yet a possibility. I also find each night since being home I am able to sleep for longer stints before walking up. For the last two nights, I have been able to sleep from about 10:30pm to 7am the next morning with only one “up time” during the night for a short jaunt to the bathroom.

Things seem to be moving along well. I get my staples out the end of this week which I am looking forward to. I do have seepage from the bottom staple which started about two days ago, and occurs on and off throughout the day. It does not fully appear to be just blood, but more like the liquid that was collected from the drainage tube. There is no pain involved, however it just freaked me out the first night. We called the hospital and they said this was completely normal and not to be concerned. Would like to hear from others regarding your experiences in this area.

By the time I left the hospital on Sunday, the scale showed an already 20 pound weight loss! I am still in complete shock but realize that this loss volume is fairly normal at the start of such a drastic change in food intake and will greatly reduce in the coming weeks.

Much thanks again to everyone for their kind words and support.

April 14, 2005
Went to the Dr.s office today to get my staples removed. The staples being removed didn't hurt at all, more like a little tickle. When I got up from the table after he took the staples out, I had a bit of a shock to see this light red watery liquid pour out of the incision. It poured everywhere, it was so disgusting, even caught my Dr. by surprise. He said it was normal, called it a seroma. It's where fluid gets trapped under the skin. He reassured me its not an infection and that it will clear up on its own. The fluid apparently gets reabsorbed into your body. There was no pain involved in this when it happened at all. Just freaked me out. I was walking around like a bit of a zombie thereafter, scared it was going to happen again. I've had a little bit of oozing every now and then, but nothing major like at his office. I guess it was the best place for that to have happened. Just wanted to share in case others experience this - and to know that its normal and not a cause for alarm.

April 21, 2004

Hi folks, hope everyone is well. It's now been 16 days since my surgery and I am feeling well. The pressure in my stomach seems to lessen each day. I am moving around much better than last week and the seepage seems to have stopped. My scar is healing nicely since I have started wrapping my mid-section in saran-wrap when I shower. My scar doesn't seem to like getting wet, so I keep it dry. I am going to my family doctor this afternoon for a check-in. Looking forward to getting out of the house. Starting to go somewhat stir crazy, miss going to work. Everyone tells me that I should shut up and just relax and enjoy the time off. I agree to a certain point but feel confined staying in the house, plus daytime television IS SO BORING... My picture was finally posted on this site and it's just a lovely one to boot. The pic was taken the night before my surgery (you can see the sheer and utter panic in my face.) It such an unattractive photo but I guess the "before" should be that way. I can most definitely notice a difference already. Since that picture was taken I have lost 31.5 lbs and 9 total body inches so far - in 16 days. It's very exciting. Always interested in chatting with others, so feel free to drop me a note anytime. Until next time.

April 27, 2005
Went into work on Monday and people flipped out. It was actually very cool, the attention felt weird but it was all positive. People were saying they could actually see a difference in me since prior to the surgery. They said they noticed it most in my stomach and face. It was really nice to see everyone (I love my job!) and can't wait to go back to work, can't stand being at home, get so bored of daytime television. Weight seems to be coming off regularly, slowly, but regularly. Down 34 pounds and surgery was 3 weeks ago yesterday. Eating is good. I am off the pureed food, couldn't do it anymore. I just make certain my food is chewed really well before swallowing. No major problems to report other than my boredom (thank God) so at this point I am just ready to get back to everyday life. If all continues to go well, I should be back to work within the next couple of weeks. I am down 16.5 total body inches so far, just finding out yesterday that I have lost 4.5 inches off my waist, which now totals 6 full inches just there alone. I am starting to see it myself, I'm just somewhat impatient and want to see more. I know, I shouldn't be greedy, I'm just excited.

May 5, 2005
Surgery was one month ago today and I am down 37.5 pounds. The scale this morning was 279.5 - I am under 280 pounds. Still doesn't seem real to me. I cannot remember the last time I was under 280 pounds. I saw my family doctor today and he gave me the okay to return to work on Monday, which I am thrilled about. I can't stand being at home so going back to work is a great thing, plus I do love my job. Being back at work should help me to be on a better schedule, plus I will be more active. My incision is healing nicely and everyone is telling me how shocked they are at how fast I have healed. I am so grateful that everything has so far seemed to work out well and am excited about the future. I would be very interested to hear from others (regardless of your situation) to chat - want to be a support network for those who are interested in receiving it. All the best to everyone!

May 14, 2005
Hi folks. Started back to work last Monday and it was great. People were supportive and commented on my noticeable weight loss. I will never get tired of hearing how good I look...
I seemed to have reached my first weight plateau and I have not gone below 279.5. I'm was somewhat upset because of course I want to continue seeing that number go down, however, the inches do keep coming off. As of yesterday, I have now lost a total of 23.25 inches off my total body. It’s so bizarre to look in the mirror and see the difference already. It is very inspiring but I am getting greedy - the more that comes off the more I want to come off.
I have begun eating regular food and all is well. I am shocked at the good choices I am making. I am refraining from eating red meat, white sugar, white flour and most products with aspartame. I find it is really made a difference in how I feel. Pasta is difficult to eat as it makes me full very fast. I eat a lot of chicken, tuna, salmon, whitefish, low fat cheeses, yogurt and soymilk. Chocolate soymilk is amazing. It does not taste any different from regular chocolate milk but is full of protein and has no cholesterol. I have not taken any medications since my surgery - this includes my metformin for diabetes. I check my blood regularly and it has not yet been over seven, including two hours post mealtime. I am walking every night after dinner and am looking forward to getting back to the gym in the coming weeks (once the Dr. says its okay.) I will be doing cardio for the most part. Cannot do any ab work for a while until everything is fully healed inside - probably late summer.
Other foods that I am enjoying are baked potatoes. I know some can't eat them as they say its hard to digest, but I have had no problems yet - its all about chewing people!!! I nuke the medium potato and once ready, I cut it open and add a tsp of ultra low fat cream cheese and 1/3 cup of some low fat shredded cheese such as mozzarella or cheddar. Back in the microwave for a minute or so and what an awesome lunch. I have been taking these to work for lunch and just melt the cheese when ready to eat. I find myself craving these. I use the yellow potatoes as I find they have a better taste and apparently are better for you - (again, avoiding white foods wherever possible.) I have also made tuna salad with melted cream cheese instead of mayo and I really like it - I chill my tuna first which I find more appealing.
I also am drinking my water with fresh organic lemons - adds variety and makes me feel like I am drinking something other than just water.
Hope everyone is well and if you try any of my suggestions, would love to hear from you to see what you think. As always, would love to hear from anyone who ever feels like talking. All the best...

May 15, 2005
Went to the gym today and did 40 minutes of cardio - enough said!

May 18, 2005
Okay, I would love to meet the person who invented the "home scale." These devices should be banned from all homes in the US and Canada. . I am soooooooo obsessed with weighing myself. Having been in the hospital and losing 20 pounds in five days really did a number on my head. I cannot stop weighing myself. It has actually become a joke in our house. I would weigh myself in the morning, and then once in the evening, and after every trip to the washroom (a good pee can be 1.5 pounds...who knew.) So I told Rob to hide the scale this past weekend because this obsession was getting out of hand. I also frustrated myself last week because I hit my first plateau and lost nothing. It is amazing how greedy I have become with the weight loss. Anyway, I decided to mix things up because of the plateau, so I started to walk at lunch at work. I would go out on my own, listen to music and walk around the neighborhood. Turns out, walking is good. I average 45-minute walks at lunch and am going again in the evenings after dinner. So as a result, the plateau is over (for now) and I am down another 4.5 pounds. Lost 41.5 pounds, surgery was six weeks ago yesterday and a total of 23.5 inches. I cannot remember the last time I weighted 274.5 - probably birth...
So I am seeing my family doctor every two weeks and have decided that those will be my weigh in days. This way I can start to limit the obsession - hey, I stopped eating lots of food, the obsession has to pick up somewhere. Also, for those interested, I found the scale. Hiding it under the bed was the third place I looked - he needs to improve his hiding skills. Hope everyone is doing well, take care and stay in touch.

September 6, 2005
Wow, I can't believe its been months since my last update. The summer certainly did go by fast. I am currently sitting at exactly 50 pounds gone since my surgery. I would have lost more by now, but found out how to cheat. I realized that if I drink water WITH my meals I can eat more than I should. I started doing this with the odd meal, then it grew into a regular occurance. I ate more, felt like crap, gain 5 pounds and then got depressed as a result of my own behaviour. Over the last few weeks I have retaugh myself to drink 1/2 hour or later after each meal. As a result now, I have lost another 9 pounds. Its nice to know that I can treat myself every now and then, however, three months was long enough. Its now back to business. Hope everyone is doing well. Stay in touch.

About Me
North York,, On
Surgery Date
Mar 01, 2005
Member Since

Latest Blog 3
