Stanley Getz

"have your questions ready, and you better be ready for the results!! They are great!!!!!!!!!"

Northeast Medical

" Courteous Service and Help was always available when needed, and it was always with a smile. And as a patient it makes your day to be treated well, and in a timely manner. "

Roc W. Bauman, MD, FACS, FASMBS

" I havent met with my doctor yet. But i have asked around here on this site and I have gotten nothing but good remarks about him and his staff..UpDATE!!! I have a new consult with Dr Roc Bauman of Concord N.C.I have been waiting for this meeting. He is well known and have performed numerous R NY's . 2-18-02 I had my first meeting with my Surgeon today. To me Dr Bauman was very intenative and straight to the point. He asked me right off the bat "was I sure this is what I wanted", I told him I had be investigating this for months and "yes" I was positive this is what I wanted for me and my Health. He told all about the pros and cons of WLS,Different things that may are may not happen. I think he wanted to see my reactions to the things he told me, and that I know the risk involved with this type of surgery.At first I was a little affraid of this meeting with him, but after shaking me and my Husband's hand (like he knew us for a while)it was like being one of his regular patients.I felt right at home.He explained that I would need 1 more test and then they would send papers to send to Cigna for aurthorization. Then I would have to see the Endo doctor and get information of their longterm weight management program.I would rate Dr Bauman as a 9 1/2 at this moment of time. I couldnt ask for a better doctor than one whom talks to his patients in layman's terms, to make sure you understand, and then tells you if you have more questions to get back in touch with him anytime so he can answer them. His office staff was nice and curtieous but busy.Robin was nice and told me to call her if I had anything to ask her or to fax her.But to get my last blood work so we can get a Date...All in all if Dr Bauman's bed side manner anything like he was today..... I'm one lucky Woman"
About Me
Gastonia, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 02, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Day of Surgery... 4/01/02
249 lbs.lbs
Recent... 12/10/04
135 lbs.lbs
