Saturday is gone

Aug 04, 2012

 Well Saturday flew by and Sunday is here...I did really good with food options yesterday...I may have eaten less then I should have. Saturday breakfast was two boiled eggs, a flat everything bagel and half cup OJ. lunch was a large chilli from Wendy's. I went to bed at like 7pm. I woke up a few times but made myself stay in bed. I needed the rest. and drum roll........NO SWEETS SINCE TUESDAY 7/31/12 I'm still going strong. I wonder if I lost any weight lol. I have not got on a scale because I'm not doing it for weight lost. I was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic Nd I just want to gain control over these sweets. I'm stronger I can do this and if I slip I will get up and keep walking. Five days ago it had control over me but today I'm In CONTROL  so for  today my breakfast will be one egg scrambled with Pam,a slice of turkey an everything bagel and half cup of Oj, Lunch is a baked potato with baked talopia and dinner is chicken and broccoli  See planned and in control. I'm snacking on peanuts today I have some sugar free peppermint patties and I might try to make smoothies for me and the boys.. not sure about the sugar in that fruit yet..We will see!!! heyy I'm getting a new hairdo on Monday. Will post a pic ASAP.,,,,HAPPY SUNDAY OH FAMILY



Aug 03, 2012

 So Happy its Friday I am so ready to relax this weekend. Got some house cleaning and laundry to do. Maybe I will hang out this weekend not sure. We shall see. Hope all my OH ppl are good and feeling good. I am doing great with my sugar intake. No sweets since Tuesday. Im holding on strong. My sis offered me some cake wednesday night and I had to turn her down. I love my sugar but it seems to be a one sided relationship. I eat you and eat you and you slowly kill me WOW!! thanks but no thanks. Well I am going to try to stay strong this weekend at home. I brought peanuts, sugar free apple sauce, low fat yogart as a few alt options. I will have to learn what fruits are not to high in natural sugar but I am not worried about eating them this weekend. I will go back to the store Sunday or next week for some more options. I put two peices of fish in the oven for my dinner tonight ahead of time. Kids can do pizza or sumthin easy. Well thats me chatting away the last ten min at work .. will post again lol (love this one)

Day Three

Aug 02, 2012

IT'S COMING I FEEL IT...ONE DAY AT A TIME..three days no sweets ;) still pushing 

Waiting Game Ohhhh How it Stinks lol!

Aug 01, 2012

 So I spoke to the assistant for my BS and she said the nurse has to get all my test results and blood work before they submit a date for approval to BCBS. I have an Upper GI and EKG on 08/08/12 scheduled and my PCP is putting the blood work together and sending it to Duke by fax... Im sooo ready  One day at a time. I dont know why I feel so sick to my tummy today. I ate breakfast no lunch. Im still not hungry but I will be eating dinner...Dont know what to make but we shall see. I need to start pulling up some of the websites with healthy food options. DAY TWO NO SWEETS OMG...kill me now (sike I wanna live)

Ended up having a mcchicken for dinner...not health but almost through my day #2 no sweets 👍

New Guy

Jul 31, 2012

  So I met a really nice guy. He is looking for a long term relationship but understands i just wanna be friends for now and take it slowwwww ;) Well tonight I told him I plan on having the gastric bypass to see what he would say.... He said why? You don't need it...(yeah right)...I told him I wanna live to see my children grow up, I want to run, hike, bike, Zumba,weight training, and get with a personal trainer. I wanna get fit and change everything and no one can change my mind about it..AND he said.........'I got your back'  What a great guy!!!

Tough Tuesday!!!

Jul 31, 2012

I'm glad Tuesday is over, one day closer to the weekend Trying to go cold Turkey on the sweets..

I want something sweet sooooooooooo BAD !!!

Monday is Over

Jul 30, 2012

 Well another Monday bits the dust. I am counting down the days until I get the call from the patient coordinator at BCBS....God give me streghth and favor ;)

Sunday Dinner!!!

Jul 29, 2012

 I had a great Sunday dinner with my family.....Happy Sunday to my OH members!!!!

Useless Post/Comments

Jul 28, 2012

 I learned today that After reading several post on the post it board that there are some really bored or just argumentive ppl on this site. I can be very argumentive when there is a valid point to be made but I'm reading ppl who get upset over ppls post or their opinion It's crazy. I love the site and will continue to post and read advise as well as experiences, But will not get involved with the back and forth and childishness. OH members who are here to support and love others THANKS!!!

Primary Care

Jul 28, 2012

 I established a primary care dr here in Durham. I'm so glad she is easy to talk to and willing to support me through the surgery. the office has a wellness coach but I like the coach I'm currently working with so I will use the new coach as a back up....Spending the day with my sister. Love her to pieces...
