jazzigirl 16 years ago

Congrats and so happy all is going well!

Nina P. 16 years ago

I just spoke with Corey and she is doing well. She is up walking and not having too much pain. Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Nina

Nina P. 16 years ago

I just spoke with Corey and she is doing well. She is up walking and not having too much pain. Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Nina

Angela P. 16 years ago

Hi Cory, Glad to hear surgery went well and I'm praying for your swift healing. All my best to you! Angela

Nina P. 16 years ago

I just got off the phone with Corey's mom. Corey made it through surgery just fine and the nurses have already had her up and walking around. I will keep everyone posted if I get any new information. Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Nina

Nina P. 16 years ago

I just got off the phone with Corey's mom. Corey made it through surgery just fine and the nurses have already had her up and walking around. I will keep everyone posted if I get any new information. Continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Nina

PekinSal 16 years ago

Good luck with your surgery (whatever you have!) - chickens are dancing and hoping you get everything sorted...Sal

Apologize 16 years ago

Definately swinging chickens your way cory! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery! -Brok

Nina P. 16 years ago

Good luck Corey, you will be just fine. I wish that I could be there with you, but you will be on so much dopey medicine that you wouldn't know the difference. I am a bundle of excited nerves for you so hopefully you are calm as a cucumber. I am glad that we have developed such a close bond and looking forward to all those outings after we are both healed. See you on the switched side! (Nina)

Larissa P. 16 years ago

Here's to hoping your innards behave for the doc and you come out better than ever! :)
About Me
Evansville, IN
Surgery Date
Jun 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 12
