My story...Not much to tell really. My name is Ashley and I am 25yrs. old. I have been overweight all of my life. I can remeber going to the doctors as a child and hearing them tell my mom that I was to fat... Being a child hearing that definitely did not feel good. I really could not figure out what was so bad about me.... Everytime I would leave the doctors office I would always cry beacuase they would always comment on my weight. They would say well if you could lose weight this could get better...Well no shit, I knew I was fat. Growing up I always was the fat girl. I had lots of friends, but it was different, I still felt like an outsider. As a teenager I tried losing weight by not eating, or throwing up and exercising. I knew that it would not work, but I wanted to try. At age 20 the put me on Meridia, it helped a little I lost like 30 lbs in like 3 mths, but my insurance would not pay for it anymore, so I could not afford it so I stopped taking it.  When i got pregnant with my daughter in 2005, I weighed 324 lbs. but early in the preganancy I was very ill and went down to 285 lbs. I gained it back and ended up weighing 354 when I delivered. That was the heaviest I had ever been. After having her I had several complications due to the delivery and spent around two weeks in the hospital. i knew  I needed to get this weight off. I started Weight Watchers, did not work, started Nutri-system, too expensive, I started excercising, but only a couple lbs here and there. Three months later I found out I was prengant with my son....I ended up weighing 405lbs when I delivered. I have triend everything there is and I still cannot lose the weight I need to to be here for my kids. It hurts to look at them and wonder in ten yrs. If I will be here to see them. i have hypertension and barretts esphagus, which really puts me out of getting the lap band that i wanted. I think my only option now is the Roux n Y...My family is not very happy about my pursuing this surgery, but I need to do what I have to do be around for my kids and hopefully someday my grandkids....  I would appreciate any support ya'll can give. I need it... Thanks.

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Nov 27, 2007
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