opps its been a while

Jan 25, 2012

 well a couple of years later...i am back on the wls band wagon! I now have kaiser and i have already done the steps to get the surgery. I am going with a gastric sleeve now. I feel it's better for me. i go back on the 13the of Feb for three apt and classes to get me underway! i weighted in at 256.5. with a bmi over 40. not a big surprise there . I have a great support team with me i couldn't ask for a better family and friends.  I am going to start on Friday with the post op meal plan they gave me. with that i should lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. so i can meet my weight loss goal for surgery.. I cant  wait.. i hope i get thru the program fast and not slow. my mind is in a much better place now than it was back in 09. kids are older and life has been going great! 

oh yeah!!!!!!!

Sep 15, 2009

I had my physic appt today!!!  ! He thinks that i will be good for GBP! yay!!!! now i have to wait for that dietitian to call me back and lose 20 lbs and have my insurance approve then i will have my date! yay! oh i can't wait! tomorrow I'm going to get up and exercise my butt off and eat light and right all day. I'm on cloud nine right now!


Sep 10, 2009

 Im going to go see my Surgon tomorrow!!!!! WOOHOOOOO ! I can't wait! its all starting to fall into place! My sister is coming wit me.. she is my life line. Lets hope everything will go well! keep ya updated...

well i changed my mind..

Aug 26, 2009

 After reading and more reading and well haha more reading. Im thinking of going with the LAP BAND...just a thought though. I just think its going to be better for me in long run of things.. 


Aug 24, 2009

 Well my missed my PCP appt today. my sister needed my car and i had no daycare! grrrr!!!!!!!  .....well that puts a holt into things. but i need to go get my house ready and everything for when i leave for TX on the 2nd. So that will give me some Exercise done. my house is tanked!... but i won't let this get me down... bye for now...

I did my First Step!

Aug 21, 2009

 well i registered with thinner Future .com today ( my surgeon) website. and they will call me in a couple of days! . I Also called my PCP. i go and see her on Monday to help me with it all!... YAY! one baby step Down! 

My first post!!!

Aug 19, 2009

 Well today i am taking my first steps to a better me!!!!!!  I'm going to call a surgeon i found that i like. who also did my sister some years back! I'm ready to jump through those hoops they will throw at me. bring it on.

About Me
san jose, CA
Aug 18, 2009
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