11-13-07: Shame on me for not updating like I should have. Wow since my last entry I have had quite a few issues. I developed a buldge in my back from the weight loss and not having any core muscle built up which is where my spare tire used to be. For over a year I have seen 8 specialists and finally found one who is fixing me. I just had a test last Monay that put 8 inch needles in my back and they put dye into the disk then took xrays and then I had a cat scan. On Thursday I find out the results of what is going to happen. I am a little nervous but anything is better than this. I have pretty much been house bound for about 3 months and that totally rots because I was so super active before. Oh well the time will come and I will be better again. My suggestion to those who are going to have surgery is build up your core muscles. Do sit ups, crunches whatever you can to build that up. Because from what I know now. I sure as heck would have been doing that before my surgery. Still would have had the surgery though. Best thing I ever did. 
Good luck to all and keep on reaching for your goals.

About Me
Green Bay, WI
Jan 07, 2004
Member Since

Friends 1
