1 Year B-Day!
Sep 20, 2008
Okay, so I have officially had my one year b-day! I am un-officially down 137 pounds, and wearing a size 8. I can honestly say that this has been the fastest year of my life...Do you think it's because I have went thru so many changes?? I look different, but sometimes I still see the same person, and still feel the same. I always think of myself as the largest person in the room, even if I'm not. I wonder if those feelings will ever go away? Maybe I need more time. I'm still drooling over the plastics, so hopefully sometime in the next 6 months I can start looking into that.!!! It has been one fantastic journey!!!
Hello Size 10!
Jul 09, 2008
Here I am almost 10 months out, and FINALLY hit a size 10!!! It feels great! But now I'm thinking, "I wonder if I could make it to an 8?" What do you think? I go for my check-up with my surgeon next week, and I'm excited and nervous too. Hopefully I will get the big thumbs up from him!!! Now I am just thinking about plastics. Man my stomach and boobs need some work. (As for the boobs it more like the lack there of!)
Nine Months and Counting.....
Jun 11, 2008
Okay so I am nine months out, and around 121 pounds down. Everything should be just great huh?? Isn't it funny how when you are overweight you blame everything on being fat? My marriage sucks because my husband isn't attracted to me.....I'm unhappy at work because I'm so self-concious about my weight.....I'm embarassed to go anywhere because people stare at me. Now here I am size 12 (that's pretty good when you are 5'10), and I still feel all those things. When is my head going to catch up with my body?? Some people tell me I don't need to lose anymore weight....but I keep thinking another 20 pounds and I'll be happy. If I can just make it to a size 10.....Am I crazy??

Sixth Months Down the Road.....
Mar 18, 2008
Okay, so here goes. I went to the Doctor Friday for my 6 month apt. According to their scale I was 94 pounds lighter. My scale said 100 pounds as of that morning. I was really disappointed, but what can you do? I have been a stall now for almost a month. This is totally depressing!!! I did buy a new pair of pants, and they were a size 14!!!
It felt fantastic!!! I noticed at 5 months I was a 16 and basically the same weight, so does that mean I'm losing inches? That would be nice!!! I keep thinking, the honeymoon is over and I'm not going to lose any more. I would freakin die if that happened!!!
But of course I have to admit I have been hitting the ol' carbs more than I should. God I love Carbs!!! I know, carbs are the devil.....

Five Months Out.........
Feb 16, 2008
Well here I am five months out and I'm 95 pounds down! I just got over the flu, and my voice is still not normal after my thyroid surgery, but I would trade my voice to be cancer free any day!!! My only concern is my job is going to sabotage me. I don't know if I've told you, but MY JOB SUCKS! I am a motor vehicle clerk, ya I know everyone hates the DMV, and probably everyone that works there. I promise, we are not all evil!! But the dang rules that we have to enforce make everyone think we are the devil incarnate. I come home most days in tears, and wanting to eat everything in site, because of course that is how I have always dealt with stressful situations. Where is the gambling, shopping, sex addiction when you need them? Just kidding, I know those are probably just as bad, but I really don't want to undo all the hard work I have done!!!
Size 16!!!
Jan 26, 2008
Well, yesterday while in Lubbock I went to the store because I wanted to see what size I was. I got into a 16! I haven't been a 16 since before I got pregnant with my first child! Man this just feels so good!

Four Months Out............
Jan 18, 2008
Well I am back from the hospital. I had the tumor removal on the 15th. It was benign!! YEA!!! Talk about a lot of relief! I am not pleased with the big ol' cut on my neck, but I am sure that will go away in time. I went into the hospital weighing 233 and came out weighing 236. Imagine that, all they gave me to eat was chicken broth, and a whole lot of IV fluids, and I GAINED weight. Leave it to me I will always find a way!!!
3 Months Out
Dec 16, 2007
Well, I made it to my three month mark, and I am feeling so good about my progress. According to my doctor's scale I have lost 60 pounds, according to mine 66 pounds. I like mine much better !
I have went from a size 24 (almost needing a 26) to an 18. Things just keep getting better and better.
I am going in for the removal of the tumor on my thyroid on January 15th. I am not looking forward to the surgery, but I am looking forward to the two weeks off of work. There is nothing worse than working at the DMV!!!
Wish me luck!!!!

I am going in for the removal of the tumor on my thyroid on January 15th. I am not looking forward to the surgery, but I am looking forward to the two weeks off of work. There is nothing worse than working at the DMV!!!

Wish me luck!!!!
1 month out..........
Oct 21, 2007
Well went to the doctor on Friday, and everything went well. They had me down losing 32 pounds, my scale was much nicer at 38 pounds so go figure. He said my scar is healing nicely and other than not being able to use the bathroom (ever) I am doing great. He also got my referral started to have the tumor removed off my thyroid. I am not looking forward to ANOTHER surgery, but I guess this one is pretty important.
1 week out from surgery....
Sep 26, 2007
Well, I am exactly 1 week and 1 day out from surgery, and I'm finally feeling like I'm going to survive. I could actually drive my kids to school, which was nice! I went to the Dr. yesterday, and I had dropped 7 pounds this week, plus the 13 pre-op so 20 total. I was kinda disappointed because my scale had me at 23 pounds down, but you know how those doctors scales are never as nice! I am having problems getting my protien in, but I think it will get better once I am able to eat some meat. I feel like a caveman, I would do anything for a big ol' hunking piece of beef right now!

About Me
Tucumcari, NM
Surgery Date
Jul 10, 2007
Member Since