10/31/10 - The Journey Continues

Oct 31, 2010

Well, it's been a pretty good day. I started out with a chocolate protein drink. After church I worked in the yard for a while. I passed our candy to a few kids for Trick or Treat...there were probably less than 10 all together. I need to get that candy out of the house quick. My hand has already found it's way into the bowl a couple of times. My neighbor invited my over for dinner...stir fry...and a glass of wine.

Day 2-The Journey Goes On

Oct 28, 2010

Last night I made a resolution to not check my weight daily. So of course the first thing this morning I weighed in. To my pleasant surprise I weighed in at 298.5...a 2.5 pound loss. Now what did I do to deserve that!

Salmon for dinner, followed by some cherries...and a bag of popcorn. Drank my Sobe water.

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Beginning the Journey

Oct 27, 2010

I had bariatric surgery 6 years ago. I was over 300 bounds at the time. I am 301 pounds now. Initially I lost about 70 pounds, but obviously it didn't stick. I wish I could say that I understood completely why it failed, or rather why I failed, but I don't. I hope as I write this blog and share my thoughts about that experience and about the road I am traveling now, that I will come to understand why my weight loss surgery failed. I think I must understand so that I don't repeat the same mistakes.

A friend of mine had ry surgery about 8 weeks ago. She is doing very well. She is looking for a support person and chose me...poor kid. But I know that I need to lose weight, and I'm willing to give it a try. I'm just not sure who is supporting who. She has me drinking Sobe water to get more liquids in me, and Myloplex to increase my protein. Today she joined my fitness club so we can exercise together once or twice a week..  I exercised 15 minutes on the recumbant bike; the first time in a very long time. She harasses me about cutting down on my carbs. She got me on this website.

It's a start.


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Oct 27, 2010
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