Nutrition Tracker

Sep 22, 2011

I just started using the Nutrition Tracker a few days ago. I love it because it shows me how horrible I am doing! lol

Words from my wise ... husband

Sep 18, 2011

A piece of advice from my husband: Buy sweat pants.

He believes we could have saved a crap ton of money if I would have just bought sweat pants instead of shopping every 3 weeks for new clothes. He doesn't understand the celebration of each time you go down a size being able to fit into something cute. .. 

My advice... and this is also what I did: GO TO THRIFT STORES!!! I bought whole new wardrobes that were cute  for under 65 bucks.. I loved it too. So much fun. Not only do you get new clothes that are super cute (obviously not everything at a thrift store is cute) but you get that rush of getting a good deal and saving money. love that. Savers gives you a coupon for %20 percent off when you donate.. Revolving door for me =)  Also, clothes mentor gives you a stamp card. So does playtos closet. when you fill up the stamp card, you get a discount. Gotta love the shopping, especially when the price is nice. Arc value village..  do it up. Sometimes they give you a coupon for %20 percent off when you donate too. If you fit in to new clothes, you will have to get rid of the old ones.  Might as well get something out of it. Clothes mentor and playtos will also buy clothes from you for CASH if they are newer brands. Just made 20 bucks a couple of months ago. I haven't gone down a size in a year now, but I still love shopping for new clothes!!!

These are a few of my favorite things..

Sep 16, 2011

Jesus, my husband, chocolate, my cats, my self, real joy, my friends, reading good books, music, singing, laughing, not being fat anymore. 

Red Bull today, UTI tomorrow

Sep 15, 2011

I don't drink enough water.  Yesterday I had a lot to do and I feel so run down all the time..... So I decided to give myself some wings!  Bad idea. I got everything done, but today I am misserable. Parked on the toilet and trying to tackle a UTI with SmartWater, AZO cranberry and some Cystex Plus.  Dear God, please let this work and quickly!!!  I don't have the money to go in or the insurance to cover it. God, you are my healer. I trust in you. Please help me in spite of my idiot decision and lack of self discipline. Love you Daddy. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

3 years post op

Sep 14, 2011

I feel so run down all the time and get nauseated after every meal just about. I eat all the time and can't gain a pound but at least I look good... except for my pasty white face that looks tired all the time due to vitamin deficiency, and the hanging skin I get to carry around all the time. Don't have insurance anymore so can't go to the doctor. Poor me right? No worries, I still love life, I just feel 80 years old (and look 80 naked *laughs*).

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Brooklyn Park, MN
Surgery Date
Sep 10, 2008
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