
MrsRhody set a surgery date: Aug 25, 2009. 14 years, 1 month ago
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MrsRhody uploaded a photo 14 years, 8 months ago

MrsRhody wrote a blog post 14 years, 8 months ago
I can' t believe it has been 9 months!
I have lost 112lbs and have 15 more to make my goal!
At this point, I know my weight loss and my new size can shock people. It mak...

MrsRhody wrote a blog post 15 years ago
5 month update - Well it was 5 months on Jan 25th. I feel great!! SO much energy, excercising hard core 4 days a week...
I am down 79lbs and my goal is to lose 40 more. It seems like that is fa...