I started my journey in the summer of 2006. With far less drama than other people have seen, I passed through the Tricare hoops with ease. I saw my PCM, whose only qualification was that I needed to be at least 100lbs overweight. I had that beat hands down. They sent me to Sturgis, SD to see Dr. Dean Quigley. I was highly impressed with him on the very first visit. We scheduled surgery for that fall, after our family vacation back home. 
On October 3, at 6am, I went to the surgery center in Sturgis. By that afternoon, I was out, trying to walk on my own, off the cath, and hating life. This hating life phase lasted for about 2 months. 
Fast forward to today. I'm 142 lbs, in a size 8-10, and healthy. When I started this journey, I was 260lbs.

About Me
Hill AFB, UT
Jun 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 1
