Two weeks post op

Dec 20, 2006

Yesterday was my 2 week anniversary. It feels really strange. I have been having some strange emotions. I feel great. The only problem I seem to have is constipation (gross to talk about, I know) and the gas bubbles in my stomach. I read in the forums how to get rid of the gas bubbles so that is getting easier. The constipation is hard to deal with. I am so tired of it. I hate the sick feeling I get. Then with this and my not quite being back up to par, I do get depressed occasionaly. I know it will get better and I know I did the right thing.
I also have been really hard on myself because I slipped with my non-smoking. I don't know if it is the depression or my Mom still smoking in the house (we share expenses and I help her out since she is going into kidney failure), but I slipped. I am trying to get back on. I get too hard on myself because the week I was in Devner I had finally broken away from the patch. With my surgery I didn't even think of smoking so I didn't even think of the patch and all the nicotine was out of my system. I know I need to not be so hard on myself, that just makes it all worse. I just have a problem with that. I am back on it though and will keep fighting it. I am on the way to a WHOLE new healthy life.

4 days post op

Dec 08, 2006

Hello there. Here I am 4 days post op. I just got out of the hospital today and am staying with a cousin until my 1 week follow up on Monday. I hope I last until then. I don't  know if I am overdoing it or what. I think that might be it. I over do it a little and then I hurt all day and can't keep up with it. I am hoping tomorrow will be better. I will be walking a little and then will be staying down most of the day. I needed some fresh air so bad when I left the hospital.
The Nursing student didn't even get me a wheelchair (we were already half way there when she asked) and I walked to the car. That could be what is wrong wtih me tonight. I know even with this pain, it will be worth it in the end. 
I want to be honest with others out there it is painful, but do not let that keep you from getting this done if you have the opportunity. Of course it is painful (all surgeries are painful) but it only lasts for so long and then it will be such a big payoff in the end. I will update here and there as I can.

Finally approved

Dec 01, 2006

Finally after 2 1/2 months of fighting I have been approved. I got the word on Wednesday of this week and it has been a whirlwind sine then. The date of my surgery is less than a week after my approval. I am having surgery on Tuesday Dec. 5th. Only 5 days away. I am glad it is happening like this in a way. I am starting to get nervous now and I don't have as much time to worry about it. I am getting so excited. I am a little nervous since I won't have any of my family at the hosptial at the time of surgery. Thank God for my cousin and his ex-wife. The are putting me up when I get out of the hospital until my 1 week follow up and giving me rides to the airport and the hospital. Only 5 days and the start of my new life!!

About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 17, 2006
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 3
Two weeks post op
4 days post op
Finally approved
