OHSU Called!

Oct 14, 2007

I got a call from the weight loss surgery center at OHSU! I had faxed everything to them and they received it and said I only needed three more things and then they can make my first appt. I saw my PCP on Friday, the 12th of October and he did an EKG which was completely normal, and since I am in pretty good health he doesn't think I need further cardiology work up and is sending a letter with my EKG stating that. We will see how that goes. He put in referrals for my Sleep Study and Colonscopy. He asked "why do they need a colonoscopy?" and I had no idea! I thought maybe they wanted to make sure there was no disease process going on before they go cutting into your bowels....but he didn't think that was the reason?? lol

That's my update...now I just wait for the calls to schedule my last two tests!

Labs Done

Sep 01, 2007

I went in this morning for a fasting lipids, hga1c and the h. pyelori blood tests to be done! Last thing I need and then I can fax all these papers to OHSU....fingers crossed for speedy results!! Monday is a holiday, so I am hoping sometime next week I will be able to send everything off to Oregon! Will update again when I have everything sent in!

Attended a Seminar at OHSU

Aug 30, 2007

One more thing to check off my list! I attended the required seminar on WLS at OHSU in Portland on Monday the 27th. It's a 3 hour drive for me, one way....I was exhausted....but it was worth it! My hubby went with me....and we got a big packet of stuff to read! We saw Dr Bruce Wolfe speak, one of the surgeons there....and I wouldn't mind getting him to do my surgery, if I have a choice in the matter, I don't know! So, tomorrow I see my PCP, give him his Dear Dr letter from the team at OHSU, I need a couple more labs and then I can fax all my paperwork off to them and wait for the call! Next step will be seeing their Nurse Practitioner and Dietician, which they will combine for me into one day so I can do both in one trip. 
I have been getting a little scared, wondering if I am making the right choice....but I can't think of any other choice that is better. I need to get myself healthy, my family depends on me....I want to enjoy my life, not just feel like *phew! I survived another day!* Things are going on all around me and I can't stand it anymore!!! OK, I will try to update tomorrow after my appt if there is anything new to relate!

Approval to Move On to Stage 2!!

Aug 07, 2007

I got my approval letter today from the State! I am so excited, OMG! I got the mail earlier....and threw it on the counter...didn't even rifle through the pile of stuff in there, just figured it was bills and more bills! LOL I just sat down and LOW and BEHOLD!!!! i am moving on! woohoo! I will call my doc tomorrow and see if I need to set up an appointment and also call the hospital like the manager of the bariatrics dept told me to, once I had this letter! they will set up all those wonderful appointments for me! Keep me in your prayers everyone, if you don't mind....still have a long road ahead, but I am psyched!

Update from Me!

Jul 05, 2007

It's been a couple weeks since I wrote! Nothing much new had been happening, until today! I saw my PCP again on July 2nd, it was supposed to be a physical, but I had too many things I wanted to discuss....so we had to just talk about all of that and will do the actual physical another day. I am battling with serious depression and have been for years. I was started on Zoloft  and referred for counseling. All of which will only help me in my journey. I also discussed at length my desire for WLS and I was a blubbering mess, crying...talking, crying some more :(  I wasn't getting a good read on my doc, Dr Schilling, she was telling me about how much exercise I would need to burn so many calories and asking me about my diet, which obviously sucks. So, I was scared that she wasn't supportive of it and thought perhaps I was copping out and asking for surgery. She did finally say if that is what I wanted, she would write whatever letter she needed to, to help me get approval. So, I went home and printed out the 3 pages on Bariatric Surgery and the requirements for WA State Medicaid insurance and I also printed out the letter I had typed to her, telling her about my history of weight loss attempts and how this surgery would change my life, and why I wanted it. I brought that all back to her office the same day and just prayed. I was not sure if they would even really look at it before I came in for my follow up appt on the 23rd. Well, today I got a call from Amanda, Dr Schillings med assistant, telling me I needed to come in for a surgical assessment appointment! I go July 16th at 4pm!!! I am so excited! I still don't know what will happen, but I am moving in the right direction at least! I will update when I know more!

Follow Up pcp appt and WLS seminar!

Jun 12, 2007

I saw my PCP yesterday for my follow up on possible diabetes and getting all my labs. My A1C was 5.5 so that was awesome....but I still had some pretty wildly fluctuating numbers over the week, I checked my sugar twice a day with hubby's machine. So, doc said I am not diabetic, YET...but still increased the Metformin he put me on to twice a day instead of one. He thinks my problems are largely related to my PCOS, which makes sense....but I know diabetes is in my future if I don't get this weight off! He ordered a 1hour glucose challenge test which I did...still waiting to hear about that and I go back and see him in 6 weeks.  He also ordered a nutrition consult, but not sure if my insurance covers that yet...they will call and let me know. LAter that day I went to my first WLS seminar, in Federal Way with Dr Oh. I wish I could have him do my procedure, I instantly felt like he was the guy for me! liked his sense of humor, like his experience and his skill in several procedures. I am a nurse and I liked his credentials...his track record....I have read he doesn't have the best bedside manor....but that is secondary to skill, IMO! lol I am sure the guys at U of W are just as wonderful, if I could just talk to one of them, I would be so happy!!!! lol 
So, that is my update....long road ahead, but I didn't get like this overnight...so its ok!

Still Searching!/New CoMorbidity Looming in my future!

Jun 09, 2007

6-9-07 Still searching, or researching I guess! I feel 99% positive this is the right choice for me, but I have yet to actually talk to a professional in the field of Bariatric Surgery so I am holding out a little I suppose! I have left several messages on the U of W new patient intake line for Bariatric Surgery and have not had a return call, I recently sent off an email, so we will see if that gets noticed! I am also still searching for answers on the insurance end. I am pretty sure my medical coupon covers it....but only for the U of W, at least that is what I was told at another WLS center in the area. I can get added onto my husbands plan at blue cross, but I am not sure if it is covered....so why bother paying the large monthly payment for me, for nothing? I found the CPT code for this surgery and will call and see if it's covered before hand....maybe someone will talk to me quicker if I have better insurance?  I am a nurse, I am not naive....it's the sad state of affairs of our healthcare system!  I have a follow up appt with my PCP on Monday morning, 6-11-07. I saw Dr Palencia on the 4th, due to 6 week history of dizzy spells and my worry about blood pressure or something horrible. For two days before my appt I checked my blood sugars with hubby's machine and was startled at the results! 178 and 287 fasting!!! I do NOT want to be diabetic....but I don't think I can deny numbers like those. He put me on Metformin, one tab, once a day....only because of that 287 number! And they drew lots of labs, and did a urine. I have been checking my sugar twice a day since then...and they have been relatively ok, ranging from 87 to 120....until last night! shot up to 260 again! and this morning fasting was 177! not good! I have had extreme fatigue, which is new for me....I am always tired it seems, chasing after 6 kids....one of them being 6 months old, who doesn't sleep through the night yet, isnt helping things....but this fatigue is like a lead weight around me and I can't move off of the couch! That is not normal for me :( So, I am bummed about the possibility of being labeled diabetic...but I knew it was in my future if the weight continued to climb. I have PCOS and am insulin resistant....my doc says the PCOS is not helping me in the weight loss effort and I know that, but it is stll so frustrating ! This is long enough...will update on Monday after I see the doc again.  

About Me
Port Orchard, WA
Jun 02, 2007
Member Since

Friends 13

Latest Blog 7
OHSU Called!
Labs Done
Attended a Seminar at OHSU
Approval to Move On to Stage 2!!
Update from Me!
Follow Up pcp appt and WLS seminar!
Still Searching!/New CoMorbidity Looming in my future!
