I grew up overweight, ashamed of my body size.  My weight went up and down in my later years as an adult.  For my wedding, I got down to 140 and looked great.  But that didn't last too long.  With each of my three pregnancies I gained 40 to 60 pounds.  After things settled down with my third one, I stayed at 185-190 for several years.  Then it crept up to 200-205.  Now it's been at 210-215.  This is a scary, steady upward creep headed toward disaster. 

I want to reverse this trend and creep back DOWN.  Not necessarily to 140 as I don't think that's realistic at my age (48).  I just want to be free of health fears and return to having energy for my kids, my husband and myself.  I can't wait to get approved and get the ball rolling!  Surgery date is set for July 24, 2009 pending insurance approval.  Wish me luck.  Thanks for all the information and encouragement that is found on this website!

Update:  Had surgery as planned.  As of August 23, have lost 10 lbs.   Will have my first fill on August 27.  Really looking forward to great results.  Need to get focused on exercise now.

About Me
Mar 01, 2008
Member Since

Friends 6
