Michele S.
I'm Coming out!
Nov 23, 2008
I have had two really geat experiences this month. The first was at Homecoming at Tuskegee University which I attended with a friend who went there. It was an opportunity for me to practice my flirting and not care about what people were thinking. I am never wild but it did get plenty of attention from men which felt really good.
Secondly, I attended a wedding in my hometown. It was my first visit since the surgery and it was so interesting to see how many people didn't recognize but were saying you look so familiar to me and then were shocked to find out who I was. For the first time in my life, I am the hottie that returns home and looks better than everyone else. Maybe that's a little cocky but I have worked hard to get here and I can be cocky for a minute or two!
It's been a while!
Sep 26, 2008
So much has happened since my last post. i am under 200lbs for the firt time in so many years and I feel great! I am a little behind my doctor's schedule but I work out 3times per week minimum. I don't have much saging skin, THANK GOD! Only my arms are loose other than that I am losing proportionatel all over. I can wear a size large in most clothes. My relationships with my friends are changing. Some are completely supportive while others see my success as a reflection of their failures in losing weight. New pics coming soon.
Protein supplements I loved and then hated.
Jun 24, 2008
June 23, 2008
Jun 24, 2008
Whew, time is flying! I have been in Michigan for almost a week and have seen all the family and friends in Kazoo. We usually all go out to eat when I am in town so it was different this time but I think we will all adjust eventually. Today is the first day I felt like myself again. I was able to get in a whole jello cup for the first time and I walked a mile in my parent's neighborhood and then walked at the mall for another hour or so. At the mall I was able to fit into a size 16 dress for the first time in many, many years. It was extremely different picking up clothes in sizes I have not worn since the early years of college. I am excited about shopping the regular women's section and not the plus sizes. I need to get back with my trainer though as soon as I return to MD. I want to try to avoid the skin issues as much as possible. I have no clothes to wear when I return to work on the 7th so I will be doing some serious shopping when I get home.
June 17, 2008
Jun 17, 2008
June 16, 2008
Jun 16, 2008
June 15, 2008
Jun 15, 2008
Today is six days post op! My mind is finally clear and we can recap. On the day of surgery I had lost 13 lbs on the pre-op liquid diet. Total, I am down 33 lbs from the beginning of this process in June 2007. I don't have a scale at home so we will have the first post surgery weight on Tuesday with Dr. Cantor. I have not been getting in enough protein and water since surgery. I underestimated how difficult this would be with my new pouch. I got some 42gram and 25gram protein bullets from a friend yesterday and I love them. I will be able to get in my protein now and I can focus on water. My parents came in for the surgery and my mom will be here with me until the 18th when we both return to Michigan. Thank God for my parents! I am so unbelievably blessed with all my family and friends!
Stay tuned for more updates!
June 10, 2008
Jun 10, 2008
June 2, 2008
Jun 02, 2008
Today is day 8 of the pre-op liquid diet. Contrary to popular opinion it does not get easier after the third or seventh day, LOL. I had only lost two pounds as of day 5. My pre-op appointment with the surgeon is tomorrow hopefully I will be on track to lose another 5 pounds prior to the surgery. Today I had My consult with the anesthesiologist. No surprises there and i didn't really have any questions for him. Thre reaction I get from people who I tell about the surgery is interesting. Most people are supportive but there are those who question why I need the surgery. I always give them my standard answer about my knees blah, blah,blah but lately I feel like crying when I say it. My knee has been hurting pretty bad since Monday. It totally reinforces the reasons why I a m doing this. I am tired of the pain during regular life functions like walking up the stairs and getting in and out of my car. I would love to be able to jog with my dog just a little bit. You don't realize how tired you are of things until you have the opportunity to change. I heard someone today talking about how everything costs you in some way and are you willing to pay the price. It makes me wonder what this surgery will cost me and I pray that it is worth it.
May 28,2008
May 28, 2008