Royal Alex Bariatric Surgery Revision Clinic - scam?

May 04, 2016

I wish I had something positive to say, but I don't. I was referred to this clinic in January 2015. In May 2015 I had a telehealth interview with Bibi (the nurse). I was told to have scopes and X-rays done to show what might be the problem with my VBG (vertical banded gastroplasty) originally done in 1996. I had all tests done and sent to clinic. I called Bibi and followed up 2 weeks later. She reassured me all tests were received and things were processing and that she'd contact me if any additional information was needed.

Fast forward to September 2015 when I moved to Edmonton - just for the RNY bypass revision surgery. I met Bibi at the clinic and was told my tests were useless because they were in French -so they would have to be re-done here. The barium swallow was done in December but the scope wasn't even put on the schedule until January. I was told I was waiting because Dr. Kanji (my surgeon) was on maternity leave and had to do the scope herself so she'd know what she was dealing with. When I got the letter saying my scope would be April 28, 2016 with Dr. Karmali ( not my surgeon). Anyway, had the scope with NO sedation because nurse couldn't get IV (not fun) and Dr. Karma lluckily easily found the problem.

Today, I met Dr. Kanji for the first time and she sort of reluctantly agreed to do the RNY bypass revision surgery but not until early January 2017 at the earliest. Moreover, she wants to see me again in 3 months and re-assess because Since Im from here I don't have "adequate support". It just seems like more brush off. Oh and I have 5 more appointments booked at clinic with dietitians (despite the fact I've lost almost 70 lbs on my own while waiting).

I am left feeling like this clinic is just a cash cow to bill AHS for appointments to dietitians, nurses and psychologists. Can anyone else relate?


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May 04, 2016
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