$600 to lose 12 pounds in one week 1/1/07 1/14/07

Dec 27, 2006

Maaaaan, how do I get myself into these things? My husband commented on the fact this evening that I have not yet begun my presurgical weight loss. I mean, my god, it's been the triple fatty Hols, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. I haven't even seen the nutritionist yet. Logical, well balanced and unhurried. But that isn't what I said.  I sniffed and said," Honey, you are talking to the QUEEN of dieting. I've lost 12 lbs in one week before!" His eyes widened. And the next thing I knew we were shaking hands and he was saying when? I'm not having surgery until the end of February at the earliest... but my diet starts Monday, my friends. And at the end of that week hangs a sweet little bundle of cash.  Here we go with the bad old way again but let's see if this can at least get me started.  Does anyone know of any MODERN weight loss drugs that at least work a little bit? I've been mainlining egg nog for six weeks now and I need a BOOST.

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Concord, TN
Jan 23, 2006
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$600 to lose 12 pounds in one week 1/1/07 1/14/07
