Well, it looks like I have not added anything updates in quite a long time. It is now November 6, 2007 and I have just passed my 6 year anniversary of WLS. I was told that if I lost at least half of my body weight and kept it off I was a success, well, I have lost almost more than half my body weight, 212lbs, and best of all, I have kept it off. 
    I would have liked to have lost more, but it seemed like I hit a brick wall when I hit the 200 pound mark, and as hard as I tried it seemed that nothing could break me past it. Beleive me I have tried just about everything you can think of. I finally just gave up and just started living my life eating small portions that my smaller pouch allows me to eat with, and just doing what I can to keep myself from gaining weight again. I found that for the most part that I really did not even have to think about it, as my "small tumm" more or less did my thinking for me when it came to food. 
    Health-wise, I have to say that I am doing so much better than I was 6 years ago. I am taking hardly any medications other than the pain meds that I take to help me with my arthritus pain in my knees. I have gone from taking 32 pills a day down to 8 pills a day. that is quite a difference. To anyone that is still just thinking about geting this surgery, it will save your life. I would do it again in a heart beat. It trully saved my life.
    Right now I am working at breaking past the 200 pound mark. I will report back when I do, and tell you all how I did it, and how I am doing..   ..... Nanci

About Me
Paradise, Ca
Surgery Date
Aug 16, 2001
Member Since
