My weight Loss
June 5 2002 ......328.6 (surgery date) Body fat % 49%
July 7 2002 ......301.(27.6 lbs)
August 9 2002 ....280 (47.6 lbs)
September 9, 2002.262 (66.6 lbs)
October 9, 2002...250 (78.6 lbs)
December 5, 2002..238 (92.6 lbs)
January 3,2003....230 (100.6 lbs)
March 7,2003......220 (110.6 lbs)
April 21, 2003....216 (114.6 lbs)
Septemeber 22, 2003...203 (127.6 lbs)
December 11,2003..190 (138.6)
August 25, 2004...165 (163.6 lbs)
October 25, 2004..158 (170.6 lbs)
February 5,2005...153 (175.6 lbs)
April 25, 2005....152 (176.6 lbs)
Sept 11, 2005....150 (178.6 lbs)

Dec 1, 2006.......145 (DOWN 182.6 lbs!!!) Body fat % 15%!!

I am 42, and have struggled with this issue all my life. I finally feel like there is a light at the end of the LONG tunnel. I actually have more energy at the thought of FINALLY having a solution that I know will work for me.

Now that I have a surgery date, I am a little nervous, but also excited. I know this will change my life for the good, but there are many things that I will have to deal with that I have been hiding from for most of my life. The good thing is that I feel like I have a good support network of friends and family that will help me through the transition...Wish me luck!!

4/21/02 My surgery date is soooo close!!. I have to have one last screening by my PCP 1 week prior to surgery for final approval...I am apprehensive and excited. I can't wait till I am able to move and be active again..I actually booked a cruise for next year to Europe...Good things are coming!!

5/30/02 Its getting close to game time!! I am extremely anxious and nervous about
the surgery, and at the same time I am excited to finally have the chance to change my life for the better. In the last week i
had to have more tests completed. My PCP had to give me final approval, and I had to go to the hospital for
pre-admittance testing. At this point I've been polked and prodded so much that it doesn't even phase me anymore. Now,
my mind is on overload trying not to forget anything that I need for surgery. I am not sleeping well so my PCP gave me some sleeping pills. I am so close to the date that this huge range of emotions is just overwhelming me. Just 6 days left!!!

I am on the other side!!!! I had my surgery 11 days ago and I am already down 25lbs!!
I am still in a little bit of pain, but its not bad at all. I am on the full liquids diet perscribed by my surgeon and am doing well. I start soft foods in 3 days.
Sometimes I am hungry, but most times I am not, and for the first time in my life I can feel when i am full. I am struggling a bit with waiting 30 min to drink liquids after each meal, but its getting easier.
I have not returned to work yet(don't feel mobile enough)
Thanks to all of those who sent me good wishes!! I am doing GREAT!

Well I am still doing great. I am down 45 lbs and loving it! For the first time in my life i feel like I have control!!!
Finding some foods hard to eat like mayonaise. Thats not so bad i guess. So far I have had one bout with dumping and unfortunately have vomited twice. I have found that as long as I eat SLOW, and chew REALLY REALLY WELL, I am fine, Its when i eat too fast that I have problems. I returned to work on 7/8 so I was out about one month. I guess everyone heals differently...
I am very happy, and I can't wait till the weight is off.

Feeling really good all is well. Had some additional bouts with vomiting-----NO FUN!! I have to SLOW DOWN!! Other than that I am doing well. I am down to 270lbs and am really excited. I had a pool party last week and actually put on a bathing suit in front of my guests!! I am so excited about the future!

September!! I still can't believe that it has only been 3 months. I am feeling good. Sometimes I can't eat when I am really stressed out...its weird. I also work on a team with 4 men and they eat sooooo fast! I still have to remind myself that I have to slow down....Its not easy but it has been well worth it. I drink a lot of water, and use Zone bars in between meals if I know it will be awhile before i can eat. I went to the support group this month. I felt really good about myself.

October 2002. Well I experienced my 2nd bout with dumping, and it was horrible!! I was at the nail salon when it happened, and I actually blacked out in the bathroom there. Every nerve ending in my body was throbbing, I broke out into a cold sweat, I mean literally cold sweat dripping..YUK!! It lasted about an hour. I was so weak after that. I tried to think about what I had eaten, and the only thing I could come up with was raisins...too much sugar. I learned my lesson thats for sure. the poor woman in the nail salon didn't know what to do...I ended up getting my nails finished and luckily I had a protein bar on hand. Once I ate that I started to feel better.. Otherwise things have been good, really good. I now have so much more energy. I actually went to a business black tie event and had a great time...I danced all night. I havn't been able to do that in a long long time. I felt really good. My friends have all commented on the energy that I now have. One of them actually said that the "old Cindy" was back!! That made me feel great. My friends are so very supportive, and I am still very happy that I was able to get up the courage to do this surgery. It saved my life!! Oh, and one more thing...I think my hair is starting to fall out a little. I have so much hair that I am not worried, I know it will grow back. Its just a little scary when it first happens..Till next month!

Boy has my life changed!! I am actually getting attention from the opposite sex...hmmm sounds good to me! October and November were a bit nuts. I became a bit elated, and went over board with some things in my life. Thank god I have good friends and family members who support me. I also am so happy that I decided to continue therapy. My therapist has really helped me keep things in perspective, even if i do fall off the wagon once in awhile. Well the weight loss is starting to slow down a bit, but the good thing is I am not getting crazy about it. I know that part of the reason for the slowing of weight loss was my eating habits. For awhile eating less is all you have to do to lose the weight, but later on WHAT you eat really starts to impact you. I noticed in November that my eating habits started to stray. In other words I was eating junk!! I ate cashews, chips, etc...BAD BAD BAD. You know what though...For the first time in my life I felt like I had control, and was able to correct the problem. FOCUS on Protein!!!Then I started losing again. Amazing, never thought I would see the day. The hair loss has slowed down. I still have hair, as a matter of fact my stylist said that I had too much to begin with, imagine that!! I have to be honest and say that it does bother me a little, but I'll get through it! I am now a size 16, prior to surgery I was a 28/30. Till next month. Toodles!!

March 12,2003
Well its been awhile since I have added to my profile. I am still losing...slowly but 110 lbs is not bad for 8 months. This surgery has been a miracle for me.
My life has changed so dramatically that I am getting a little nervous about "things". OK the things are men, food, reactions from friends and family, work....shall I go on! Just last week I found out that some of my "friends" were saying things about me in a jealous way...boy did that hurt, I hopefully thought that being in my age group would somehow minimize those kinds of reactions, I guess I was wrong...I am feeling really good about myself, but I have my moments. I started dating again, and experienced that hurt also..I know that I need to stay focused on myself, but its hard when people that you think care about you show their true colors...and I want so much to meet someone special because its been such a long time since I have that is very very hard not to get emotional. I have started to become a very outgoing and social person. Which means that I am partying a bit...a bit more than my family would like, so I have been getting pressure there as well..I broke down in tears the other day because of all of the "stuff" thats been happening. I can be very logical at times an try to understand that some of the pressures that come from others are due to the fact that they are worried about me and that they care, but I gotta tell ya...this stuff is no fun. I have not been good about taking my vitamins, and I think the worst of it all is that I was sent to Canada for 6 months for my job. Talk about stress!!! Now having said all of this....I wouldn't change a thing. I am still extremely happy with what this surgery has done for me...I thank god that I was able to have it. I feel like WLS has literally saved my life..

April 2003..
I am sooooo psyched!!!! I FINALLY broke the plateau. wooo hooo!! Down 4lbs this week, what a relief...whew! I thought I'd never see that scale move again...Thanks to everyone who has helped me with ideas to break the plateau. Life is good, I am back from Canada(I hated it!). I now realize that part of the reason I hit the plateau was that I was stress eating, and I couldn't find my favorite foods in Toronto..Also I was having a Starbucks Venti Tazo Chai tea every day, sometimes 2x day...That didn't help either! So now I know what to do, and I hate to admit it but I am still learning how to live with my new self. I have calmed down a bit, not partying as much, and am trying dating (how nerve racking!!) Talk about learning!! I have actually met a nice man, and I am having a good time. I am still struggling with the exercise though. I do it on an irregular basis. I just have to keep plugging away. Just last week I started thinking about PS (plastic surgery) can you believe it, I guess its a progression kind of thing. The more you see that this is really working, the more you open your eyes and mind to other things in life. Well, I am seriously thinking about it, but I've got a ways to go. About 50-60lbs more ways!! Life is good! See ya!

September 2003 - 203 lbs
Wow! I can't believe that it has been over a year since my surgery! I am sooo happy and feeling great. I now know that I am in control. I am about 40lbs from my goal weight and I just want to break the 200 mark!! Its been a very long time since I've seen those numbers!! But, I must admit I am struggling a little , but the weight is still coming off...slowly. But the point is that its still coming off..I am a different person now..feeling like I have a whole new world ahead of me..Dating is a challenge whew! Its so new! I wish I had learned all of those rules along time ago, but believe me I am doing just fine. I am exercising 2-3 times per week (I try to anyway), and I know that I could do more, I guess I just don't want to feel pushed or feel like I am restricted from living my life the way I want to. Every now and then I have a bout with dumping...yes ladies and gentlemen for some of us it never goes away. Thats Ok though, it keeps me in check. Especially when I want that haagen daas bar. I struggle to remember to take my vitamins, its just that you feel so good, and you are off all of your "fat" meds that you don't want to take any more pills!! Oh well, I just keep trying to get back on track and I eventually do. Blood work is normal so I am fine. I am now seriously thinking about PS. Yes, I am ..I have waited so very long to feel and look good that I want to be the best I can be..truely. My friends and family tease me about it, but hey!! You only live once. I figure in a year or so, I will finally be home..just me feeling good, and looking good..what a great and wonderful life this is..I thank god (and my Mom in heaven) everyday for the opportunity to have had this surgery..I have said it before, it saved my life!

August 25,2004. 163.6 lbs. I am a different person!! I work out three times per week and am in a SIZE 6!!!! on my way to a SIZE 4!! If any of you out there are business women you'll know what it feels like to wear a SIZE 6 Tahari suit...AWESOME!! I actually have muscle definintion all over my body. I have never been this small. I think the last time I was this size I was 12 years old. Anyway, things are really good. I m having a tummy tuck in Oct, and can't wait to see the results. I am working so hard, so motivated. Thank GOD for the opportunity to have this surgery. As I have said before it saved my life.

Oct 27, 2004. 158 lbs!!!Well my tummy tuck is done, and I had a breast lift/augmentation as well. I am thrilled!!! The Surgeon did an awesome job. Dr Lyle Leipziger, he is the best!! I was in surgery for 7.5 hours. The OR staff said he dosen't leave the OR until he thinks its perfect. Can you ask for anything else!! Not me. I am currently recouperating. I can already see the results, and its only been 2.5 weeks. Well all that hard work and exercise has paid off. I can't wait to get back to the gym!!Next I am getting my thighs done, and that will be it! Dr Leipziger you are the best!

Dec 27,2004. 155lbs. Holding steady as they say!! I tend to fluctuate between 155 and 158, which is fine by me!! Its a long long way from 330! AND ta da!! a size 4. I actually got into a size 2 pants (they were stretch) but a size 2!! Its amazing for me to see that I have accomplished this. Its probably the most important thing I have ever done for myself. My PS is great. My tummy is as flat as a board, and I actually can see my abdominal muscles, wow...just wow. My breasts are beautiful. I am a different person (outside that is). I always knew this body was inside me...somewhere. The feeling is incredible, from the self confidence that I have gained to the strength and energy, its just incredible. Sometimes I just stare at myself in the mirror and ask..who is that?? My Life has changed tremendously. My PCP said the other day that out of all the patients he sees that have had the surgery, I am the most incredible ( he actually said "hot"). My doctors all say I should go on Oprah!! What a gas!! The thing is ...I don't think they are blowing smoke. I finally believe that I am beautiful, really beautiful. For the first time in my life.
I finally got back to the gym full speed today, and I am feeling good. Still have a ways to go to get back to my old routine. The PS surgeon says no more chest exercises!! I guess I can live with that. I haven't done abs yet either. I am still having some muscle spasms in my tummy so I figure I'll wait. Otherwise things are good, and ever changing, ever changing. Its like I want to do all of the things I missed when I was obese (I hate that word)and younger. I have to keep reminding myself that I am 44. I feel 34 and sometimes younger. I am very lucky that my skin elasticity was good and my whole upper body really dosen't show the weight (not much loose skin). The bottom half well....the tummytuck helped and the thighs are next. I keep hoping that if I work out harder maybe my skin will spring back into action again (wishful thinking). But honestly..I have absolutely NOTHING to complain about..Life is good (a little lonely right now) but good.

April 2, 2005 - I am a VERY HAPPY WOMAN!! Now I need to find a man! I have maintained my weight at 152-154 for the past 6 mos ( I am 5'9"). I am still getting smaller. I know its amazing friends think I am still losing weight, but I am not. My tummy is hard as a rock...muscles!!I keep touching my stomach because I still don't believe it. Actually I started therapy because my head hasn't caught up with my body yet..I sometimes still think I am not as small as I am. My friends had a surprise 45th birthday party for me last month. I looked at the pictures and still can't believe that I am that small. So, I need to make the transition....hey Its gonna take some time!!! I was fat for 42 years, its going to take time to get my head in order. I guess the thing I find most exciting is the attention I get from men. Most are very much younger than me! My therapist says that I am making up for lost time..I hope so, and that it won't last forever. I certainly am not Demi Moore, and really want to find the right person for me. Well, need to sign off for now. Good luck to you all in your journey to happiness!!!
September 11, 2005 - 150 Lbs
All is well in paradise!! I am dating YES!!!! I am feeling good..and I continue to work on myself and my body. I am scheduled for a thigh lift in Jan 06, so looking forward to that! Staying in shape enjoying life and exercising 3-4 times per week. Still a size 4!! My PS took pics of me this month cuz he can't beleive how much I have transformed...the nurses call me their poster girl!! LOL. I am still struggling with the dating thing, but learning as I go. Its tough..I have to learn all this stuff all over (not that I did very well when I was younger!!). I feel like I missed so much... OH well its coming together slowly but its coming. Life is quite a challenge, I am re-evaluating all of the time. I guess I made choices when I was overweight based upon that person, and now...well I am much happier and very different. Its very hard to think about changing your career after success and 23 yrs of something you thought you loved..I'll figure it out though. Wish me luck!!

Hospital Reviews

  • (Roslyn, NY) - St Francis Hospital

    Weight Loss Survey Responses
    Click Here To View

    Surgeon Info:
    Surgeon: Shawn Garber, M.D., F.A.C.S.
    Well everyone was right...I waited almost two hours to see Dr Garber. But I would say the wait was worth it. He spent more than an hour with me answering my questions. I had over 80 questions!! He actually took the list from me and answered every one of them. Surgery is all that he does, and I can tell that he prides himself in being the best he can in his field(laproscopic surgery). The office staff was friendly, especially Jennifer. What I liked least about him was the wait in his office, but I think you gain several benefits by waiting(if you can look at it this way)..You are able to read the packet of information that his staff gives you when you sign in, and you get the chance to talk to post op patients of his in the waiting room. He explained the entire detail. I would say thus far I like Dr. Garber. I'll keep this updated as I move through the process.. 2/22/02 Whew!! all of the doctors have cleared me for the surgery and yesterday I had my second visit with Dr Garber. He was wonderful!! Even Stacey(his wife and assistant was excited for me). I was told that I will have the surgery in Early July 2002. Can't wait for a solid date!! The only concern I have at this point is keeping my weight down/stable until sugery...I have gained 20lbs since I first saw Dr Garber in Nov 2001....I have to stop gaining!!! the good thing is there is a light at the end of that LONG DARK tunnel for the first time in my life!! I can't wait to be active again..I would especially like to play volleyball again ( I used to be very good!!), Oh and gardening, the thoughts about the many things I will be able to do are endless!!! I see Dr Garber monthly, every other month I get a full blood test to make sure everything is ok..Dr Garber has been great.Its diffcult to get to him on the phone, but if you e-mail him he usually answers that night..
    Insurer Info:
    United Healthcare, Options PPO
    Wonderful the case manager called me to check on my knowledge of the surgery, and was pleased with how much I knew. I also told her about Dr Garbers support group. She asked me how I was going to deal with the nutritional, and life changes. She was very helpful, and a pleasure to talk to.

  • About Me
    Lynbrook, NY
    Surgery Date
    Sep 24, 2001
    Member Since
