10% of my starting weight is Gone Forever!!!

May 29, 2007

I am so excited. After 6 weeks on the optifast program, swimming 3 days a week, riding my stationary bike daily, doing weights 3 days a week, doing situps daily and now I started walking 10 minutes a day, I reached my first goal. I have lost 10% of my weight since starting my weight loss journey. I started this journey weighing 510 pounds. As of today I have lost 54.5 pounds! I am thrilled. I lost 8.5 pounds this week on Optifast. I have 42.5 pounds more to loose and I can have my lapband surgery!!! I am getting closer and closer. I am thinking that I will get there sometime in July. Hopefully sooner but probably in July. Yipeee!

Update on things.

May 16, 2007

Well, I have been doing Optifast for going on my 5th week now and I am down 32 pounds in that time. I have lowered my BMI from 71 to 67! That is awesome in that time frame..... I think. lol. I really don't know how long it usually takes but I feel happy about getting closer and closer to 60 BMI. That is the BMI level that my Surgeon operates on. 

I still haven't gotten an appointment from my surgeon because of the waiting list but that's okay because I can't actually have surgery until my BMI is 60 or below. I don't have the down payment of $1500 for the gym membership and other things that are not billable to insurance yet either. I know I will have them as soon as I stop doing Optifast because it is soooo expensive. Maybe I will start putting $150 or $200 aside into my saving account for that very purpose. I don't want anything to stop my surgery. 

I did have my sleep test already and I am on a CPAP machine plus I am doing the Optifast that he requires to shrink my liver. So, hopefully I am in good enough shape! I have been swimming 30 minutes a day 3 days a week, lifting small 3 pound weights 7 different ways times 30 each, 100 situps daily, riding my recumbant stationary bike 30 minutes daily and now today I will be adding doing 3 (10) minute walks a day each. 

I wish I knew how to change my profile thing to read my correct new BMI. Under 70's seems so important for me to have. lol. Well, until next time I feel like writing or have something interesting to say.

April 25, 2007

Apr 24, 2007

Well, Great news. I did my first weigh in after being a week on the optifast diet and I am down by 13.5 pounds!! YIpee! I checked with them about my place on the list for surgery and they said it looks like about end of summer or ealy Fall. I am so happy.

April 19, 2007

Apr 19, 2007

First off I want to say to anyone who lost a loved one in the Oklahoma City Bombing years ago. This is an awful anniversary and my heart and prayers are going out for you.

I did my oxygen test last night and unfortunately the results will be sending me to a sleep study someplace soon. My oxygen fell to 50% many times while I was sleeping. Well, It is better to get that all fixed up as soon as I can so I can start feeling more rested in the mornings. 

The other thing I did today was have my EKG. That also wasn't so great. It is pretty much a given that It is obesity related and will improve with weight loss. It just gives me more fuel to the reasons that I want to get this weight off of my and get healthy again.


Apr 18, 2007

I started Optifast yesterday morning! I need to get my BMI down to 60 or under for the Dr. that I chose to do my surgery. I wanted/want to stay in the same state as I live so when I get my fills it will be easier for me. I trust my Dr and want to stick with him. I am on a list for getting the surgery. They are swamped right now because they recently became a center of excellence and there are so many mediare patients waiting. While I wait for my surgery date I have decided to use Optifast to try to get my BMI down. I need to loose 83 pounds to achieve that goal. 

Day one was okay. It was almost a game for me to see if I can do it. I was so hungry at night when I went to bed. My tummy was growling so much.  Today, I will be drinking more water and I know that I will do much better with my Optifast. I am going to pray and ask the Lord to help me. I want so badly to be healthy and to be able to do things and take care of myself. 

I will be on straight optifast for 12 weeks. Hopefully in that time frame I can learn some things about myself and eating right and of coarse loose the weight I need to loose for my WLS. I am pretty determined to have the surgery because I am not so secure in the weight coming back after you go on regular food. 
SO far today I have had a vanilla Optifast shake with 1 scoop of extra protein powder and a chocolate one with 2 scoops of protein powder. 

Well, I have to split now to go get my oxygen thing. I am having my oxygen tested when I sleep at night to see if I need a sleep machine for sleep apnea. 


I am being a WW angel and have stopped loosing weight.

Mar 04, 2007

Last Saturday I went to Weight Watchers so happy, secure and proud that I knew I would loose some weight. The two weeks before had been bad weeks for me. The first one I had stayed the same. The next Saturday at my weigh in I had gained 2.8 pounds. I had been totally on my program, no cheats, drinking all my water, exercising 45 minutes every day so, I knew this Saturday I would show a loss. Probably a good one too, I hoped. I was the first one in there for the 2nd meeting and I got on the scale all happy. I stood there and watched with horror as the scale climbed up past the 2.8 pounds I had gained the previous week to another .8 ounce gain again. 3rd week in a row that I have gained. I was so upset. I can't even say how devastated I felt. Here I was really truly giving it my all. No cheating, exercising even when I didn't feel like it. No Valentines Day candy, heck, I didn't even have any treats on New Years or Christmas. 

I had started my journey of trying to get healthy on December 4th. I stopped all cheating on that day. I even started to exercise every single day. I thought back to how I could only ride the exercise bike for 4 minutes max at first. Now I was up to riding it for 30 minutes straight! I knew I was doing better. What the heck was this about? 

Let me just say it wouldn't have been nearly as bad as it was at my weigh in if on Friday I hadn't started a new job. I hadn't worked in years and was nervous about that but when I sat in the chair, clerical work, the chair squeezed my hips so hard that it caused bruises by the end of the day. I talked to myself many times that day at work telling myself that "it would be okay I am loosing weight so this won't be forever that my chair hurts me". I went into the ladies restroom at lunch time and another blow for obese ladies, on the wall next to the one and only toilet was a huge toilet paper dispenser that they don't even use. Warning: Possible TMI minute! My behind wouldn't even fit on the toilet. I had to pee sitting sideways. I was so upset. I just kept up my mantra of,"it's okay, I'm loosing weight, I can look back and this will all be a memory". That is why my weigh in was particularly more disturbing than normal. 

After crying most of the day Saturday and having panic attacks all night Saturday night, I decided enough was enough, I am going to go talk to my Dr and ask her to help me to loose weight. 

Monday morning I called my new boss and told him thank you for hiring me and the opportunity but before he puts anymore time in training me I have to quit due to health problems. I felt horrid about doing that but there was no way I could work day after day hurting all day long and not being able to use the restroom. I suffer from panic disorder/depression/agoraphobia so I knew I wouldn't go back. Calling my boss to let him know was the best I could give him at this time. Luckily he was sweet and told me that they loved my work for that one day and should my heath improve in the next month or two to give him a call and if he has an opening he would hire me back.  That done, I called my DR and made an appointment. She had an opening the next day. 

Tuesday evening I go to my regular Dr. armed with my Weight Watchers food journal, my weight card and my own personal calendar showing the past 3 months of exercise for every single day and what I have done and for how long. First, we came to the conclusion together that due to my size I probably need a larger dose of my panic/depression meds. So, we upped it another 30 mg. Next topic was for her to look over all my stuff and tell me what I'm doing wrong. After about 10 minutes of talking together and her explaining to me that it is time to look into  WLS just to see what it is about, I agreed to go to the free seminar that they offer. I am scheduled to go on the 13th of March. 

In the mean time, I have been doing so much research on line, talking to people that have had it and reading books that I am pretty sure that I need this surgery to save my life. I am now hoping and praying for the surgery to be the right thing for me. If not that I may find out something at the seminar to steer me in the direction of the right thing for me. I am hurting and get out of breath so easy, can't fit anyplace. all of the lovely things that go along with this. Wish me luck.

About Me
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2007
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Six Weeks Post OP
3 Week Post Op visit
16 Days post op
I had my surgery on Wednesday August 29th!
Tomorrow is my surgery Date
2 Days before surgery!
I have a date for surgery
Finally the Right BMI
Not having Lap Band
