Here it goes.I am a 26 year old feamal. Iam married.I have two boy's age's 6 & 1. They keep me running most of the day. Icurrently weight 310 & I'm 5'3. My bmi is 50. I have had a weight issue all my life. I was constently teased as a child and now as an adult i find it hard to go in to public for fear of people staring at me. any way i have just recently considerd wls. My family docter had referred me to st.vincent. when i went i was set on getting the lap band done but the surgeon sugestted the roux-n-y done insted to be succesful. I had never considerd gastric bypass surgery because of the statistics and risk's. I was affraid of dying and living my children behind. Or fear of doing it and regeting it or having complacations. After meeting with the surgen I came home and thought it over for a few day's and reserched it more online.I started looking at this site and it had alot of information and inspiering storys. I started realizing i had a food  addiction because i was sad about the foods i could no longer eat. And i started cutting sweets,pop, fast food,late night snacks  and i also cut down my portion sizes  and i was still hungry and felt like i had to eat. I felt sad that i had to deprive my self of the foods i loved to eat. I felt like the more I denied my self from eating the more i wanted to eat. I have a problem with benge eating to. At these thougts I became very depressed and discussed with my self for feeling this way over food. I had never relized any of this untill this last week. This made me wonder if I would feel this way after the surgery. I wish I knew how to get past this feeling. Can any one help me please???                                                                                                                                                                                         

About Me
Jul 26, 2007
Member Since

Friends 1
