Have I missed this support...

Dec 20, 2009

I have been having MAJOR issues with my computer and JUST got it back today!  I have been busy people.  I had my Echo, EKG, Stress, Psych Assessment, obtained letter of Medical Necessity from PCP in conjunction to weight mgmt from PCP, attended surgeons support group meeting and seminar, turned in intial pkt to surgeon awaiting letter from the office to tell me the tests that I need and  have already started having done... (they already got verificatiion from Ins.).  I have Pulomonolgist on 12/30-since  sleep with CPAP Machine-- and then the nutritional evaluation  & consultaiton soon hopefully.  trying to get in 's before Jan 21,2010.  I'm trying to make it so when they, (Dr. Duncan's ofc) gives me my date, I can turn my complete packet in the SAME day and keep it moving...I am soooooooooooooooooo ready?  Somehow, I know if ytou are reading this, I am preaching to the choir.  I love you guys
1 comment

Forever and ever and ever, ever.......

Nov 06, 2009

It seems like forever! I am waiting for my seminar hopefully 11/21/2009.  With the holidays so close to this date no one can quite guarantee if the date I mentioned earlier is going to be the actual seminar date.  They won't be able to clarify until about Thursday this week.   Awwwwwwww I am so ready to be reborn...People, please make a comment if you feel my pain....Whoah, then the next dilemna is waiting for Insurance to give Prior Athorization for procedure.  At least my PCP is on board and is writing my letter pf medical necessity. (Thank You, Lord).  Well folks, I can honestly say this is the FIRST time that Type II DM, Hypertension GERD & Sleep Apnea is something that I need to get something done!  You catch my drift?  With prayer these ailments will be a thing of the past and I CAN HAVE MY PURSE BACK VERSUS IT SERVING AS A PORTABLE/MOBILE PHARMACY!



Oct 30, 2009

People can be soooo cruel!  Last Sunday my band had an audition with R&B group ( I won't mention names but they are an all male group-  of 4 w/two members that are twin brothers & they haven't had a hit since early 2001 or so...they did a lot of love ballads and was under SoSo Def) at an exclusive studio here in Atl.  Now,  not to toot my own horn (beep beep), but I have this singing thing kinda' down to a melodious science....Not like the folks on American Idol, but seriosly I can sing/perform..Anyhoot we did our spill and the chick that was with the "supastars" was looking at me with the uttmost disgust.  I was soooooooooo not what she was loking for.  My voice apparently did not match my physique!  My feelings were beyond hurt.  Talent was obviously not a factor but image was...Needless to say she said she was looking for a "fresher, younger band"  yet my age was NEVER DISCLOSED!   This was worse than racism based on color; this was another black chick who literally was disgusted by my mere presence/existence....
WOW is all I could and can say....

About Me
Douglasville, GA
Surgery Date
Oct 29, 2009
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