Jan. 2006

I have been over weight all my life, but it has never realy got in my way of me loveing life! It has how ever put me in a poshion to feel so bad about how people ast and how thay treet me that I hid the fact that I was big. I hid it so well that I still don't see what is rong with my little bit of fluff? Then I see myself in a photo I did not know was taken of me....Holy Moly!!! It brakes my heart! How am I  that big and why don't I see it? So I am trying to get WLS to get the outside to match the inside. What will I find? I'm not sure, but I am going to show all the people who don't see me what thay are missing!!!  



I want a fitted jacket~ Yes I have one!

I want to breath better ~Did it

I want someone to discribe me as little~This to has happend!

I want to feel hip bones ~ I can but I'm working on feeling them better!

I want to not tie my shoes on the side ~ Do it

I want to cross my legs ~Yep Yep

I want to go on a plane and not think thay will ask me to get a 2nd seat ~ Thay better not now! I don't think I will ever have this happen NOW!!!!

I want to get fancy undies and bra to match ~ I got em!

I want to NOT look for the biger side of a booth in a restront ~I will never do that agan!

I want to sit in hubbys lap and not kill him ~ I so can !!

I want one more piggyback ride ~ I am so happy to check this one off!!!

I want to be in the photo, not take them all ~ More to come!

I want to sit with my legs pulled up to my chest and rap my arms around them~ I don't think I sit anyother way now!

I want to sleep all night , and not hurt when I get up ~I can do this

I want to be in a 5k

I want people to look at me and see the person I am not just the size I am~I think this is true now?!?!?

I want to make this work so I can know I'm just as good as the "other guy" or as my Dad would put it BETTER! hehe





I have seen a lot of people on this site who say there family and friends are not as suportive as that wanted or need. I have to say how truly lucky I am! As most of my family are rutting for me, if it were not for my Dad I would never be doing this! I know I'm suposed to me makeing up my mind for myself but if he was not so Gun Ho for me I would never have the guts to even talk about WLS!! Maybe I'm this way because he has looked out for me better then I have looked out for myself? He is the one person I KONW allways puts me first, I how ever am the one who puts me LAST every time!!! lol

I wanted to add to my profile that, I have made some realy good friends because of this surg. and this site! That alone is worth the WLS in it's self!!! Thank you for letting me into your lifes and your hearts!!!!

Thank you Apple Pie for being my WLS Angel. You went all out. Thank you Christins and Lisa for comming to the hospital to see me! Your good friends!!! Also, Thank You to all the people on OH who sent me well wishes and all the nice thoughts!!! Last but not least Thank You to my family who hepled with the kids and all the suport!!! Dad your the best!!!! xoxox

About Me
Kenosah, WI
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18
