Well let me start off by saying I've struggling with me weight all my life just about. I first heard about weight loss surgery in 2001. I compesated the idea and called my insurance co. and they told me it had to medically necessary, after being told that and hearing negative things regarding the surgery I put the idea on the back burner. At that time I was 250lbs. After that my weight increased steadily.With all my failed dieting I decied to research surgery for myself. While researching about surgery my health was becoming more and more a problem. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and this disoder that I had since I was sixteen was taking its toll on me. I took sleep apnea as a joke...oh well I snore, but it was more than that, this in combination with my weight was making unable to function. I wasn't the daughter,mother,sister,friend and person I wanted to be.I had no energy...I wasn't a asset to my kids or anyone else this way,I had to do something. By 2003 my weight is 300lbs.I was exsisting day to day instead of living, ready to give up until a friend of mine was going for her surgery like me she was insured by medicaid and was over 300lbs. I watched her journey and was still not ready after her insisting on us doing it together. At that time I was taking the Dr.Phil Challenge and I said I was going to give it one more try dieting. I was okay at first losing 20lbs and then after that it went down hill. Nothing I've tried was a lifestyle change or training me to eat portionatly...Everything I've tried worked but only temporarliy because I never felt I was in control. Food was always in control....I had to be aware of food all day you cant have this you cant have that count this calorie...food was running my life, enough was enough. In June of 2004 I had my first cosultation with Dr.Ducheine. I went he dicussed the pros and cons of the surgery with me gave me a list of doctors to see and when I was finished come and I would have my date to have the surgery,sounds easy right? Wrong...I seen all the doctors he told me to see and was schelded for surgery October 15 only to bedisappointed by the insurance co. wanting me to do six months with the nutritionist. When I began I weighed 310lbs and gained 14lbs during the six months. Finally I was done by July and went for surgery on August 10,2005. I arrived at the hospital that morning and by that evening I was different person.


08/10/06  324lbs-BMI-53.6-size24               11/02/06 270lbs-BMI-44.9

08/20/06 300lbs-BMI-49.9-???                    11/14/06 260lbs-BMI-43.2

10/08/06  280lbs-BMI-46.6-???                   12/08/06 250-BMI-

About Me
Irvington, NJ
Oct 12, 2006
Member Since

Friends 1
