
May 29, 2007

Below is a list of goals that I am hoping to accomplish within a years time of being post-op. I am starting my site with these goals to remind myself of what I have to look forward to and to give myself something to work towards. Yes I am sure some of these are unrealistic and maybe I am reaching a bit but I know that it will make me strive that much harder towards were I want to be one year post-op. Okay so here goes my list of goals:

1)  I want to reach ONE-derland...god I haven't seen that since before my 14th birthday!

2) To be able to shop at stores in the mall, well besides Lane Bryant and Torrid of course

3) I want to be just pretty and not "you've got such a pretty face". Grr I really hate that one, seriously hate it.

4) Being able to fit into a size 12, something I never remember doing. By the time I was old enough to care about what I wore and wanted to impress guys I was squeezing into a size 16.

5) Being able to throw out my size 24 jeans...HOLY CRAP!

6) Welcoming pictures instead of throwing a fit and yelling at my family for just trying to capture priceless memories.

7) To be able to wear a skirt, and not one that is around my ankles.

8) Putting on a pair of shorts and not just telling people "No, really I'm not hot at all". I haven't worn shorts in over 5+ years at least.

9) Being on top while having sex w/my boyfriend, I'm too disgusted with myself to even attempt something like that.

10) Going to a beach without a long sleeve tee and jeans

11) Swimming and not in my clothes. Before I would always claim that I was either on my period or that I forgot my suit and end up swimming in jeans and a t-shirt...and yes it felt rather heavy.

12) Being able to reach around my back and actually scratch it if I need to.

13) Wanting to go out in public instead of claiming that I am tired or don't feel well.

14) Walking up the stairs without feeling tired.

15) Getting down on the floor to play with my son. Bringing him to parks and playing with him instead of just watching him play from the couch. 

16) Get my GED 

17) Go back to beauty school and finish up the hours I need to complete the course. Last time I left school on two different occasions cause I felt so out of place. Being the "fat" girl is never fun!!!!

18) To be able to play basketball without getting winded in the first two minutes. 

19) Buying a shirt size without a "x" infront of the size.

20) Looking in the mirror instead of shying away from it.
21) I love to dance and never do cause I am too aware of all the excess jiggle. So to be able to dance and not worry about people laughing at the "fat girl who thinks she can dance"

22) Take pride in my self apperance

23) Borrow something from my moms closet ,she wears a 10 and has amazing taste. Shes so beautiful.

24) Trying skiing, water and snow. Be a little snow bunny instead of the great big snow women.

[ More to come but I'm exhusted it's 7am and I haven't been to bed yet, trouble sleeping lately...grrrr. ]

Surgery Tomorrow

May 14, 2007

Haven't posted in a little bit but I got my approval on April 16th for Lap RNY with Dr.Panemanglore. The same day they scheduled me for surgery on May 15th. And here it is May 14th and what else can I say but everyone this is it!!! I have surgery tomorrow at 12:45 and I couldn't be happier!!! This has been such an amazing journey and to think that it hasn't even begun yet!!! Well wish me luck everyone!!!!!!


The Waiting Game

Apr 09, 2007

Okay so I called Independent Health today. They apologized and said that they were mistaken and gave me the wrong info!!!! Nothing has been submitted yet for surgery/approval. I saw the doctor one week ago tomorrow, I had everything they needed for the insurance company then so why then has nothing been submitted yet?? I guess this is the most annoying process of the whole journey....the waiting game. Well that's all for now!!!

Happy Easter

Apr 08, 2007

Happy Easter Everyone!!! Well on April 4th I met with Dr. Panemanglore. I feel extremly confident choosing him and the staff at Synergy Bariatrics. My paperwork was submitted to Independent Health this past Friday. They said call them on Tuesday and they should have an answer on rather I'm approved or not. I'm so nervous. I'm praying, crossing my fingers anything you can really think of at this point. If I'm approved I'm looking at surgery next month most likely. I will let everyone know what happens come Tuesday. Thanks!!!

About Me
Cheektowaga, NY
Surgery Date
Mar 04, 2007
Member Since

Friends 30

Latest Blog 4
Surgery Tomorrow
The Waiting Game
Happy Easter
