Two years ago, I couldn't walk more than 1/2 block and couldn't stand more than 30 - 60 seconds without experiencing excruciating pain in my back. At a young 50 years old, I had more health problems than my 90 year old father-in-law!  I had high blood pressure, was teetering on the brink  of diabetes and heart disease, and was too tired to do anything more than go to work and come home to bed every night and weekend.  Something had to change!

I had a choice...gain another 25 lbs. and have gastric bypass (which I thought at the time was an "easy" way to lose weight - I now know how WRONG that is!).  So, I decided to join LA Weight Loss.  They did a health assessment, a diet profile and I began my long journey towards lifelong weight loss.  The counselors at the centers in Oak Lawn and Skokie, Illinois were so very supportive and informative (Shout out and thanks to Yvonne, Juana, Denise, Tina).  After losing half of the weight, one day I went to work and forgot to bring my lunch.  I had to walk to the grocery store, 5 blocks away.  I wound up purchasing 5 bags of groceries (had to get full sizes so I could make my lunch and dinner), and walked back to work.  It wasn't until I got back to work that I realized how much walking I had done without having any pain!  6 months earlier, I was incapable of that level of physical activity, especially carrying 5 bags of groceries!  I wound up losing 70 lbs.  It took a year, but I finally lost the weight and reached my goal!  I didn't realize how sick I was becoming until I started losing the weight.  Because I am only 5'2", 70 lbs. on my frame is deadly! 

I now have so much more energy and a much more positive self image.  I enjoy shopping again!  I enjoy life again!

I will celebrate one year of reaching my goal on August 11.  In the meantime, LA Weight Loss went out of business, before I could complete the one year maintenance program.  So, I'm on my own.  It's not easy, but I simply CAN NOT gain that weight back again!  I have the tools, the knowledge and the will power, so now I just have to stick to it.  I've learned that weight loss is a journey, not a destination.  I've made it to this particular destination, but the journey continues.  Meals must be planned daily.  Special events must be planned.  Sometimes, (like today), I completely blow it.  But I get back on track the next day.  I must weigh myself daily, even if the previous day was a "bad" eating day.  This is the only way I can stay on track and keep the weight off.

It may seem difficult, but once you realize meals must be planned as part of your day, you can deal with it, especially knowing the consequences.  I can still have fun and enjoy all the foods I want, but in moderation.  My daily eating pattern has to be healthy, while I can splurge once in a while on special occasions (and weekends!).

I feel so much better now!  I am off all medications!  I can walk, play with my grandson, and I'm not too tired to go out with my husband to special events!  Life has changed for the better.  I pray God will give me the strength to keep the weight off and live a healthy lifestyle.  I must remember how badly I felt at 204 lbs.  I thank God for helping me lose the weight and reach my goal.

About Me
Chicago, IL
May 31, 2008
Member Since

Friends 21
