I am 23 years old and I live in Tennessee..I have struggled with my weight pretty much all of my life but it got really bad after I had my son which is 5 now. I have tried every diet and pill you can think of and I did go from 271 to 215 when I was on phentermine 37.5mg pills, but right after I came off of them I gained it all back! I am miserable and everything hurts, i have a bad back anyways but it has gotten so much worse with this weight. I was recently tested for sleep apnea because I can't sleep worth a darn and I am always sluggish due to lack of sleep, well after the sleep study they found out I am borderline sleep apnea and if I don't lose some of this weight soon it will go straight into sleep apnea! I have acid reflux all the time and the heartburn just about kills me, my hormones are out of wack and anything else that you can think of wrong it is going on with me! I just want to lose this weight and feel better because I am only 23yrs old and I shouldn't feel like I do. I have a young son and I am too tired to play and run after him and at work i stand all night so that makes things so much worse. I just am tired of feeling like this and I want a new beginning a chance to feel better and to be able to feel confident again about myself.

About Me
clarksville, TN
Surgery Date
Oct 06, 2008
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