September 4th, 2009

Sep 04, 2009

Well, I had my first fill 3 weeks ago, and I really didn't feel too different.  I again was eating bigger portions, binging on twizzlers and swedish fish, snacking at night.  Maintained my first 10 lbs, but of course not losing.  I was frustrated and skimped on my protein shakes, generally just wondering why i bothered to do this if nothing would be different.

Yesterday I had my second fill!  OH BOY!  Let the games begin!  I stuck to liquids most of the day but was hungry a bit when we were out and thought I'd have a few of my son's pretzels.  Bam... .stuck..  pain, the worst thing!  I thought i would get sick, but it passed after 15 minutes.  It was awful.  It happened again later that night when I thought I'd have a few small pieces of cheese.  So now "a few days of liquids" from the doctor means...  a few days of liquids!  And now I am back motivated and ready to go.  The scale even started moving again.  I don't even DARE have a twizzler, a pretzel, nothing right now.  In a few days, I'll think about trying some soft-boiled eggs or soft grilled salmon.  I am so excited that now finally I can get moving with losing weight, eating right, using this tool effectively to work for me!!! 

August 19th - First Post!

Aug 19, 2009

I'm really going to make an attempt to get more familiar with this website.  I have been looking at many different WLF forums and message boards, trying to find a place that is easy to navigate and active!  They are all a bit complicated to me, but I suppose if I visit every single day, I'll get it. 

My Lapband Surgery went perfectly.  I healed up great and had my first fill last week.  I still can eat.  :-(  I definitely feel a difference, but I find I can eat big portions and not feel any different.  I am so anxious to start using this band and find it hard to keep my motivation up, knowing I'm not at that "sweet spot" yet.  Sigh...  It reminds me of what it was like before:  start the day out motivated, journaling, counting, etc...  and then somewhere during the day I want something sweet or to snack on or anything, and I don't really NOT feel hungry, so it's no big deal to grab something.  Or in the evening.. trouble time.  Snack time with hubby.  

I plan on calling my surgeon tomorrow (one week since fill) and scheduling another one.  I'd also like to see him before he leaves and talk about my options and other surgeons he will refer me to.  I really need to stay motivated!!  I made it through the worst part (I thought) the actual procedure!  Surely I can do this!!!???!!!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 30, 2009
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