10 Weeks Out

Feb 07, 2007

Hi all!
Well its been ten weeks out and here I am 45 lbs less than I was when I started. WOW! Its such an incredible difference. My belly is shrinking and the skin feels really strange. But I am not complaining. I am able to get into a size 20, and one size 18. But you know they are all different how they fit. My underwear don't roll under my gut anymore, so that is a wonderful feeling!!! I am starting to really get the self confidence I have desired to have for a long time now. I just can't wait until I have lost the 135 lbs I am striving for. I went into this surgery not really having a goal, until the weight started to come off. I think because I wanted to see if the weight would really come off. It think phycologically, I was thinking the weight would never come off, even with surgery. Because I had such a hard time loosing weight on my own. So once I say proof it was possible, I decided my goal is loosing 135 lbs. 
I am feeling great about myself, and enjoying wearing clothes that are too big for once. And having even more fun giving the old clothes AWAY!

5 Weeks Post Op

Jan 12, 2007

Its been a while since I have checked in. The past few weeks have been a struggle. I have thrown up a lot! i didn't at all in the beginning, which was really strange. But now I just can't stop. I feel like I am going to become balemic or something. I have lost a total of 36 pounds and feel my hips are a lot smaller, my face has shrunk a lot, my legs are thinning and my stomach has gone down a lot. I looked like I was 8 months pregnant, seriously! But not any more. People have been very impressed with the weight loss. They are shocked at the difference. I even had a friend from church start crying when she say me. She couldn't believe the difference. I am looking very different. But I am liking the new me. My body was pretty firm in the begining, but not anymore. Its starting to feel like jello. But I can see the results. It feels so good to put on my 26W pants and have then fall to the floor! I am in a 22W now. I used to wear a size 8W shoe, well not anymore! I am in a normal size 8. Who knew i had a normal size foot? I thought it was the structure of my feet, but it was the fat that made my feet so big, and I didn't see any fat. But I guess it was really there. What a great feeling! Wow!
As far as the food issues, I am struggling with getting in the recommended 60-70 grams of protein a day. I can't do the protein shakes! They are so nasty!!!! I tried non flavor, chocolate, and fruit flavored. Its not the flavor really, its the grittiness! That just grosses me out! I can't take it! I have been really bad too with taking my calcium pills and my vitamins. I can't stand it! But I need to get on the ball before I start to die! :-)

Two weeks out!

Dec 13, 2006

Well, I never thought I would live to say this....I actually can tell I am loosing. My face is thinner, my legs are skinnier, and my stomach is alreading showing signs of flatness! WOW! I am shocked. I never imagined it would all happen so fast though. I can't see my collar bones but can sure feel them. I have noticed I actually do have shoulder bones. I am so used to 10 inches of fat there, I never really thought about feeling a bone there! Ha-ha!

I do miss food. I won't lie about that. But I have noticed that I am not craving foods. I see food that would taste really yummy, only if I see it. Which I will say, I was ready to kill my husband when he entered the car the day of surgery with a bag of donuts and McDonalds for breakfast for him! I wanted to kill him!!!! That wasn't fair!!! Here I was, not being able to eat for three straight days, and the day where I couldn't even have water to drink he gets that crap and brings it into the car??? That should be illegal!!! Seriously! Then today, he sends me to Domino's pizza to get him and the kids pizza for dinner, while I eat tomato soup. Is that right???? NO!!!! Again, that should be illegal.

I am still a little sore. My incisions (well three of them) became iinfected with a staph infection. So that has been no fun. Believe it or not, I miss wearing my bra! I feel lighter on my feet though. The arthritis isn't as bad as it was. I am starting to be able to sleep a lot more comfortable. Trying to get used to what the feelings are of the new pouch I have found frustrating. I have felt nauseated for about 90% of the  time. Until I realized that Nutrasweet was making me ill!!! So splenda, here we come!!!

I went to a christmas party last week, and there was a lady there at  my church that had this surgery two years ago, and her plate was loaded like a football player would have their plate, and I couldn't believe it! I can't even imagine wanting to go through the stretching pains. IT hurts when I eat one 1/2 bite too much, let alone a plate like that. IT was a good testimonial that your pouch can be stretched. You would never be able to tell she had the surgery, at all. So I am very commited to making sure this works for me. 

Finally on the other side!

Dec 03, 2006

Hi yall!
It's me, doing OK. I am sore, and hating the diet. But I know it will all be worth it in the end. I lost 11 pounds before surgery. I was like WOW!!!! So that was a great booster. My swelling in my legs has gone down immediately, and my hands too. So I am actually feeling great in that way. 

The surgery was hard. The pain was unbearable when I first got out of surgery, my blood pressure proved that to the staff. They quickly got that under control. They gave me some morphin, and it went down right away. Well I better lay down...starting to hurt again.

I will post again soon.

M. Nolden

24 Hours, I will be in the hospital!

Nov 28, 2006

Time is getting closer. I thought I would be nervous, but am actually doing great! I am just more anxious than anything. Wish me luck!

Four days left!!

Nov 25, 2006

Well its been a couple weeks and I can hardly believe that my surgery is only four days away. I thought I would be excited, but I am nervous as HECK! I am starting to feel scared. I have the fear of never waking up. I am afraid of feeling hungry with being restricted to two whole days of nothing BUT fluids before surgery. I am a carb addict! I love rice, bread, potatoes and sugar. So I am awaiting this rude awakening. I know I really need this tool to help me get my act together. I am grateful for this outlet and support of friends. 
I have so many people tell me they don't think I need the surgery, and are still trying to talk me out of it. That annoys the crap out of me! But I am glad that I am almost there. They can't say a word once I have had it done. They will eat their words when they see how healthy I am. Not to mention how great I will look and feel! My husband has even jumped on the weightloss bandwagon with me. So that helps too. He doens't want the junk food or the sweets around. He is my strength in getting over sodas too. He hasn't had a soda in over a month. I love diet soda, so this is hard for me. But I have become more accustomed to drinking more water. I am actually starting to like ice cold water, and even luke warm. However, I prefer it ice cold. Well I will keep you updated as I go. Keep me in your prayers.

I was approved!!!!!

Nov 15, 2006

Its been a while, but just wanted you all to know that United Health Care finally sent the later stating that I was finally approved Nov. 9th. YEAH! I am so excited! I only have two more weeks until my surgery. I am beside myself. Just to think that I will be a looser so soon! WOW! It really is a reality! I can' hardly believe it. Someone please pitch me; feel like I am dreamin'!

Still Waiting...

Oct 31, 2006

Well, I am still waiting for the doctor's office to get my paperwork into the insurance company for approval. What is taking so long??? Come on!!!! I am ready to do this. I am tired of my health failing me. I need to get this done soon. At least before the end of the year. I have been through all the testing except for the endoscopy procedure which is scheduled for next tuesday afternoon. Other than that, I am ready to go. Just waiting on the approval. I just found out that I do have sleep apnea. So I am looking forward to having a good night's sleep with my cpap machine. Seems like my life is standing stil.

Wish me luck! 


Oct 18, 2006

Hello again. I finally met with the nutritionist yesterday. Boy....I had a wake up call. I have some things to work on. One is not eating when I am bored...Am I alone on this one? I feel so silly. I don't eat when stressed, but I do when I am bored. Doesn't make sense, but I do. I have also realized that I have a couple life long habits I have to kick. One, Diet soda! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Diet sodas! But am trying to kick them. Also, I am one that feels like she has to clean her plate every time she eats. Can't let food go to waste. So eating your self to death is better?????? I know, right? That is a struggle I think I am going to need help with. I need to find a support group to go to. Wow....I have a lot of work. But I can do it with the help of all of you out there. I need your support now more than ever. I have had so many people give negative feed back about my decision to have GB surgery. I am sick of it. Its not because I want to be thin. Its because I want to see my kids grow up! 

But I am sure you all know what I mean when I say, Leave the negative comments and horror stories to yourself. I know the risks, and I am not like EVERY SINGLE failure out there. Everyone is different in their complications. But you can't tell them that. I am sure that I will succeed, because I am doing it for my family. I have realized that letting mommy go will affect my family the rest of their lives. I always do things for them first and put myself on the back burner. I can't do that anymore. I have had such a low self esteem that I didn't care if I died or if I was healthy or not. But now, I see that I can have a good self image one of these days and that I am loved regardless of the junk in my trunk. Ha-ha! All those out there going through the same time, email me some time. Would love to chat. I am open to having many friends. Would love to be able to connection with as many people as possible. Hang in there! You are doing it for you!

About Me
Rigby, ID
Surgery Date
Oct 02, 2006
Member Since

Before & After
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Friends 11

Latest Blog 19
Single Bliss!
Weight Bliss @ a Skinny 140 LBS
160 Lbs & Size 8/10!!!
How Time Flies!! Holy Cow!
Ten Months Out! WOW!
Eight Months Out
Five Months Out
