I'm back! Here's how it went...

May 24, 2009

I can't believe that a lifetime of weight agony took a few days to fix. Don't get me wrong- elective surgery is nothing to go into lightly- your body goes through some trauma! But here's how my experience went: 

Tuesday my hubby and I drove from Houston to Eagle Pass and stayed at the Holiday Inn. Nice hotel, easy check-in, comfy beds. We ate at a Mexican restaurant the hotel suggested (in Eagle Pass, not over the border) and I enjoyed what would be my last meal for a while!

Rosie the driver picked us up bright and early Wed morning and off we went. Getting to Dr. Alvarez took about 15 minutes. He pulled in right before us, and in we went! We had a little meeting, he answered any questions, and really is great.  We did blood work, surgery prep, etc, and then around 9 am the surgery took place.

Note on the hospital: IT IS OLD and you will feel like you are in a time warp. It's really bizarre. But IT IS CLEAN. Dr. Alvarez's nurse speaks great English and is readily available. The only non-English speaking nurses you have to encounter are the ones who check vitals at night, in morning, etc. Not a big deal.

So anyway, after surgery, I felt horrible for about 5 minutes. Terrible chest pains due to the gas. They gave me some drugs and I conked out. When I woke up again, I felt much better. In the meantime, my hubby ate at La Casita across the street and enjoyed their empenadas. Just hours after surgery I was walking around and truly feeling fine. They gave me my meds regularly and I never felt any pain.

The next day was Thursday.  I was up walking some more and this time I joined my hubby at La Casita (just ice chips for me) and we even took a taxi to the market.  By that afternoon we were just ready to go home! Sure, there's TV, and wireless, and all that, but hospitals are boring no matter where you are. We did the leak test and I passed.
On Friday morning we were discharged and we drove home! The discharge process took longer than expected, but we were still on the road by 10 am.

So now I'm on a liquid diet and NO, I'm not hungry, but YES, I am bored since I cannot actually chew anything. Gum is helpful. Broth is also nice and changes it up a little bit. I can't wait to see the new me! Dr. Alvarez has a goal weight for me of 145 pounds. I can't remember EVER being that weight. So we'll see!


About Me
Surgery Date
May 07, 2009
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