OH BOY the BIG "P">

Aug 18, 2009

Started with the usual low back pain, fullness cramping. Oh goodie the period was showing up right on schedule! A girl couldn't miss one while recovery from surgery Noooooooooooooooooooo. This morning full onset, including really bad cramps and nausea. 6 on 0-10 scale.  Only drug I can take is Tylenol and only 500mg at a time. I miss my motrin. Very emotional, pain not under control, legs feel like lead, and by the way my first round of vomiting..nice.  So we back up the menu to liquids only and choke down a protien drink and clears until 1pm. scramble egg okay. still very queezy take reglan. Will check with PCP on next visit how to ge this under control.  Maybe I shoulda had the hyst first.  Sometimes very tough being a woman. Thank god for the heating pad. Just whining and feeling sorry for self, this to shall pass. Sue


Aug 14, 2009

4 days into the pureed/blended foods.  I forgot how good a scrambled egg tasted (just 1). and in the past I would need 3-4 eggs , toast, potatos to fill me up. So far the new food additions are working, tuna, refried beans, mashed potato's,chili all good so far. Will keep adding on a daily basis.  Really sick of the protein shakes (ugggg sweet stuff) but continue to get them in, it's getting harder.  Still not sleeping thru the night, but better than a week ago.


EGG next week, toast the following, yipeeeeeeeeee!

Aug 06, 2009

The Saga continues:
Surgery not quite as planned,ended up with R&Y, instead of the sleeve. Sleeve all done MD closing, checked everything with scope and my pyloris all kinked, twisted and scar tissue ,unable to pass much thru, you know the rest.

1 week out feeling pretty good, back pain and antsy the worst.  Now doing well, can't wait for next week and the blended diet.. I have an egg in my future, YEAH!
Try to do little projects everyday, windows etc....


Jul 12, 2009

EEEEEEK! the big day is here.  Well the liquid diet for 2 weeks.  Then the really big day, July 27th at 0730.  I'm excited and nervous, having the surgery done in the hospital where I work.  Gotta go with the insurance.  At least I'll know everybody hum.. good and bad.
I've started a book about all of this business.  Now I know why I've always taken the pictures and not been in them.  Could it be that I have another person stuffed in my backpocket? The 125 pounds I need to lose is another person, the skinny one!
Oh the before pictures.............................


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 10, 2009
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