In Jan of 2014 I had a scary moment where I thought I might be having a stroke.  My doc said 'this is a red light warning light.  You are not dying, but you have to get the weight off.'  So I did weight watchers, but it just wasn't working for me.  Then I heard a podcast on the obesity epidemic and they mentioned the Cleveland Clinic follow-up study on WLS.  That is when I really looked at it as an option.  I realized this is my best chance.  So I self-funded in Mexico in Nov 2014.  The results have been stunning. In 2015 I climbed a 14,000 mountain, ran my first 5K in years and I've enjoyed things I have not done in decades.  I noticed in late 2016 I was gaining weight again, so I took a six-week challenge to lose the 20 pounds I had put back on, and got it off again.

I am totally enjoying my life, recommitted to healthy eating and exercise.  Life is great.

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 14, 2017
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Jan 2014 Sugar Bowl
Off to work

Friends 1
