2 + weeks postop

Jun 07, 2009

I can not beleive that two weeks ago I had surgery. You would never know that I had surgery.. I feel great and have been getting alot done.  I have lost 23 lbs and 2 inches in some places. I can fit into clothes that I just hung onto from before i was pregnant with the twins. I feel good. I look good.. well everyone tells me i look good.  but i feel good and that is all that matters. I am doing things that i have never done in my life. I excersize daily sometimes half an hour but atleast i am doing something.  I am slowly moving into the purreed phase which is nice because i am getting tired of the same stuff.  I am looking forward to trying out some of eggfaces recipes!! they look so awesome!! 

All three of my kids have told me over and over again how beautiful I am and how good I look... they are 6 and 4!! they have been so supportive and helpful through it all.  My husband has been great.  helping me with things, boosting my self confidence and things have been better between us than before.   i was on medication for depression  (wellbutrin and effexor) I am still taking the wellbutrin but I have stopped talking the effexor....no I did not talk to my dr or anything and i know i should have but i just couldnt take it. It was so disgusting.  i havent take it for about a week and a half and usually if i miss even one dosage i know it... but nothing. I havent gotten the headaches, the bitchiness, the tiredness, the depressesdness. I feel good.. wait let me rephrase that.. I feel amazing.  when i see my pcp on tues i will let him know but i hope he doesnt give me too much shit.

I am so thankful that i was able to have this surgery and everything go so well.. I read and read about others on this site who have a much rougher time.. It almost feels like I am in dream world sometimes... but those pinches actually hurt :) 
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May 25, 2009

so I am home and feeling awesome.  a little sore but no pain meds since that first night in the hospital.
kids are great around me and are excited to see mommy get skinny. although they are still young i have been pretty much upfront with them about everything.  they keep asking when my bum will shrink. they ask to see the drain, hole, etc. nothing seems to gross them out. they are just as excited as i am.  i am looking forward to seeing what everything is going to unveil and how things are going to go.
i am looking forward to friday  when i get my drain out and the driving limitations will be off...


first day post op!

May 22, 2009

SoI am sitting in the hospital room in chair right now. My surgery was exactly 24 hours yesterday. They are amazed at how well I am doingg and how little of the pain med i took. Yesterday I was sore and tired but i got up twice and took two long walks. They moved me rooms unfortunately and the lady that i am in with is constantly complaining or leaving the light on all night.  very frustrating. but  iam managing and doing well.  I dont think the whole thing has sunk in yet though but i am sure with time it will.
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the beginning!

May 18, 2009

I am a mom of three children,  my daughter is six and I have twin sons who will be four on the 23rd of May (we share the same bday!!) I have been married for 7 years come August.
I have been overweight for most of my life and am at a point where I am not losing. I just seem to be gaining with everything  that I have been doing.   I felt that it was time for me to do something about it.  I have a friend who had it done about three years ago and way back then I said to him .."your crazy!!" " I could never ever do that!" and now threee years later here I am four days away from my surgery date.  I am very excited for it. I have just started to become a little nervous but more for the afterwards.. not being able to eat, the dumping, etc. I have no worries about the surgery.  I have thought about it over and over and over again. It just makes sense to me. I have three amazing children that I need and want to be there in the future for.  I want this for myself. I WANT to be healthy. I WANT to lose the excess weight.  I WANT to live long and have a healthier life!!  :)
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About Me
Surgery Date
Nov 22, 2008
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