Where to begin... 

I have been a big girl MY WHOLE LIFE!  I was five and could wear a bra.  I was always that pretty fat funny girl..."you would be SO pretty if you would only lose weight!"  Which implies that you are hideous right now but could change that through weight loss!  THANKS!  As if, I wanted to be big!  As if I, had asked for it!  As if, I had a choice! 

I teach yoga and you should see the looks I get...as if I have no business teaching anything fitness related!  I even had a dear friend say "your weight will always be a problem (teaching yoga) and the first thing people see...they might not want to take classes from you..."  Wow, as if I was contagious & could make other people fat, but I know this is what people think...  I have dealt with this perception MY WHOLE LIFE!   

So here I am, 100lbs over-weight and no end in sight.  My health has taken a downturn!  So when all my doctors told me to lose 100lbs due to all of my recent health concerns...my heart sank for I knew this was impossible!!! They make it seem so easy, as if I hadn't tried every diet know and every fitness program possible. 

The sad truth is...I was/am the active "fat person" (but now even this is changing).  People try to stereotype me as fat, lazy, fast food crazed, etc.  I have tried to lose weight~ MY WHOLE LIFE!!!  I have no other options and do not want to be unhealthy anymore... 

I have my first appointment on Jan. 8, 2009 and will see where this path takes me...  I am open & ready for "radical life change"!!!  Something has to give...it might as well be ME!!! 

Right now, I am scared and excited about possible surgery.  While researching doubt comes in... What if this is wrong for me?!?  Death?  Complications?  Well, I am going to be honest with Dr. Lord and his staff~ I am powerless at this point and will look to them for guidance on what is best for ME.   

Thank you all for your honesty!  You are ALL inspirational! 


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 18, 2008
Member Since

Friends 3

Latest Blog 2
