Exercises To Relieve Knee Pain When Obese

Jan 16, 2019

When you are struggling with weight issues, the last thing you will want is a pain in the knees. Excessive weight escalates the situation and adds to your discomfort. In addition to that, it can assert more pressure thus causing more damage to the knee ligaments and even cause a knees popping condition. You, however, should not worry too much about this because as you struggle to lose weight, you can relieve that pain by performing a few exercises. These exercises can be undertaken by anyone anywhere and so; you should not have any trouble managing that weight. Here are the top activities that you should try today.

Calf Stretches

This exercise requires you to hold the back of a chair and put one leg in front slightly bend. The other leg should stretch straight behind you. You will exercise the muscles in the calf by keeping your back straight and leaning your torso forward. Be sure to keep both your heels firmly on the floor as you do this and to hold securely on the chair to avoid falling over.

Hamstring Curls

These are among the easiest exercises for anyone regardless of age and weight. You only need to lie on your tummy on a flat surface and while in that position, bend your legs backward to bring them the closest you can to your bottom. You can try to hold them in that position for some time before stretching them back.

Knee Rolls

To relieve pain using the Knee rolls exercises, you should lie on your back and fold your legs up so that your heels are closer to the butt. While keeping the back in the same position, try moving the knees to one side until the tough the floor and move them to another side too. Repeat the routine for some time. Be sure not to hurt your back.

Straight Leg Raises

This exercise requires a person to lie flat on their back and fold one leg while keeping the other straight out. After you are in that position, try to raise stretched leg as high as you can. You should also try to keep it up and count to ten. Repeat the same routine with the other leg and the pain will be relieved.

Calf Raises

You must already know that the calf and the hamstring are the most important muscles when exercising the knees and therefore, most of the exercises will focus on them. For calf raises, find a chair and hold it firmly while standing upright. As you keep your legs straight and together, try to rise by standing on the tips of your feet. Make sure that you rise to the highest point.

Hamstring Stretch

For this exercise, you need to sit at the edge of a chair and straighten one leg in front of you while keeping your heels on the floor. You should then push your navel in the direction of your thighs while sitting up straight. As you do this, ensure that the trunk of your body is not pushed forward.

The Ups and Downs

Find an armless chair and sit on it with your feet flat on the floor. Check the height of the chair so that your knees bend at an angle of about 90 degrees. Your workout will involve standing up and sitting back in the same position without moving the feet from the floor. As you do this, all the muscles on your legs will be worked out, and the pains will go away.

Considering that you have a weight problem, do not be worried when you cannot do these workouts for long. Start from someone and increase the intensity as days go by. You may also want to try a different type of exercise every day especially when the pain seems to take too long to go away. In addition to that, do not forget to work on your overall weight even as you perform these exercises.


5 Essential Oils That Ease Postoperative Nausea

Jan 14, 2019


It is common for patients to experience nausea following surgery. If the nausea occurs within 24 hours of the operation, it is referred to as postoperative nausea, which affects up to 30 percent of patients. While there are several remedies that might help relieve postoperative nausea, few are more effective than the proper use of essential oils.


What Are Essential Oils?


Essential oils are oils extracted from plants known to have therapeutic value. They have been used for centuries to help people sleep better, relieve stress, soothe pain, resolve negative emotions, balance hormones and relieve nausea. Unlike many prescription drugs and some over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, essential oils have very few side effects and have become extremely popular as home remedies in today’s culture. One of this century’s leading proponents of essential oils, Gary Young, was passionate enough about this subject to become a world leader in educating people as to the benefits of essential oils.


How Are Essential Oils Used?


Undiluted essential oils should never be ingested or applied to the skin without the advice of a medical professional. However, they can be diluted in a carrier oil and applied to the skin. They can also be dispersed into the air by using a humidifier or diffuser designed for that purpose. If you are experiencing postoperative nausea, here are five essential oils that might provide the relief you are looking for:


1. Ginger Oil


Many people swear by Ginger oil as a remedy for motion sickness and nausea, and there have been enough studies to confirm such beliefs. To realize the benefits of Ginger, it can be dispersed into a room by using a diffuser or rubbed into pressure points, such as your wrist or forehead. Ginger can also be rubbed directly into your stomach area to relieve symptoms related to postoperative nausea. Ginger is also considered to be safe for use by pregnant women who are experiencing nausea.


2. Peppermint Oil


Peppermint oil is derived from the Peppermint plant and is often used as a flavoring in foods and drinks. One of those drinks, Peppermint tea, is a home remedy commonly used my many to relieve nausea. Those same benefits can be achieved by dispersing Peppermint oil in a diffuser, which allows it to be inhaled. Research has indicated that Peppermint oil has a soothing effect and prevents the gastric muscles from cramping up.


3. Spearmint Oil


Spearmint oil is taken from the leaves and oil of the Spearmint plant. In addition to providing relief for such conditions as indigestion and vomiting, it is also beneficial in treating nausea. One of the ways that it does this is by relieving inflammation. Like Ginger oil, Spearmint oil can also be applied to pressure points or rubbed directly into the stomach or intestinal area. It also creates a very refreshing scent when used in a diffuser. Because of its menthol action, it can help you breathe better and make you feel more alert.


4. Cardamom Oil


Cardamom tea is used widely as an antioxidant and works well as a detoxifying agent. Cardamom oil has similar qualities. It also has been found to relieve anxiety and nausea brought on by an illness or as a result of surgery. The best way to use Cardamom oil is in a diffuser. Breathing in the vapors will help you to relax.


5. Lavender Oil


Lavender oil is also known as an effective agent in fighting nausea. Many people use it in a diffuser at bedtime to help them relax and get a better night’s sleep. Those same properties are also good for relieving nausea. One additional benefit of using Lavender oil in a diffuser is that it produces a very pleasing aroma.


The Risks of Pregnancy While Obese and What You Can Do About It

Jan 11, 2019

Obesity is a growing problem throughout the United States, affecting people of all ages, races, and genders. However, it poses a greater problem to pregnant women. Being obese, which is classified as having a body mass index of 30 or more, poses serious health risks to expecting mothers and to their unborn babies. Understanding those risks may compel you take steps to lose weight before or during the pregnancy.

How Does Obesity Affect a Developing Baby?

For expectant mothers, their concern for their babies are often more important than any other concerns. Obese women may not be aware of the dangers their own obesity poses to their babies. One of those dangers is in passing on obesity to the baby. This is a condition called fetal macrosomia and it can result with the child struggling with obesity throughout childhood.

Additionally, it becomes more difficult to identify problems with the fetus that can result in birth defects. Medical scans can be unclear when performed on obese women and doctors may have trouble getting a good look at the fetus. While all of those scans will be uploaded to the enterprise imaging system, maintaining them for future use may not help. The development of the fetus can't be monitored as closely in obese women.

Miscarriages and stillborn babies are also more common in obese women. This is partly because obese people experience poor blood circulation, heart disease, and respiratory difficulties. This can prevent the fetus from receiving the necessary oxygen and nutrients.

How Does Obesity Affect Pregnant Mothers

Obese women who become pregnant are at a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes. The condition of diabetes involves the body's inability to process sugar, which is also known as glucose. Gestational diabetes occurs only during pregnancy and increases the risk of a stillbirth or miscarriage. Although the condition goes away after giving birth, there's a greater chance that the mother will develop regular diabetes later in her life.

Obese women have harder pregnancies in general. They often experience difficulties taking anesthesia and pain medicine, which complicates the delivery. There may be more health complications after the delivery as well, requiring obese women to spend more time in recovery. Some of these problems include high blood pressure and issues with blood clotting, which are conditions that must be monitored in the hospital.

Losing Weight During Pregnancy

The best thing obese women can do is lose weight before the pregnancy. If they're obese at the time of the pregnancy, they can still lose weight and improve the health of the pregnancy. This should be done under the strict care of the woman's doctor to avoid complications that may affect the fetus.

It will be important to change your diet. Specifically, avoid any foods and beverages that provide empty calories. This includes soda, desserts, fried foods, and fast food. Studies have shown that pregnant women can lose more weight by adjusting their diet than by adding more exercise to their daily routines. To fully benefit, women should switch to a plant-based diet heavy in fruits and vegetables. Clean meats, poultry, and fish may also be eaten in lighter portions. Switching to whole grains is also important.

Exercising is still important and pregnant women should still be getting some daily activity. Exercise workouts should be moderate to avoid pregnancy complications. Basically, you should be able to talk comfortably with a friend during the workout. If you begin to feel strained, winded, or any other symptoms, you should stop the workout immediately and consult your doctor.

As we learn more about the relationship between obesity and pregnancy, it becomes clear that the two conditions are incompatible. Obesity puts both the mother and baby in danger of suffering serious health risks. If you are obese and pregnant, consulting your doctor is important. Your doctor can help you lose weight safely, so health risks to your baby and yourself will be minimized.


A Beginners Meal Plan For Treating Obesity

Dec 26, 2018

Obesity is a huge problem across the globe. More than 1.6 billion adults were considered overweight in 2016, and about 650 million obese. The causes of obese usually stem from unhealthy eating habits growing up and a lack of self control. It's about trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle through good eating habits and a consistent lifestyle.

Most fad diets fail because of a variation of the following reasons: lack of consistency, incorrect implementation, wrong dietary choices for their specific body, and trying to only lose weight instead of eating healthier. It is through good eating habits that you can maintain your health and slowly get back to your best possible health. There is no need to make huge drastic changes overnight. In fact, it gets tougher to remain consistent when you have made too many sacrifices all at once. Many people fail with their diets because of a lack of being true to their diet because of the difficulty. Following these tips will lead you on a good beginner's path to a solid meal plan.

Water Water WATER

Start off with being consistent at drinking water throughout the day. Your diet's foundation should start with water at the beginning of the day and both before and after meals.

Removing Unhealthy Junk Food

Do not use junk food to fill the void of your bad health. It's easy to grab a bag of chips, candy, and other unhealthy junk food whenever you are hungry, but it's vital that you learn how to change those easy bad habits. Learn how to grab a banana, strawberries, and other healthier fruits when you want to snack on something. Snacking is one of the biggest causes of gaining more weight because it's easy to snack throughout the day.

Start Eating More Fruits and Veggies

Make it a goal to eat more vegetables in your meals. Strive towards eating fruits like strawberries, avocados, grapes, mangoes, and oranges. Vegetables in your meals are great for getting the nutrients your body needs to stay active and healthy. Just adding in more vegetables will help strengthen your body and give you that boost of energy every day.

Foods That Help Suppress Appetite

There are certain foods that have the ability to help suppress your appetite and help curve the cravings you have towards sugar. These foods will allow you to stay strong and avoid those tempting foods. Oatmeal is a great option for breakfast because it allows you to feel more full in the morning. It's a great food for filling your body up naturally and not needing to eat as much when you start your day.

Another powerful thing to eat is apples. Apples have the right appetite-suppressing ingredients that are meant to help curve your cravings. They should be cut up into slices, and feel free to eat a few slices before every meal you eat and you will feel less hungry. Snack on an apple during the day when you are hungry and it will curve your appetite in an instant.

The most important thing to remember is that a few small changes to your diet can make a big difference to your health. There is no need to follow an extremely strict diet. Just a few changes every day is going to improve your health little by little. You do not need to quit everything cold turkey overnight. Your meal plan can be whatever you choose for it to be. It's about removing the bad foods and adding in healthier foods. These tips should be enough to get you on the right path.


Added Benefits For The Spine When Losing Weight To Relieve Pain

Dec 21, 2018

If you live for long periods without exercise, you will probably experience some form of back pain. Lower back pain especially, develops when a person loses degrees of muscle integrity, plus has noticeable gains in body fat. The spine, and the entire posterior body chain, is responsible for helping the body to stand upright in a proper position. If a person gains weight, the added poundage can contribute to the spine being stressed abnormally. Most often, people who have weight issues will experience pain in their lower back muscles.

Why Does Lower Back Pain Happen After Weight Gain?

Most people gain fat pounds around their midsections first. Large groups of stabilizing muscles are able to properly support the action of the spine. When a person gains large amounts of weight in areas like the lower back, the waistline, and the abdomen, the spine is placed in a precarious position. Fat weight not only creates an added burden for the spine, but it can slowly reshape the body. This weight tugs and pulls the skeletal design in ways that it was never meant to endure.

The most common lower back pains arise because weight gain tugs at spinal alignment. Massive abdominal weight gains will cause the pelvis to literally tilt forward. This causes the spine to bend in unnatural ways. Since the spine controls the majority of nerves that influence the body, weight gain will logically interfere with this arrangement. A frontal pelvic tilt will cause nervous and muscular problems.

The most prevalent result of pelvic tilting is the occurrence of muscle spasms within the frame of the pelvis. Spasms can easily happen to the psoas and lower abdominal muscles. When these muscles are put under undue stress because of weight gain, they will shrink, and eventually pull the back out of alignment. People who experience these muscle abnormalities will have problems like horrendous pains during reaching, lifting, bending, and walking motions. Excess frontal body weight causes the spine to tilt. This results in muscle shrinkage accompanied by nervous responses that signal pain with normal movements. Having large amounts of excess weight will result in confused nerve signals originating in the spine.

Understanding Weight-Related Spinal Problems

For most people with spine problems, pain intensity is directly related to body weight percentage gains. As the body endures more weight gain, it will transfer the stress to the body’s support system. The strongest support system is also the most susceptible to pain factors. The spine houses almost every nerve bundle that controls pain in the body. While it can handle extraordinary changes, it will also produce pain in the body if it encounters certain obstacles. The main obstacle that creates pain is excess weight.

When body fat creates a heavy load on a portion of a person’s frame, the result is a misalignment of key elements in the spine. These problems with alignment produce conditions like disk bulging, and nerve interference. Interference results in muscular pain throughout the body. Pain restricts certain movements, causes stress, and eventually leads a person to seek medical advice. Inevitably, a pain specialist will recommend losing weight to start addressing any pain problem.

Are Spinal Problems From Excess Weight Permanent?

Absolutely not! Every individual body is genetically designed to perform well under certain conditions. Certain life factors lead to weight gain that interferes with this normal arrangement. It is entirely possible for a person to learn to regulate the amount of fat weight stored on their frame. This could require consulting with a nutrition and fitness specialist. Reversing the effects of weight on the spine can require hard work and dedication, but it is worth it for the benefit the pain relief.

If you are having flexibility, movement, and strength problems, you should immediately look to your lifestyle and fitness history for answers. Years of weight gain can radically affect the way your spine supports your body. This gain will also affect the way support muscles behave. When your spine, nerves, and muscles become too stressed, they will create body pain. The answer is to address weight gain on the whole. Losing several pounds of unwanted weight could result in a complete reversal of chronic pain problems. This will help you feel more vital, and will certainly relieve stress on your spine caused from years of undue pressure.


Technical Terms You Need To Know For Weight Loss Surgery

Dec 21, 2018

So you've made the decision to undergo weight loss surgery---good for you! Before you enter the hospital for that life-changing day, you'll need to have quite a few conversations with doctors and other caregivers to ensure that you understand what the process will entail, what recovery will be like, and what to expect in the months following surgery.

Most of us don't go around using medical terminology to describe our days, and we definitely aren't well versed in what technical terms are used to describe medical processes; we will need to be informed about what these terms mean in order to understand what we are about to go through. Let's take a look at some of that language and how it will impact us as we embark on this road to health and wellness:

Bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is surgery that is performed to lose weight. This type of surgery is recommended for people who have tried conventional methods of weight loss and have been unsuccessful. People with certain conditions such as diabetes, heart issues, and circulatory issues are discouraged from having bariatric surgery, as the potential risks could outweigh the benefits of surgery.


BMI, or Body Mass Index, is the method of assessing a person's body fat content based on height and weight measures. It is a relatively simple way of calculating a person's risk of obesity, and you'll need to know this magic number as you head into surgery, as those with a higher BMI are more prone to experiencing complications with surgery. Have your doctor discuss your BMI with you and the associated risks that occur with a rising percentage.

Gastric bypass

Gastric bypass surgery is a procedure where your surgeon "bypasses" your stomach, creating a small pouch and attaching it to your small intestine with the intention for it to function as a stomach. The size of this pouch is much smaller than your regular stomach, and it will hold less. Over time, as you eat less, you will lose weight as a natural consequence of ingesting fewer calories.

Gastric sleeve surgery

The gastric sleeve procedure reduces the overall size of your natural stomach, making you feel full with less food. Gastric sleeve surgery is less risky than a bypass, due to the fact that no other organs are manipulated, and it is more successful for those undergoing the procedure due to the fact that the sleeve will not change in size over time. It is not uncommon for participants to lose 65 percent of their total body weight within the first two years after surgery; this makes it a very attractive option for those who have tried to lose weight and failed many times.

Gastric balloon surgery

The gastric balloon is the least invasive weight loss procedure, as it only requires an endoscopic placement of a balloon inserted into the stomach. The balloon is then inflated, reducing the size of the stomach. A gastric balloon typically lasts only six months, however, and a second procedure is performed to remove the balloon and place a new one.

Postoperative management

For your recovery, it will be necessary to discuss postoperative care and nutritional management with your care team. Eating the wrong types of foods can cause stomach upset, nausea, and even vomiting and, over time, can cause malnutrition that can contribute to the development of other types of diseases. Following the recommendations of your doctor will be instrumental in ensuring that your recovery is successful for years to come.

As part of proactive population health management, new guidelines on nutrition, exercise, and wellness point to the importance of creating total health. Practicing healthy habits at home and beginning a weight loss journey with the intention to succeed with some degree of permanence will be beneficial to society as a whole as we lower healthcare costs and the need for corrective measures and even medication. No matter what your current state of health, you deserve to look and feel your best. If bariatric surgery is an option for you, make sure you know and understand what your doctor is telling you about making this significant life choice. Best of luck to you on your weight loss journey!


How the Microorganisms in Your Gut Affect Your Waistline

Dec 18, 2018


In the past, many people regarded weight loss as a matter of discipline or willpower. Today, though, new scientific discoveries indicate that the issue may not be so simple. In particular, researchers are finding that the bacteria in your gut play a major role in controlling your weight and appetite.

A Brief Introduction to Your Microbiome

Your body consists of a lot more than just you. It's also made up of trillions of bacteria that reside in your intestines, on your skin, and in your mouth. These bacteria live on the food you consume, but they aren't just freeloaders. They also help you stay healthy by breaking down food in your digestive tract, signaling for your body to release the proper amount of hormones, and even regulating your mood.

You have about three pounds of bacteria living in your gut right now. Collectively, these gut bacteria are called your microbiome. Every person has their own unique microbiome made up of different types of bacteria, and scientists believe these individual differences could hold the key to understanding why some people become obese and others stay slim. If your microbiome contains a wide variety of beneficial bacteria, chances are good that you won't struggle with your weight much. But people with less diverse gut bacteria may be at increased risk for becoming overweight or obese.

Why Does Your Microbiome Affect Your Weight?

Research on the human microbiome is in its infancy. There are so many types of bacteria in the human gut that scientists are still working on understanding which of them affect a person's weight and why. However, new studies have shed some light on the issue, and the findings could have a major impact on the current obesity crisis.

In a nutshell, a healthy microbiome tends to decrease the inflammation in your body. A microbiome that's out of balance, on the other hand, does the opposite. The unfriendly bacteria in your body produce harmful substances known as endotoxins that inflame your gut and interfere with your body's ability to function correctly. This inflammation, in turn, affects the way your body is able to process food, making you more likely to store excess fat instead of maintaining your weight. Metabolic syndrome is a common result of ongoing, low-grade inflammation in the body.

In addition to the issue of inflammation, certain strains of bacteria can have a beneficial or negative impact on your body's ability to process food and maintain a healthy weight. Helicobacter pylori is one such strain. This type of bacterium is infamous for causing stomach ulcers, but in small quantities, it's been shown to reduce ghrelin, the "hunger hormone," and regulate appetite.

Simple Tips for Cultivating a Healthy Microbiome

Your microbiome isn't set in stone. While some aspects of your microbiome are likely genetic, there's a lot you can do to cultivate a healthier balance of gut bacteria and lose those pesky pounds naturally. Here's how to keep your gut bacteria happy, healthy, and flourishing.

Eat a high-fiber diet. Fiber feeds the friendly bacteria in your gut. Try to include vegetables, fruits, whole grains, or legumes in every meal you eat.

Avoid processed carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Inflammatory fats like vegetable oil can be hard on your microbiome. Sugary foods and processed carbs like white bread feed the harmful bacteria in your digestive tract, which leads to the production of endotoxins. Opt for minimally-processed foods and monounsaturated fats for optimal gut health.

Supplement your diet. Take a probiotic supplement or eat fermented foods to introduce healthy new strains of bacteria into your gut. You may also want to take a cellular nutrition supplement to reduce inflammation and toxins in your body's cells.

The Takeaway

The human microbiome is so important that the gut has been described as "the second brain." The delicate balance of bacteria living in your digestive tract can make a big difference to many aspects of your health, including your weight. Taking care of your microbiome won't just help you reduce inflammation and avoid illness -- it'll help you maintain a comfortable and healthy weight, too.


3 Aquatic Exercises to support Weight-loss Surgery

Dec 12, 2018

Are you contemplating -or recently undergone- a weight loss surgery? Excited about your new body-to-come, or anxious about your recovery, the need to exercise to acquire your dream physique, as well as to speed up your body's healing process after a major medical intervention?

Why Exercise in Water After a Weight Loss Surgery

To utilize the advantages of your weight loss surgery, exercise will have to become an important part of your life. However, during and shortly after your recovery period, not just any activity will do.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, many bariatric surgery patients have lived an inactive lifestyle before, which means that until significant fat loss and consequently, joint and cardiovascular relief has occurred, low impact activities, such as swimming and aquatic exercises are your best bet: they are gentle on the body, posing very low risk of injuries, and quick to burn calories while toning your physique.

Sounds convincing? Before you start looking for custom pools Jackson MS has to offer, keep in mind the advice of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery and ensure that your surgical site has closed before getting in the pool again: typically, you are safe to engage in aquatic fitness two weeks after your surgery.

Are you ready to find out the 3 best water exercises that offer the most benefit in weight loss and core strength? Read on to find out below!

3 Wonderful Water Exercises After Your Weight Loss Surgery

As the CDC explains, water exercises tone your body, speed up your metabolism, calm your nerves, and protect your body from motion-related injuries, all of which that are beneficial after a major surgery. And just what are the best aquatic workout routines in your situation? Take a look at these three simple yet effective and fun ways to utilize your time in the pool - all that you'll need is a water noodle or a ball!

Planks in the Pool

Strengthen your core muscles and tone your abdomen with this gentle cousin of the planks you may already know from your home or gym exercise routine.

Hold the noodle in both of your hands and firmly press it down beneath the surface of the water. With your arms straight, lean forward until your body is in an inclined position - kind of like a push-up. Hold your body straight for a minute or two.

Water Bike

Much like a regular bicycle, this exercise also strengthens your core and improves your balance.

Pretend your pool noodle is a bicycle and straddle it by placing it between your legs. Now pedal with your legs while balancing with your arms stretched on the surface of the water. It's ok if you don't get very far - your muscles are still getting toned, as a result.

Beach Ball Run

A combination of cardio and core strength training, this will tighten your tummy while helping burning fat all over your body.

With a beach ball in your hands with straightened arms, press the ball down below the surface of the water, in front of your abdomen. Try to run across the pool as fast as you can, feeling the resistance created by the ball in the water. For this particular aquatic exercise your arm muscles will be grateful too!



6 Ways to Finance Weight Loss Surgery

Dec 11, 2018

Over one-third of adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Weight loss surgery can save your life if you suffer from obesity. Since it's an expensive procedure, not all health insurance plans cover it. If you're considering going under the knife, here are some ways you can pay for bariatric surgery.

Medical Loans

One of the most common ways to pay for weight loss surgery is with a medical loan, according to the Bariatric Surgery Source. A medical loan is a type of loan that you borrow with collateral. Depending on the type and value of your collateral, you can borrow as much as the cost of your procedure.

You may qualify for low-interest rates and you have up to 10 years to repay the loan. Most banks and credit unions offer medical loans. Before you apply for the loan, make sure you can afford it. If you can't afford your payments, the lender will seize your home or vehicle.

Payment Plans

Most hospitals offer payment plans. If you need help to pay for your surgery, you should consider a payment plan. Most hospitals allow you to spread out the payments over the course of several months or years. These payment plans have lower interest rates than medical loans and personal loans. Contact your hospital's billing department to see if you qualify for a payment plan.

401(k) Loan

Your 401(k) can help pay for emergency situations, such as weight loss surgery. Taking out a loan from your retirement plan can help you save money on your surgery. You're borrowing money from yourself rather than a bank or credit union. Choose your desired amount and make monthly payments with interest. You may have to pay maintenance and set-up fees for borrowing money from your account.

A 401(k) will allow you to borrow up to $50,000 or 50% of your accumulated balance. While this is a convenient option, it could cost you more money over time. In the event you quit your job or get laid off, you will have to repay your loan by the federal tax due date. Otherwise, the chargeback process will require you to pay taxes or penalty fees based on the amount you borrowed.

Personal Loans

The next best option would be to take out a personal loan instead. Unlike 401(k) loans and medical loans, you won't have to risk losing anything. Some personal loans have lower interest rates, but that's not always the case. Depending on your credit score and income, you can borrow up to $100,000.

You typically have seven years to pay it off. If you qualify, it's a great way to pay for your weight loss surgery. Keep in mind that you must have a good credit history to qualify for a personal loan.


CareCredit is a credit card that's used only for health expenses. You don't have to pay interest as long as you pay the balance in full during the time period. If you don't pay it off within that time period, CareCredit will add on interest. Repayment plans are as long as 24 months. You can opt for a repayment plan of 60 months but you will incur interest rates.

Health Savings Account

If you have a health insurance with a deductible, you can qualify for a health savings account (HSA). This is like personal savings account that you can use for medical expenses, such as weight loss surgery. You can use up to $3,500 per year if you're single, according to Student Loan Hero.

Your HSA savings will just roll into the next year if you don't use them. It's a convenient to pay for your surgery.

Undergoing weight loss surgery is a big decision. It's one of the biggest decisions you'll ever make in your life. If you're wondering how to pay for surgery without health insurance, keep these options in mind.


How to Keep Your Skin Healthy During Weight Loss

Dec 10, 2018

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy During Weight Loss

There are a lot of reasons as to why you want to lose weight. Whether it is trying to provide yourself with the best future or you want to tone your body, it is a worthwhile goal. There are a lot of things to consider when you are losing weight. You change your diet, clothes, and exercise routine but you probably do not think a lot about your skin.

Your skin is a big part of your body, it is a protective covering that works really hard. Weight loss can impact your skin and how it acts. Many people who lose weight find that they have problems with their skin after they have lost a lot of weight. To stop some of these symptoms from happening after you lose weight, you can do things while you lose weight to stop these symptoms from happening.  

Here are five skin-related items you should look at when you are losing weight:


Your skin needs water. Your body and internal organs need water. You should take drinking water seriously. There are so many benefits to drinking water and many of them are related to weight loss. Drinking water will help keep your skin hydrated and prevent it from getting tight and becoming dry. This can help with preventing chafing and other rashes that can happen from exercising. You will also find that you will not need to put on so much lotion or chapstick if you are making a conscious effort to stay hydrated.


Skin Removal

If you are losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time you have probably heard of skin removal surgery. This can be expensive but is sometimes necessary. Skin removal can be avoided if you lose weight at a healthy rate. Usually one pound per week is the recommended weight and time that is healthy.

When you are seriously considering skin removal do your research before you decide on a doctor or office. Make sure you feel comfortable with them and that you trust them. If they answer all of your concerns and questions this is a good sign that they care about you as a patient.  


Skin disease comes in different forms and a variety of symptoms. If you are prone to having eczema you have the chance of developing cellulitis. This happens when bacteria enters the inner layers of your skin. Complete cellulitis healing stages and is very treatable. Your body is going through a lot of changes with losing weight and if you are not careful your skin could fall prey to different skin diseases.

If you do develop a skin disease you should go visit your doctor or dermatologist. They can prescribe different treatments and creams that will heal your skin and take away the annoying and painful symptoms.

Skin Routine

If you do not already have a skin routine or regime, you may want to seriously consider getting one. By exercising you will start to sweat a lot more than you used to. This is totally natural and is a good thing for your body because it keeps your body from overheating. But excess sweat can build up and cause breakouts and other forms of acne.

Start washing your face on a regular basis and implementing a regular washing routine. After your workout is ideal but it can be done before you go to bed or even when you wake up.


Yes your skin is also impacted by how much and what you eat. You may have heard of the fad diet where people ate a lot of carrots. They ate so many that it turned their skin orange.

What you eat plays a big role with your skin. If you are experiencing a lot of acne or really oily skin it may be because you are eating oily food. Eating the right amount of food while eating the right food is a great way for your skin to start glowing.  

